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    SteveV4D got a reaction from gethin in Canon 9th July "Reimagine" event for EOS R5 and R6 unveiling   
    Actually I find it easy on the eye and reads better when browsing it on my phone, when compared to the old font.  Everyone's a critic these days.
  2. Like
    SteveV4D got a reaction from noone in The New Panasonic G100 “vlogging” Camera to launch June 24th   
    I think you answered that when you spoke of marketing.  If you're gonna advertise something as a vlogger camera, don't mess with the video features.  A company that has yet to master decent AF probably has no business doing a vlogging camera in the first place.  Surely the most needed of features for vloggers.  And whilst 4K isn't a Full requirement for vlogging, crippling it makes little sense.  IBIS, a very useful feature for vlogging, not here.  Even though a camera like the GX85 has it.  Yet it does have vlog, even though its effectiveness as a profile is diminished by the 8 bit codec.  It's this inconsistent approach to features for video that naturally annoys video users here, especially given Panasonic's track record for video.
    Taken as a Photo camera on its own, I'm sure it is a worthy addition for some users, though not for others, even those looking for a camera in this price bracket.  The lack of water resistance to the camera for example is a shame.  It could have been more and still held the same price in my opinion.  
  3. Like
    SteveV4D reacted to IronFilm in Olympus sells Imaging Business   
    DPAF simply can not feel the emotion of a scene to tell the story like a 1st AC can. 
    A 1st AC has far more fine detail over control of the focus so he can express what the DoP/Director wants. 

    I can not recall the last time I was on a shoot that used AF.
    Guess sometime last year, perhaps?? Think there was a small corporate shoot I recall the cameraman using AF.
    Yes, there are people that use AF a lot, but you can't deny there is a huge amount of work being done that never even thinks to use AF. As not even Canon DPAF is optimal. 


    "Upstream Color" was referenced to illustrate how MFT can do ridiculous levels of shallow DoF. 

    There is no level of DoF in Jaws that MFT couldn't do if you so wished. 
    He could even be an Egyptian dentistry student. 

    Or his grandfather?
    Thank you. I'm not hiding anything, I'm easy to find/stalk!


    Thank you :-) Although I am indeed "that audio guy"! haha
    But also, I think I'm a bit more than "just an audio guy", am probably the most camera nerdy soundie there is. 

    And just to be clear, I carry no ill will or animosity towards you! (or anybody else on this forum)
    Hopefully you can see I'm just very robustly debating the topic/facts/opinions, and not attacking (or at least, I hope not!) the person themselves. 

    liftgammagain is like jwsoundgroup, in that the vast vast majority of the active users there are full time professionals with years and years of experience behind them. (except, one is colorists, and the other is production sound mixers)

    Reckon that is why they have the tone each do in their forums. 
    Not sure I'd agree with that, I'd say for your average joe run of the mill working crew member on a film set who is making a good living, then having excellent social skills ranks quite highly. And you should aspire to being as friendly/agreeable/sociable as possible, and not an anti social intolerable asshole. Because networking is key in this industry.
  4. Haha
    SteveV4D got a reaction from IronFilm in Olympus sells Imaging Business   
    What next for this thread...  We've gone from Olympus selling its camera division to the fate of MFT, to the worth of the GH5, to the use of personal details for internet forums.  Its a real roller coaster this place. 😄
  5. Like
    SteveV4D reacted to Andrew Reid in Olympus sells Imaging Business   
    Logged on and what do I see
    Yes another topic waylaid by Super8 causing arguments
    If you keep it up, I will have to do what's best for the forum as an informative tool for filmmakers. And you know what that means.
  6. Like
    SteveV4D got a reaction from noone in Olympus sells Imaging Business   
    Wow, over reaction or what... 😄
    My point was on Facebook, you don't often see a resume.  And if they don't post links either, not even their work.
    There are people on Facebook who do share their work.  I don't doubt their credentials or experience.  Its there to see.  So yes, I do trust a guy on Facebook with a resume and links, if they're available. I've seen plenty of work I admire, and that I have learned from.  I've been a part of several forums and some users I have respected and admired despite never meeting face to face.
    And on the subject of face to face.  I'm reminded of an incident years ago, when interviewing a friend of a friend for the position as 2nd cameraman to some work I was doing.  I befriended him on Facebook and arranged to meet him.  It was a good interview, he spoke at length of his experience, which was very impressive.  He seemed a little cocky in his talk, but I had no reason to doubt his word.  However, as I was nervous, employing someone for the first time, I did contact a nearby company he worked for, whose work I was aware of.  She told a very different story to this guy.  Of how he walked out of a job after getting into an argument with a Wedding guest.  Plus a few other things that worried me.
    So that was face to face, him being a friend of a friend and having him as a Facebook friend.  Trust is a complicated process, especially with social media. 
    Forums are wonderful tools for learning and sharing, but that doesn't mean I take at word every Tom, Dick or Harry saying this, that and everything.
  7. Haha
    SteveV4D reacted to Super8 in Olympus sells Imaging Business   
    I was joking.
  8. Like
    SteveV4D reacted to Andrew Reid in Fuji H.265 vs Blackmagic Pocket 4K ProRes 422   
    Yes OK.
  9. Like
    SteveV4D got a reaction from Super8 in Olympus sells Imaging Business   
    They don't make movie trailers like these anymore. 🤣🤣🤣
    It depends how much detail they've included in their profile.  Some have.  Others haven't.
  10. Like
    SteveV4D reacted to Emanuel in Olympus sells Imaging Business   
    In fact.
    Both Upstream Color and Jaws stand. What's exactly the point?
    We should all know DOF doesn't exclusively depend on sensor size.
    Add faster glass (MFT format is actually much more affordable, a way lighter and a bunch of versatile options wait for you) and you'll stay in.
  11. Like
    SteveV4D reacted to MrSMW in Olympus sells Imaging Business   
    Well this topic went sideways... I thought it was about Olympus and their imminent demise?
    The problem which exists on a lot of forums etc always seems to come from 'hidden' members who all seem to share the same traits:
    Weird profile name.
    No avatar.
    No profile info.
    No links to any work, website, social media.
    Folks like you, I don't take seriously.
    In fact I don't place any merit on anything you say because you could be a school child in your mothers basement, - there is no way of knowing.
    What is it this type of folks have to hide except perhaps everything?
    So go spit your dummies out by all means but you are only kidding yourselves if you think you have any credibility on-line.
    PS: MrSMW = my actual real world name abbreviated.
  12. Like
    SteveV4D reacted to IronFilm in Olympus sells Imaging Business   
    Focal Reducers exist because want to use non-native glass with MFT cameras, which is part of the beauty of the MFT system! Its wonderful adaptability. 

