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Everything posted by 92F

  1. 92F

    Panasonic GH6

    An uncompromising test which shows that a VND (as said above) is never neutral ... but remains much more easy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzF6hroocH8 It's a compromise, find yours
  2. The objective to make clicks.... and it does it works well....even here 😊
  3. 92F

    Panasonic GH6

    GH6 and S5 " Comme vous pouvez le voir dans la vidéo, le S5 et le GH6 se marient à la perfection ! La nouvelle color science du GH6 est presque quasi-identique à celle du S5. D'ailleurs, je vous met au défi de me trouver les plans filmés en micro 4/3 et les autres filmés en 24x36. Nous avons aussi été bluffé par la stabilisation du boitier assez incroyable. Tous les plans du GH6 ont été tournés en run & gun ! " Google Translate " As you can see in the video, the S5 and the GH6 go together perfectly! The new color science of the GH6 is almost identical to that of the S5. Besides, I challenge you to find me the shots filmed in micro 4/3 and the others filmed in 24x36. We were also amazed by the quite incredible stabilization of the case. All the plans for the GH6 were shot in run & gun! " Google Translate
  4. 92F

    Panasonic GH6

    GH6 review and test
  5. 92F

    Panasonic GH6

    Ideally, the market should not adapt by offering an ND filter for the GH6 which starts higher ?
  6. 92F

    Panasonic GH6

    Yes it's not a good thing to put several ND
  7. 92F

    Panasonic GH6

    It's your opinion... but it's obvious that he is very close to him with his internal Prores and his bad AF... So the target is more documentary and fiction and is less reportage. Who is going to film reportage in ProRes !?! When you put an external battery, an external SSD you will understand the comparison... Sell your P4K and try a GH6 ?
  8. 92F

    Panasonic GH6

    The comparison with the GH5 is a bit dishonest because it is not all intra 400 Mbps while the GH6 is ProRes 800 Mbps... isn't it!?! 😊
  9. 92F

    Panasonic GH6

    Ok merci.... il faudra utiliser un adaptateur de batterie... c'est moins marrant😒 For the GH6 it does not exist or not yet ?
  10. 92F

    Panasonic GH6

    No battery grip...!? This is the first time...thanks Panasonic great 😏 USBC for 800 Mbps and more but how long time?!? I think that the GH6 will be not a substitute for the P4K yes (it will take some market share )... but he have the same issues ...no ? Ok ...Carte CFexpress AV PRO MK2 4To.... 2000 € 😭
  11. You sure.....https://www.repaire.net/forums/articles/sony-alpha-7s-iii-dual-iso-pas-vraiment.1081/
  12. I think Fuji uses a Sony sensor, so it uses the same technology as that of the Aptina patent acquired by Sony. It's a dual gain as explained here : . https://www.photonstophotos.net/Aptina/DR-Pix_WhitePaper.pdf
  13. Yes ...In the case of a native dual ISO (Panasonic), the dynamics offered via each of the two native ISO concerned, is exactly the same ( "X" stops above the medium gray, "Y" stops below) I d'ont know ...
  14. Hello no dual ISO for the A7SIII ... a lot of wrong interpretation. Sony A7SIII is Dual ISO ? ... No surely ! https://www.photonstophotos.net/GeneralTopics/Sensors_&_Raw/Sony_A7S_DR-Pix_Read_Noise.htm
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