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Video Hummus

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Everything posted by Video Hummus

  1. They most likely share a sensor or sensor tech from Canon. I would take any DR numbers from manufactures with a large pinch of salt as they always seem overly optimistic. Maybe technically there is 16 stops but they aren’t “real” perceived stops. Most are just hovering an ass hair width above the noise floor. The C300 Mk3 is probably going to come in around 13 stops like the C500, which is quite good (S1H is 12.7; very impressive showing from Panasonic for its form factor!) It has been said the Komodo is using a Canon sensor, which is probably using a larger variant of the sensor in the C300. It’s also rumored to have PDAF. So now we have a RED Camera with: REDCODE RAW, PDAF Canon sensor. Very attractive combo if RED can keep their price down below $8,000 dollars. I am not optimistic as the price seems to rise with every tease and with every “feature” they add. We’ve all heard it but if Panasonic would have added Phase Detect AF to their S1H it would have been a mega hit for $4,000! All of it in a modern mirrorless form factor with a versatile screen and IBIS and weather sealing. I much prefer S1H size over Canon C100 or the Komodo which needs a butt load of expensive accessories to work. No thanks! No Canon cripples. No RED accessory-money-pit-of-hell. They missed an opportunity there.
  2. I’m going to say the same as the C300 mk3.
  3. That’s only 600Mbps well shy of the stated 1,800Mbps Canon spec sheet says for 24p RAW. 1,800Mbps would be 225 MB/s, which for 20 seconds of video would be closer to 4.5 GB.
  4. They could do something like this for a GH6S style camera with no IBIS. One could argue the GH5S sensor is approaching APSC size. I wonder how many MFT lenses could cover the image circle without any major side effects? Sharpness in the corners would be reduced but we are talking video here so not a big deal.
  5. I’m going to speculate it will be around at least $4,399 and maybe as high as $5,299. Why? Its similar to a 1DX as far as processing. No sports photographer or serious wildlife photospheres, like Andrew said, is going to buy a R5 for that. They know and trust the 1DX platform and will most certainly buy the 1DX3 After launch it will drop to $4,000 and settle into the 5D price. If it delivers on the rumored specs than why wouldn’t Canon want you to pony up for it. The market is shrinking into hardcore camera enthusiasts that know there stuff and are willing to pay for it.
  6. I’m one of them. I only use the 400 All-I if there is a lot of moving water (water fall) or other random motion (trees branches in the wind, etc...) but even then the 150Mbps LongGOP still does amazingly well with motion. The differences are so minor, especially if it’s going to be compressed to YouTube or other web platform with h.264 anyway... All-I is much easier on the machine with editing however...and I do use it for that. I agree. It’s becoming increasingly competitive in the FF market with exciting features like 6K from the S1H and the rumored R5. They need to sell M43 as a whole system: lighter, fast readout, smaller fast aperture lenses, 6K 24/24/30p with limitless recording and 4K120p with sound would be a step up. Pair it with a smaller body But very capable GX10 for a b-cam. Would be quite nice. Maybe some RAW video special sauce (doubtful), some updated varicam color science and full vlog to really kick it over the fences. Would be a compelling second system along side their full frame.
  7. The Panasonic lenses are expensive because they are extremely well built and feature-full. Even the 24-105 F4 is a beast with everything you mentioned and semi-macro ability. Imagine if it had PDAF...it would have sold much, much better.
  8. Video Hummus

    USB 3.2 ?

