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Posts posted by leslie

  1. One last project before the year comes to a close. The original extendable painters pole i bought and modified to fit a crane gimbal is actually too long to fit easily in my vehicle.

    It would need roof racks to make it more useable or chop it down perhaps. I'm loathe to  cut it down. kinda defeats the purpose.  However the expense of a nice set of roof racks has that idea on hold for now. 

    About a week ago i bought another shorter pole for $42, with an adjustable head For $24. Still thats easily 2/3 or more, less than a set of roof racks. 

    Today i found some time to have at it, with drills and other sundry equipment. 

    The only thing i'll add is a bike mount phone holder and two  1/4 thumbscrews to make it quicker to assemble / dissemble.

    The intention is to have it  live in the back of my car and if i see something interesting i can pull it out and be ready to go in a couple of minutes.  I like the colour, it should prove difficult to lose.  I think it extends from about 1.2 to 2.4. Not the longest perhaps, but it should extend my reach and give me another option besides just holding the gimbal at arms reach. I should be able to film some properly cringeworthy footage tomorrow. ok thats about it for now.

    Happy new year everyone




  2. thanks kye, seeing those flowers make me think of a project i been meaning to try with some split screen photography. Because of a short attention span, i keep forgetting to google it. However i have fixed that now. 

    Lens wise and in no particular order,   i liked the voights, the taks, the rmc tokina the hexanon. That cosmicar is a bit of a dark horse isnt it i wouldn't have thought it would do so well.

    For a long time now i have been thinking any well made lens made back then will perform admirably on todays cameras and it seems i'm not wrong. They also do ok against modern lenses as well not that it should be a competition. Some situations they will all exhibit some type of character, however as users, i think its up to us to either enhance or minimize that effect according to ones preferences.

  3. On 12/28/2021 at 4:02 AM, PannySVHS said:

    Hallo dear friends,

    in these rough times we all are happy to enjoy calm and joyful moments of comfort and peace of mind. The silly camera game belongs in that category of escaping the harsh reality once in a while. Even if we don´t own, rent nor use cameras a lot, we still like to fancy and, well, debate them.

    I am myself guilty of owning a Sony PMW F3 and having not used it other than two lazy blinks out of my window.

    It borders on criminal negligence doesn't it, owning good gear and not using it. I know the feeling well. I doubt the bm p4k i have has much more than an hour it.

    I have over time managed to accumulate the gear to rig it out. Heck i have even gone to the trouble of finding a suitable hard case for protection and making it more accommodating to my needs.

    Another aspect is my laptop doesn't like 4k and tends to fall over a lot when running resolve and 4k. I have taken steps to remedy that with a computer build, however i have hit a wall  and cant find the energy to finish the build... perhaps in the new year.

    Yet i lack the incentive to use it. Other gear like the gopro, om-d10 and the iphone get a lot more use. I put it down to anxiety and the sheer convenience of using something.

    The smartphone, i can pull it out of my pocket swipe the screen twice and be either taking a photo or video. Thats pure convenience. For a little more effort i can mount the phone to a crane gimbal in about a minute and not look like someone with Parkinson's desease, again a win.  Its great for me.

    Would i blog with it ? yes i would. Would a cinematographer blog with it perhaps not, but each to their own.

    The p4k on the other hand requires a more involved setup and a different mindset. I have yet to develop that mindset i think.


  4. After using the iphone 13 pro max for a bit, i notice there a fair bit of artificial  intelligence going on in that little box. Ok its not the smallest or lightest smart phone out there, but you know what i mean. I opened the photo viewer today and it seems to of organized itself into categories, thats not something i asked it to do.

    At the moment i have 27 videos 140 ish photos all sorted into various categories everything from flowers to waterfalls to baby photos and there doesn't appear to be any mix ups which is pretty impressive if you ask me. Its also figured out the difference between a dam and a waterfall and separated them as well. I have not renamed any of these files on the phone that might indicate what they are either.  I'm impressed. Maybe iphones have always done this i don't know. This is my first iphone.