    You bring up not a negative about the MFT system, but a positive.

    That's like saying to you:
    "You don't own any Olympus gear, or even any MFT cameras, why are you in this thread?"

    I do own Olympus gear, and half a dozen MFT camera bodies! The Panasonic GH1 was the body which I started out my filmmaking career on which I did film school with. 

    Of course why wouldn't I be interested in a thread about the future of MFT??

    I like to think of it as a filmmakers forum. (although, perhaps you're closed to the truth!)

    If you need even more shallow DoF than the extreme used in Upstream Color, then yes, you're obsessed with super shallow DoF! And no wonder you hate upon MFT, just go buy yourself a Fujifilm GFX 100 instead. 
    Indeed, and S16/16mm had been a standard for indie / doco / tv / premium news / music videos / etc for years. Clearly showing that "sensor size" is capable too. 

    The MFT Mount embraces a range of sizes from S16 (BMPCC / BMMCC / E2G), to a little bigger (BMCC MFT), to 4/3", to very nearly S35/APS-C (P4K/GH2/E2/etc) to APS-C/S35 sized (JVC LS300). 
    So? For film sets that's true for *ALL CAMERAS*. (unless you're a small minority who want to surrender to the machine and let Canon's DPAF do its guesswork, or something similar. And no, DPAF is not the same as having a professional 1st AC pulling focus)

    This is why you've got a 1st AC on all but the most micro of micro budget film sets. 
    Last time I checked, 100% of A Cams of the Oscar winners didn't have IBIS. 
    What's your point?

    That the P4K isn't right for you specifically? Of course, that's something only you can know and determine. 
    But for countless other people the P4K is a fantastic camera!
    As I said in my comment which you replied to, that depends entirely on what is meant by "run and gun". 

    This. x1000

    Don't blame the entire camera ecosystem for the failings of a particular couple of cameramen/users. 

    Bingo. (or even the GH1! Which was also ground breaking for its time, the first stills camera doing 1080 24p!)
  13. Like
    SteveV4D reacted to newfoundmass in Olympus sells Imaging Business   
    What does his knowledge of audio have to do with this discussion? Does that make his opinion on cameras mean less or something? You realize his professional experience goes beyond sound, right?
    Most of us have experience in all forms of filmmaking. It's kind of a necessity when you do your own thing or work with a small crew. He's here for the same reason as you and me. 
    Stop being condescending to people. It's unnecessary. 
  14. Like
    SteveV4D reacted to IronFilm in Olympus sells Imaging Business   
    This is getting ridiculous, any very minor difference is of course due to practical realities of manufacturing / testing / measurement. And has nothing to do with the inherent properties of the sensor itself. You're displaying once again your basic lack of knowledge of optical physics, and while I studied that throughout my science degree, you don't need any thing but basic high school level of physics to understand this. 