    From that god awful list I prefer the super speed names....
  9. Good points. AV1 is awesome at lower bitrates, so it’s well suited to web and streaming and live video. I do wonder if there is much of a difference between it and HEVC at higher bitrates used in cameras? It would still carry the benefits of being open source... Hopefully YouTube will adopt it at some point. Would probably save them a lot of money and improve the quality of our videos as seen by the audience.
  10. AV1 has a long, uphill battle before it has a chance to be a dominate codec in the webspace. It has the support of very rich and powerful tech companies, including Apple and Google but it’s hard to win over the companies that make the hardware acceleration hardware seen in set-top-boxes, streaming devices and on the backend streaming service providers. AV1 is extremely computational intensive (and superior than H.265) and had a better chance of pushing HEVC aside (and it’s patents and royalties) than any other open source codec. It would be smart for camera companies to embrace it as it might release them from licensing and royalty agreements for using HEVC.
  11. Panasonic has confirmed a entry level S series full frame camera will be coming. I’m starting to much prefer a semi-stabilized handheld look than a gimbal. So much more character in the shots. If you have IBIS to remove the micro jitters than all you have to worry about is minimizing the swaying and there’s lots of creative ways to do that without buying expensive gimbals.
  12. Panasonic has confirmed a entry level S series full frame camera will be coming.
  13. Interesting concept. I would imagine the execution will be much harder. I suspect it will be much like 360 video ads that use to be on YouTube that allowed the user to use their phone to see around. Nobody liked it.
  14. I hated the A7iii ergos. I was one of the lucky ones to get that camera when it first hit the market and was back ordered for months. I sold it after 3 weeks. My perfect camera would be a Olympus body with a Panasonic menu system and GH level video specs with 10-bit Olympus colors. Especially with PDAF with tracking. If only Olympus would up their video offerings even just a little it would be more compelling for me to switch. I consider the Oly 12-100 f4 one of the best all-around lenses ever made. If someone told me I could only bring one lens and didn’t specify what I would be shooting I would put that lens in my bag. I’ve briefly used a EM1X in store. It felt really solid in the hand. Didn’t feel bulky, really. IBIS was amazing. Really wish it had 4K60 and 10-bit . Maybe a firmware update 🤞 My current camera is the GH5S. I like it. Buttons are placed well for my hands. Dedicate WB button. Spin dial for ISO. Lots of function buttons left side, right, top, and front. I wish the grip was a bit deeper, like the EM1 style. The image can be really good. VFR over 60p is rubbish. Horrible horizontal noise. Really disappointed in it in that respect it. I do miss IBIS, a lot. Probably going to buy EM1.3 when it drops in price a bit more.
  15. It’s closer to 12.7 at best.
  16. Rumor of a EM1X firmware update. Would be nice to see 10-bit video.
  17. Does the jumping happen the same on all lenses? Lenses with built in OIS tend to do jumping with fast panning more than just using sensor stabilization.
  18. Agreed. 10-bit 4K 60p and a 8-bit 1080p with Sony’s latest and best AF and it will sell if it’s cheaper than the R5 for sure. The pixel binned A7RIV isn’t bad. People just want something 10-bit in a A7 body.
  19. 8K is genius marketing sense by Canon. If they deliver usable 8K it will be a coup on the mirrorless industry. Besides the potential for dreadful rolling shutter at 8K there is also the storage problem of saving that video. I wonder what the H.265 10-bit rate will be. If we go by the C300 Mark 3 which you can get 4K at 810Mbps, we can assume to double that for 8K, as canon likes headroom in their bitrate. So around 1.7Gbps. The RAW is likely to be closer to or, more likely, exceed 2Gbps. So you’ll be feeling the storage cost with that $600 512GB CFExpress card.
  20. RED uses off the shelf hardware for their core, no? Xilinx DSP or something.
  21. In a most scenes, without fast panning or water or lots of random-ish motion, modern LongGOP is very very good and offers better compression than ALL-I. I don’t see any difference between 150Mbps longGOP and 400 Mbps ALL-I from my GH5S unless the footage contains waves, lots of splashing water, or leafs blowing in the wind on a tree. HEVC (H.265) based LongGOP is even better and since most modern hardware is now incorporating HEVC acceleration hardware for easy decoding and encoding I see even less of a disadvantage to using it.
  22. Might also have something to do with implementing internal NDs. Much more room in the EF flange than the RF.
  23. If canon puts 8K and 4K120p with DPAF BUT doesn't have 24p it would be the ultimate troll. I wouldn't be mad. 😆
  24. The EOS R is that but I suspect it outsold the S1 and S1R combined two fold simply because it’s a Canon and has DPAF.
  25. If the 4K120p is 3/4 of what the C300M3 does then it will be good enough.
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