    I guess for the money i have spent it should do alot although getting it to make breakfast might be a bit ambitious. I suspect it may be going out onto the www to help sort things out. i'd be less impressed if its jumping online to sort itself out as my data isn't unlimited.

    colours are great, maybe too great, almost too vibrant. I do have hdr turned on so i should probably turn it off to do a comparison. So far pretty happy with the video, i do have one instance of videoing a wheat harvester  while everything from front to middle is ok, the crop in the background is doing some weird stuff. Ill chop it into a smaller segment for you guys to have a look at. 

    i did get a lightning to hdmi cable, it has provision for usb power, need to give that a try and see how it goes as well.

     One minute twenty-five seconds of prores 4k footage comes in at 7.84 gigs. Just so that you know.

    iphone13 files.jpg

  5. 3 minutes ago, noone said:

    More interested in what i can get cheap from the charity shop I work at now as a bit of fun.       A Canon FD 50 1.8 is a surprisingly sharp little lens.     Helios 44-M 6 is a fun little thing too. (along with a Tokina 28 2.8 they all cost me $40 total Australian in the last few weeks....The Helios came with a camera I donated back)

    Good to hear back from you, and i kinda hate you 😉

     Do you know what i have spent on lenses....

    Its important to dabble, no matter what the interest is . I cant throw myself in at the deep end either anymore, i lack the enthusiasm.  I like to chip away at the edges these days, learn one thing, cement that away, then proceed to the next. 

    I dont envy you, trying to move that fd lens on. It will probably take time too find the right buyer. 

  6.  Don't worry, i'm not much of a deep thinker.... although i do have an idea, a notion, even a concept perhaps. Its been bouncing around my head at the speed of light or whatever speed thoughts travel at for a little while now. Now seem like the  most opportune moment. Anyway without further ado, and before it reaches escape velocity 

     Over here we have had musicians band together ( no pun intended ) and  produce the music from the home front cd, which i supported by buying it.  The fact  that delta goodrem sang on it is totally irrelevant...

     Still it got me thinking. What if, as cinematographers and wannabe cinematographers, we collaborated together to produce something? At this point i'm going with something uplifting. Not much uplifting stuff out there at the moment, i believe we could / should improve on that situation. It would be cool to be apart of something bigger rather than just coasting along.

    Thats my 2 cents worth, feel free to build upon my proposal as you wish.  


  7. i like the fact that you have thrown something together for your self. If you are happy with your workflow keep going at it. Sometimes the next step can be a pricey one regardless of the product. 

    Standard computers are good for normal tasks, when you start asking them to do the unusual, then you'll hit bottlenecks.  At the moment fast video cards are dear. If you want to get around those bottlenecks you have to spend money,  it may not be a good time to be buying. Only you can decide if the results,  justifies the expense.

    i am curious, if you did have a faster card is it likely to cut out using proxies all together ? would it save  you running the machine over night ? if it did that then its probably worth it.  

    you do not say whether your on a 1080 timeline or 4k or something inbetween

    h265 files tend to be a bit smaller and maybe more efficient than h264. Depending on what resolution your delivering in, that may have some bearing on the the differences between h265 running smoothly and h264 not

  8. not really, no, its kinda depressing really. I'd rather 2022 hurry up and get here. Lots of things i could do better. Of that there is no doubt. New years resolutions and all,  i shall endeavor to do more with what i have. Next year will be more about caring for family and friends, where i can help. Cant save the world, but i can probably help some people who deserve it, in my books anyway.

      I haven't seen any input from @noone for a while, i hope he's ok. I think i may have,  even seen webrunner about again. I wish the rest of this community good health and prosperity, although i'd rather you don't confuse prosperity with wealth.

    I think 2022 will be a tough year, i hope for the best  however i fear for the worst. whether your vacinated or unvaxed does not bother me. Its a deeply  personal decision, and for me a religious decision. 

    I worked three days leading up to xmas which left me with some spending money, sadly i couldn't get into cinema as i'm unvaxed and new "laws" took effect that pay day. Its rather ironic that i can work, ern money, yet be unable to spend it. Which incidentally  doesn't really bother me. It certainly hurts small business owners as that money stays in my pocket. So in a round about way im richer for their efforts.  

    Now that i have an iphone i have been binge watching stuff on my new amazon prime account. I ummed and arrrd about getting netflix, prime, or one of the others. the deciding factor for me,  was i have read the wheel of time novels and i wanted to see the amazon prime adaptions, so far im enjoying them. It certainly beats tv in some regards, not having to endure  6 advertisements every 5 minutes is breathtakingly refreshing. 

    summing up, i hope santa was good to you, happy new year and stay safe as you can.