    It's very simple. Go back and read it again:

    And if that doesn't help, go back to High School:
    Then move on to this:

    I'm deep into early pre-production of a feature film right now, and while an ARRI ALEXA will be the main A Cam (and probably B Cam? Or an URSA Mini Pro) the Panasonic GH5 is also top of our list right now to consider as an additional camera (which due to the nature of this horror film a quite large portion of the final footage would end up coming from the GH5). 
  15. Like
    SteveV4D reacted to IronFilm in Olympus sells Imaging Business   
    The Panasonic can upload your videos without a PC:
    "The LUMIX G100 integrates both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi 2.4GHz (IEEE802.11b/g/n) connectivity for instant sharing. A dedicated upload button makes it quick and easy to transfer videos and photos to your smartphone ready for sharing on your favorite social networks"
  16. Like
    SteveV4D got a reaction from IronFilm in Olympus sells Imaging Business   
    I think the price drop was more giving it the price it deserved.  Its original price was too expensive in my opinion.  I also see it as a response to the ecomical impact of the virus.  As a small company, they probably don't have the diversity and margins of profit to see them through a dry spell.  Their price drop made sense.  If they sell more of their stock, its money coming in at the end of the day.
    The R5 sounds good, but we have yet to see the results.  How good or bad is the RS?  How easy to edit will the RAW files be?  My PC struggles with H264 and even more with H265.  BRAW though is like butter to edit. So smooth and easy to cut through.  When I see that from fullframe internal recording, I'm not going to ignore that.  There's no point buying the R5 if its a bitch to edit the files on my computer.
  17. Like
    SteveV4D got a reaction from IronFilm in Olympus sells Imaging Business   
    I want to move to S35, with one eye on fullframe.  I know many cameras are pushing fullframe, but its not there yet in my opinion.  There's still compromise and manufacturer are all over the place.  Sony still needs work on its colour and to get back in the game and take video seriously again.  Panasonic need to either make good on CDAF or embrace PDAF.  Nikon are just being Nikon... hard to know where they stand.  I'm waiting for the right fullframe camera.  I've not seen it yet.   
    The great thing with MFT was that it wasn't just a sensor size, but also the lens mount.  Lenses bought for the GH cameras could be used on any MFT camera like Olympus and the Pocket 4K.  Fullframe though is a mixed bag of lens mounts.  I struggle with this; it makes jumping into fullframe more difficult, especially as I will have to invest in new lenses should I move to fullframe.  I really have no idea which fullframe lenses to buy and which would give me options for the future and not tie me to any brand of cameras.  I wish there was one defining lens mount for fullframe, then I could buy a lens and feel I could easily use it on any fullframe camera without worrying about adaptors.
  18. Downvote
    SteveV4D reacted to Super8 in Olympus sells Imaging Business   
    If it takes 2-3 post without caps and someone repeats that I said something I didn't I'll use caps.
    I clearly posted about the MFT, the GH5, it's cropped sensor and what I saw across You Tube.  I clearly posted that I've color graded GH5 footage but never shot it.   It really is clear what I've posted about. 
    Color or color issues are obvious for most cameras the GH5 has some. I pointed this out.  The GH5 has a bad codec and is over sharped, I pointed this out. The GH5 does have great specs. YOu can connect the dots or not. 
    I know and have done enough research on the GH5, color graded it's footage to know it's not worth the headache and doesn't match the specs people boost about. 
    The EOS is clearly about helping people, with out hype or fanboyism, select the best camera that works for them.
  19. Like
    SteveV4D got a reaction from IronFilm in The New Panasonic G100 “vlogging” Camera to launch June 24th   
    Of course it matters, and were this a Photography dedicated forum, you may well find more opinions agreeing with you.  However, this camera is being looked at more from a video point of view, as per the forum  Which as Panasonic are noted for their video specs, and have marketed this as a camera for vloggers is quite fair.  
    It remains to see if the G100 succeeds as a Photographic camera.  However as a video tool, its lack of features essential to vlogging makes it an automatic failure from those of us who shoot video and sort of know a 🍋  when we see one.
    I appreciate that you see positives in this camera, but as most of your arguments supporting it apply just about to any MFT camera, its hard to understand what your point actually is as to why you feel this camera will be a success.  Aside that it fits your camera bag a bit better than your other cameras.  Its a shame Panasonic didn't choose to market the camera this way rather than advertise mediocre video specs as useful to vloggers.
  20. Like
    SteveV4D got a reaction from IronFilm in Olympus sells Imaging Business   
    There's that old adage, it's not what you say, its how you say it.  No one likes being spoken down to.  The tone in your posts often conveys you know better than us, which only puts peoples backs up.  Now your recent post I gave a 'like' to is more on the level and a little less confrontational.  Maybe you like it that way, but others don't.  
    For the record, I'm a user of the GH5, GH5s, GH4 and loads of MFT lenses.  I agree the writing is on the wall for MFTs, but I don't think that's a good thing.  Not everyone wants or needs to shoot fullframe.  I've met many who prefer a smaller sensors for various reasons, weight, size and smaller lenses being most quoted, plus their ability to adapt to almost any lens is a bonus.   
    I also feel the GH5 colour isn't as consistent as say my Pocket 4K for example, especially in regard to skin tones.  The GH5s is a bit better.  That said, it takes experience with the camera and knowing the right lenses to use with it to bring the best out of it.  I've always queried some users who work with it a few times and wonder why they're not getting good results.  It needs pandering to, the GH5.  That said, I'm trying to move away from MFT and the Panasonic brand myself.  A GH6 could tempt me back if ever made, but it would need to add features I need and not just add say 8K to it and leave it at that.  
    So yes, I do agree with some of your comments for the record; but they're let down by your attitude.  Really, my best advice, stop treating forums as your personal battleground.  The best people who post here add a touch of humility to their points.  
  21. Like
    SteveV4D reacted to anonim in Olympus sells Imaging Business   
    I have! - look at this one touching beast with wide open Voigt eye  (Especially regarding sensor size issue, problem with lenses with etc... Sometimes Voigtlander 17.5 wide open indeed approve itself as miracle for indie movie making. Such subtle nuances in color rendition even at f0.95 that allows just natural light and still freely play with shadows... Shane Carruth was not at all naive choosing Voigts.)
  22. Like
    SteveV4D reacted to rawshooter in Olympus sells Imaging Business   
    Maybe then you should stop posting on this forum, telling bullshit about stuff you now even admit you don't know.
    And you're in no position of shouting.
  23. Like
    SteveV4D got a reaction from noone in Olympus sells Imaging Business   
    So why do you keep going on about it???
  24. Thanks
    SteveV4D got a reaction from noone in Olympus sells Imaging Business   
    People don't need to be informed of MFT; only you.  I've been shooting MFT since 2012, GH2, GH3, Gh4, GX85, G85, GH5 and Pocket 4K.  I don't need to be lectured on the strengths and weaknesses of either these cameras or MFT in general.  Trust me, I know.  They all have their weaknesses, but used correctly, their strengths too.  Knowing these strengths, doesn't make me a fanboy; just an experienced user who knows how to get the best from my own gear.

