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  2. Makes it very easy to fit in with established workflows using ARRI cameras. (if that's not your world, then it's much less of a big deal this particular announcement)
  3. I think s5 2x is an old sensor, the reading is not as fast as gh7 sensor. arri c log make it easy to color match Alexa to this gh7.
  4. Of course not, though if working with minimal time and delivering in 4k, 6k or 8k can be nice for framing a bit wide and then pulling multiple angles out in the edit. I hear it can also be nice for pulling a key, though I very rarely need to do that. I also watched a BTS video of some National Geographic stuff the other day. Their videographer was using some form of DSMC2 with a Canon 50-1000. I'd be surprised if it weren't an 8k model. Reframing from 8k seems like a great option there too. Regardless, the industry has been pretty lethargic to care about 8k or 12k. To this date, vendors are announcing 6k cameras and people are happy for them. How were sales of the OG UMP12K? Judging by how many I've ever seen in use or credited for being used in something, I'm going to guess "extremely poor." There were too many other drawbacks for most people to be excited for it. Does more DR make the image better? No. But in uncontrolled lighting, it can make a noticeable difference in what's captured. As always, a mediocre camera with an expert operator is going to be better than the world's best camera with a clueless operator. If you're on the sort of big production with the support system to make the DP look good enough to win the oscar, there's a good chance you're shooting on Arri. You also probably have an entire support crew dedicated to stuff like laying down dolly tracks and a couple of dozen people whose only job is setting up the lights in a place where you say. Once the budget is that big, the price of Arri purchase or rental seems insignificant.
  5. Naive questions 1. what’s the benefit of this over s52 or g9ii ? 2. how does arri c log make this better?
  6. Ohhhhh.... it will be available for the GH6 too!!! In addition, ARRI LogC3 recording can also be used on the LUMIX GH6 in the same way as the LUMIX GH7 by using the Software Upgrade Key DMW-SFU3A, with the exemption of the REAL TIME LUT function which is not available on this model. https://www.newsshooter.com/2024/06/05/panasonic-lumix-gh7-internal-prores-raw-recording-32-bit-float-audio-recording-arri-logc3/
  7. Today
  8. Official certification by ARRI is surprising indeed! If anything can cause an explosion in seeing Panasonic mirrorless on film sets I work on, it would be THIS! Would instantly make the GH7 the #1 choice for crash cam / B Cam / etc, anything that needs very awkward mounting, such as mounting a camera for a shower scene or riding a motorbike or a snorricam.
  9. super 16 mm / 1 inch dci 4k prores raw hq 60 p. this is really something. finally, a 4k raw s16 cam is available to the general public. I am itching to pull the trigger now. either gh7 or om 1 mark ii. probably gh7 first, then wait for om1 mk iii.
  10. The new DR Boost sounds like a better implementation. Hopefully, they fixed the chroma noise that plagued the GH6's DR Boost mode. I preferred the GH6 over the S5iiX, but the chroma noise was a deal breaker for me. I have to deal with it on my 5D3/ML Raw, no reason to mess with it on a modern camera if the shadows in bright daylight are riddled with it.
  11. 100%! Maybe, maybe not. The C400 might have the same problem the C300mk2 too had, it came out too late in the upgrade life cycle , and it lost out to the earlier released Sony FS7 And a lot of Canon fanboys might have already got a C70 (or C300mk3). Definitely! A full priced C70 is tough to justify if you can afford a little bit more for a C400 (and don't mind the little extra size), so it made sense to make the price gap between the C70 and C400 a little big. That's my feeling too, when I think about the past shoots I've worked on over the last couple of years, even if you combine all of the C70 + C300mk2 + C500mk2 into one category, it still wouldn't out number the number of FX6 shoots I've been on. For sure there are, but compared to the hordes of people using FX6 & FS7?? Much less.
  12. ? No, but DR can help. I don't understand any connection with the resolution mantra, though. Resolution is anything useful we want, just not this. It's like comparing engine displacement with horsepower. Immediate equivalence sounds pure nonsense.
  13. Does it justify a $2K higher price than their main competition? But hmmm... this is very cool: "Full Frame, Super35 & Super16 Modes" Biggest feature missing from the FX6 that I wish it had!
  14. ntblowz

    Lumix S9

    M43 with 10-25/25-50 and FF L with 28-45 and 35-150?
  15. is 15-stop dr easier to win a Oscar than 11-stop dr?
  16. Better than nothing but this camera deserves more than a token gesture on the back a la C100 from however many years ago. Maybe the new Black Magic evf will work with it But at the price they're asking this camera really should have a decent quality evf included that you can place where you need it
  17. Yesterday
  18. GH7 definitely look like the best M43 ever I m tempted to dump the Sony and back to Pana again.
  19. Now the challenge of deciding between them....
  20. Apparently it can use the EVF-50, same as the C300 III and C500. Bummer is that the placement doesn't seem flexible (at least in the video I saw, it looked like it hard mounted to the back of the camera, centered on top). https://www.usa.canon.com/shop/p/evf-v50?color=Black&type=New
  21. Oh boy, these Gerald studio colors, please make them undone! A pink ode to the purpleblind gear geeks. What was all that fuzz about! He holds a GH7 in his hands for complaining about missing out on dining with the gear gang in Osaka. I'm so grateful to myself I did not bother to watch his lamento. GH7 with Arri Log C, looking forward to its implementation. Would love Panasonic to send Andrew a camera to test, so I don't have to watch videos shot in a pink lit studio of a purple nightmare.
  22. Other underwater housing brand https://www.easydive.it/en/search?coll_id=1356&fotocamera_id=1356
  23. No 240fps 4k. Kasey will be disappointed.
  24. DP Journey shot an official promo video for it, says he'll publish a review later:
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