  9. I am seeking clarification on the uploading of files,  is that still possible ?  Not sure if there's any interest in prores files off an iphone 13 pro. however i can contribute some ungraded footage if there's any interest. Been out and about with the iphone gathering footage of stuff out in the country. That may or may be that interesting. It gets me out of the house and gives me an opportunity to create. thought i'd offer some of it up for posterity.   

    looking at getting a website so i might be able to host the files and do a link if the file sizes are an issue but thought i'd ask first



    I have seen dune at the movies this afternoon and i have to say i was impressed. i read the books when ahem.. i was younger. So it was nice to see it brought to life. Mind you it has been a while since i read them, so watching the movie was almost like,  a new experience. I have seen the earlier dune movie and i will only add this is a much better rendition than the previous effort.

    Although there were no plot surprises, for me it was still very enjoyable. I can't always immerse myself in a movie and sometimes i find myself analyzing some movies far too much as i watch them. However i thoroughly enjoyed  dune. 

    The soundtrack matched the movie very well i thought, there were a couple of scenes where the music kind of (morphed for want of a better word) into the scene, i noticed two occasions and thought hey, thats very nicely done.    

    I am certainly no pixel peeper or cinematographer for the matter, but personally  i reckon its extremely well crafted visually and aurally ,  its up there with blade runner and blade runner 2049 , its vast, its epic, its cinema and thoroughly enjoyable. But maybe i'm easily entertained.

    Do yourselves a favour. See it on the big screen with pop corn and a frozen coke and be entertained and taken too a place far away for a couple of hours  or what felt like a couple of hours.


  11. I already got a price reduction on the crystal ball as it had manufacturing marks in it. So I have to a bit careful how I set it up. Not much chance of getting a full refund. Sigh. 
    I dunno If you took the as advertised 1.33  ratio and found out later that it was 1.15 and applied it to say petrol, there would be rioting in the streets. I guess one can be more liberal on some specs as opposed to quantities.

  12. Dammit @kye, i hate to admit it, but you were right. it appears that the letus  gopro anamorphic squeeze is not as  the advertised 1.33 but closer to 1.15. I have watched  some of tito's vids, consulted google, done the math and no matter how i work it out, the best result i can get is a stretch of 1.15 to get a nice round ball.  Maths was never one of my strong points so there is some chance i'm messing it up somehow 🙄 No idea if anyone one else want to do the maths, but i have included a couple of photos to illustrate how i got to this conclusion.  A stretch of 1.15 seems to give me the best result.

    Its also brought up another point of contention, my  crystal ball is not perfectly round. I hadn't really noticed this until i performed this experiment.  Once i drop a circle over it in photoshop it shows a little lopsidedness. This could be part of the reason why i was unable to drag any lotto numbers out of it. So on this grounds it seems to be underperforming 😎 i may have to send it back. To sum up it seems like no matter what anyone tells you it pays to do your own tests. Er... thanks for the earlier input by the way 



  13. On 10/25/2021 at 10:23 PM, BTM_Pix said:

    I'm pretty sure now that I'm going to move to the Pocket 2 now as being able to use the anamorphic and ND simultaneously combined with the larger sensor and slightly wider native lens will be a worthwhile upgrade.

    i'm really quite jealous of all this anamorphic goodness now that i have an ipone 13 turn up. im looking at getting the sandmark or moment anamorphic. Which ever one gives me the golden flare. something a little different perhaps, but blue is a little over done i feel. Gold may give me an edge especially since i do like a good sunset.  Sunrises tend to be elusive beasts, not sure why 😎


  14. My interest in anamorphics, waxes and wanes 🙄 not exactly corresponding with the moon cycles , but you get the idea. Last few attempts have just been with gopro 9 and  its attached letus anamorphic. An easy as possible solution, as easy as i can make it anyway. No dual focus  or single focus setup required. Granted that may not appeal to the purists or die hards perhaps. but i sleep easy  every night. 😉

    I haves seen a bunch of tito's videos and i usually like them. 

    i do have all the necessary  equipment to do a single focus solution on the p4k. i'm just really struggling to find the enthusiasm to put it all together and use it. Which sounds lame and it probably is. but thats life at the moment.