    In both cases, with the Pocket 6K issues you recently spoke of, and the GH5, it sounds like you were employing people who didn't really appreciate the weaknesses of the camera before using them on a Professional shoot.  However, many are aware.  I was on Facebook today where stills from an upcoming web drama series was shared by the cameraman asked to use the Pocket 6K for the very first time; he had the good sense, after researching the camera first, to use IR Filters for the shoot.  This was something your guys failed to do, leaving you with blacks looking a tad red.  Its not hard then to see why you would also have potential issues when using the GH5, if you're not familiar with MFT.
    You can't start using a MFT camera and expect it to behave like a S35 or Fullframe.  If you need that look, you should stick to using S35 or fullframe cameras.  Anyone using MFT understands the compromises and is happy to work around them, rather than whine and complain about the limitations.     In the same way, Sony fullframe users had to contend with overheating, Canon users dealing with limited video features or rolling shutter.  Each camera brings its own problems that must be worked around.
    Of course its an issue, no one denies it.  But as you say, there are ways around it.  I use to use voigtlander lenses a lot before I went down the speedbooster route.   However speedboosters are perhaps more about getting extra stops of lowlight.  For me though, it was a chance to use the Sigma 18 to 35 mm lens everyone kept raving about, with the speedbooster helping to widen the 18mm that is designed for S35 rather than MFT.  Before that I used a wide variety of primes from 12mm to 75mm, with low apertures.  I only really went down the speedbooster when I got the Pocket December 2018, so its only a recent thing for me.
    Of course, if MFT was so great, we wouldn't be here debating its one day loss to the Photo and Video industry.  As technology allows us to put the features once reserved for MFT into Fullframe, the need for MFT begins to die.  You say the GH5 has lost is sparkle since its release in 2017, but it was only the latest in a long line of cameras.  You should really instead look back to the day the GH2 was released to see what this line of MFT cameras have given to video users. 

    In a few years time, maybe we shall all be shooting fullframe as the cost and features on them continue to make it practical for all of us.  Unless Panasonic gives us a GH6 soon, I can see many Professional Video MFT users ditching this format, leaving it in the realm of newbies with cameras like the awful G100 .
  25. Like
    SteveV4D got a reaction from newfoundmass in Olympus sells Imaging Business   
    So why do you keep going on about it???
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