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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. Yes, it works : ) That huge monitor coupled to their tiptop focus assist is so efficient, I doubt you'll want to touch the screen to acquire focus... ; -)
  2. Brilliant. longer version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0ELuyJ12D4
  3. Please post here -- there is a open thread for that: https://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/28146-blackmagic-pocket-4k-media-power-thread-the-best-alternatives/
  4. Indeed. CinemaDNG lossless would surely be too : ) Nothing against softness approach to create cinematic pictures. We can apply it or not with the tools we have, not else though. Without mention the introduction of artifacts such as moiré and aliasing. Take a look in those tests from the 2nd link there, no doubts on. It is what it is.
  5. You should include CinemaDNG as well. Yet more crystal clear:
  6. In a word: WOW I am pleased and proud on your behalf. @Andrew Reid surely too. This forum has made history. Where are you Mr. Petty? @CaptainHook @John Brawley
  7. Please let us know your finds : -)
  8. Lightweight helps. Touchscreen AF works as silk even though depends a bit on the lens firmware you pick. They don't behave all the same. The newer the better. https://www.thephoblographer.com/2018/03/07/lens-review-7artisans-50mm-f1-1-leica-m-mount-and-used-on-sony-fe/ http://www.stevehuffphoto.com/2018/05/02/the-china-summi-cron-7-artisans-35mm-f-2-for-under-400-review-by-casey-cavanaugh/ What deal have you ordered?
  9. It rather depends on your shooting style. I've found a 250-300 grams lens a good match for P4K handheld comfort when 550-600 grams weight seems a bit some other camera ballpark range when coupled to the 722 gr. native camera : ) Manual lenses work pretty accurate with that big monitor and effective focus assist bonus and 7artisans lenses the best bargain you can find on the light side to match the heavier cine-style Rokinon offer.
  10. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/williamgraham/the-gimbalguntm-a-run-and-gun-gimbal-support-tool?utm_source=kickbooster-direct&utm_medium=kickbooster&utm_content=link&utm_campaign=51647dcb
  11. The things we know... LOL ; ) Keep you all safe : ) The world became crazy all in a sudden in the last couple of decades : (
  12. From Serbo-Croatian: "People are often trapped in their own feelings." ~ Tamara Stamenković
  13. If we shoot CinemaDNG lossless, how many minutes length we can expect as average going with VBR HQ for archive @ post? If we shoot lossy 4:1 CinemaDNG, would there be any chance to still save space in disk without losing 4K DCP output in mind? If so, what slimraw route?
  14. What maximum compression ratio would you recommend in order to a 4K DCP with no need of VFX?
  15. Q5 is the new Jack-of-all-Crafts tool, a true Swiss Army knife indeed. In any way whatsoever, cDNG would benefit this capture device as a more powerful amphibian vehicle I'd much really love to not lose it : -)
  16. Right. That's also where I believe cDNG coupled to slimraw will shine over braw at my first bet. Correct. Reason why we can have less where there's more, not vice versa. People always call for '1080p enough' mantra without clue what they're asking for ; ) That's the whole point : ) P4K doesn't shoot lossy cDNG (nor lossless) anymore in any way other than as going back to 6.1 firmware version. In such case, is slimraw able to match braw file sizes as well the same amount of minutes length as for instance for 4K DCI 24fps 5:1 compression around the 110-120 minutes range per 500GB? Quality-wise, enough for movie theater screening with intense color correction / grading work even though without VFX needs?
  17. Pity they haven't left cDNG all way long too. Nothing beats such old recording modes, especially lossless but also cDNG 3:1 or 4:1 included.
  18. Do that RED cap or that sound capture + score (about minute 3:45 provided by Martin on Philip's video) make any sense?
  19. No worries, he will be back one of these days. It is mere show business and show off at same time. Rather than a circus for real, he has invented this one, he won't retire himself very likely ; -) Nothing against that. Just don't appreciate to create expectations and deceive people. When we say we do anything, we're going until the end of the world to make it or better to keep silent : -)
  20. Yeah, light glass makes more picture shots in the end of a whole day, that's for sure, no matter the size of your muscles ; -)
  21. I understand your disappointment. All that marketing seemed to me a joke all way round. There's the need to be rather serious when someone's else put their own money on it. Respect applies. We can't kid with sensitive stuff, especially when there's money involved. And reputation. A whole industry's. If not major players, small ones like myself and my own ventures. As much as you and your great product : ) We don't deserve this, neither the hours spent with our hard work : -)
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