    Had so much rain lately, say last 3-4 weeks the ground is sodden, water is just running off now.  Roads where cut everywhere yesterday 3 out of 4 causeways on the way home were under water. one of those i diverted around and took the long way home. I stopped at the first and took some footage with the new iphone 13 on the crane m2 gimbal. pretty happy with it so far.

    I chose the 512 gig edition, as much as i wanted to i couldn't justify the price of the 1tb model. With prores turned on i can get 79 minutes roughly before i fill it up. Which should be a useable amount of footage i think, but correct me if i'm wrong.

    While i was stopped a lady did indeed drive through it. In her favour she was in a much bigger landcruiser 4wd. She did stop and ask me if i was alright, i smiled and pulled out the iphone attached to the crane gimbal and said i was about to film some footage.

     i did film in .mov format for this first effort. after this effort  i did watch a few utubes and figured out prores and some of the camera settings. To used to android i guess. 

    The original file came in at 96 meg. resolve must do some hard work as delivering at the best bitrate, it blew out to 430 meg. which seems odd i dropped the bitrate to 10 000 and it came in at 55 meg. Youtube will most likely slaughter it,  however if you want to have a look.




  15. I have heard of miranda before.  I'd have to  say the reviews i found weren't exactly glowing (no pun intended). May i suggest a cheap lens hood, and if you do any portraiture use some bald people. Not that i wish to marginalize anyone,  just continuing with the round theme 🤔   

    I had a set of viltrox extension tubes in mft  turn up a few day ago. Yet to experiment with them. A very quick play with them, shows that they do allow the auto focus between the Olympus 60mm macro and omd e-m10 to work, although the focus does  hunt backwards and forwards more than you would expect. More experimentation required.

  16. 6 hours ago, kye said:

    Cool footage.

    Have you dialled in the right squeeze factor?  It looked a little stretched horizontally to me?  A good way to do this is to take a shot of a billiard/pool ball, then make it perfectly round in post.

    That's not peak camera!!

    If you're on FB there's a group called "terrible blackmagic rigs"...  there you will find examples of peak camera!

    When everyone and thing i can find, says to stretch it by 1.33, That's all i do.  You may have some sought of argument there. I have seen some other vids where they report the squeeze is more or less than advertised, perhaps its a bit remiss of me,  taking it all  too literally. Now I'll have to do an experiment to settle the debate.  

    Don't have a billiard ball, i do have one of those 150mm glass balls that get used for  lensball photography and i been meaning to incorporate it into a video... maybe i can kill two birds with one stone.

    Its all relative, considering my budgetary constraints, its peak cinema to me. Your setup and what you choose to emphasis is unique to you as well, and thats ok. Anyway you should however take anything i say / write. With a grain of salt , maybe two grains of salt. I'm not above or beneath, stirring the pot occasionally, if i think there's a laugh in it. 😉

  17. On 10/26/2021 at 7:51 PM, BTM_Pix said:

    Both ends of the 10.9-34mm f1.7-2.8 lens of the Panasonic LX100 (4K/24p video grabs)


    I don't consider myself to be any sort of pixel peeper. So pardon my ignorance, i don't mind the top image, however the bottom image looks abit soft or lacks detail to me, is it a crop ? Just trying to figure out, what gives ?

  18. Here's a couple of time lapses from the trip, both sunsets, one of Uluru and the other from ellery creek, big hole. Ellery creek is a permanent waterhole in the the northern territory and quite pretty, and in the middle of a heatwave one of the best places to be. Over 8000 k's in two weeks. The trip should have been longer, however we didn't allow for a heat wave, so early in spring or the prices of fuel in outback australia.

    I did shoot some footage of the devils marbles on the p4k, but have yet to look at it. The em-10 got a work out as well. I have yet to at the photos from it as well. The time lapses are from the gopro 9 , and there's a clip of us passing a road train. Probably not best cinematography ever, but it could make for a change,  if your stuck in  lock downs some where around the world.


  19. I'll throw a matt granger video into the ring, but please don't hate me for it. 😳 I like to watch a few different vids to see if i can find a general consensus.

    i'll also throw a link in for uv filter comparison as well, just the summary page but it might be handy for someone.  I thought these guys were pretty thorough all in all.




  20. camera conspiracies has done a review. Dont think he's overly impressed.  But he does make me laugh. He aint happy with the gopro 10's audio interface either. Not that any of this bothers me overly much as i i'm not really in the market. 



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