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Everything posted by Snowbro

  1. Since this thread has gotten so incredibly off track and random, I am just going to throw this out there: I ordered a camera from Adorama Sunday with next day air priority shipping. They created the shipping label, but two cutoff deadlines have passed. Called them and they said it would be shipped today, didn't apparently. I never had this issue with BH, I wonder if there is a bottleneck in their SCM. Maybe I will get it next week lol.
  2. I concur, it is never smart to generalize any group of people imo. Every country has a "Scott" lol.
  3. Here we were having a civilized, intelligent conversation, then you had to show up ?. It is clearly impossible to have a debate with someone, that enters a discussion spewing insults and taking words out of context. You are ignoring the fact that murders are still taking place (at high rates), regardless of if a gun is used or not. There are many countries with a much higher homicide rate than the US, where guns are banned. Also, my "native" counties of Norway & Switzerland, have guns & their homicide rate is 3.3 times lower than Canada's; they are in the the top few countries for the lowest homicide/crime. See how naive cherry picking is? I already mentioned that there is much more to it, don't hyperfocus one detail so much, there are many aspects to such a complex social issue. Like I said a few times already, this is not a forum to debate such a thing. We do not agree, great. Let's get back to talking about cameras.
  4. What is the 4k rolling shutter ms of the Z6? Couldn't find it from a quick search online
  5. That is really cool. Still 10 bit though?
  6. I read articles/forums claiming they did, but I could not find any actual proof. I think if they did, that would make the rolling shutter even worse lol. I have no idea how they even accomplish rolling shutter that high (5div & eos r) with a 1:1 crop ?
  7. I never got a code, that is what I don't understand about it. I got an email from IG saying someone logged into your account and changed the profile information. I did not click on that email, as I did not know if it was phishing. I looked at my account from a different account I was logged into (personal), and my account I mention here, was gone. I then tried to log in and it said it had been banned for violating their terms of service. The only thing I can think of that happened is: I switched my phone number around between my personal and the account mentioned. It said that 2 factor authentication will not actually work, until the number is removed from the other account. I changed the number to my wife's number, then put mine on my big account. It never gave me another notification, it says 2 factor is on and my number is there. There are articles by big news companies, that have done research and found that some accounts have been hijacked with 2 factor on. There could be a backdoor leaked idk. Might have been a story, I don't see any new posts on it. Supposedly, there have been Russians that have comedered thousands of low-mid level accounts and broadcast a message. I am not sure if I believe that, something like Mashable posted that. Who knows, I don't depend on it for a living so meh
  8. Don't really want to get into a debate, not the correct type of forums lol. In a respectful way, I would like to link an article from Bloomberg, published in 2018. It shows the number of homicides in London actually increased for awhile, after they had passed the Firearms Amendment Act in 1997, it did not drop until 2005. It is now rising unfortunately; you can also see that the number of burglaries is much higher in the UK vs US (490 US 716 UK) as per 100,000 population. I learned in economics, that association is not always causation, so I cannot claim to know 100% the links here. I doubt any of us are experts in this field, it is very complex. All I can say is, I wish people were not so selfish and crazy. It would be nice to never have to worry about protecting yourself, sadly our world will likely never be that way. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2018-06-19/why-london-has-more-crime-than-new-york
  9. I got my IG account back finally, it was about a 10% chance. I am down 900 followers; I think they must have posted something really odd and spammy, in the short time they had it, before it was banned. Glad to have it back though, hopefully it isn't shadowbanned.
  10. Ask Canon reps about Eos R firmware and the video centric R model they mentioned before haha. Also, see if you can get them to talk about the G7xiii, the mark ii is such a nice little camera for video and photo!
  11. Haha, fortunately, no. Most gun owners are just regular people & have one for their home, or shoot a few times a year for fun. I find some irony in the fact that areas with the highest gun restrictions, have the highest gun violence. It seems to reduce the amount of law abiding citizens that have them, not affecting the criminals (they don't have legal guns anyway). When you hear about gun death statistics in america, they fail to mention that most of those are someone commiting suicide with one. There is very low crime where I am from; people know that they can't break into your house late at night to rob you, without potential consequence in the form of buckshot. If there ever is universal gun restriction that is successful, then people (criminals) will just smuggle them (like in all countries that they are banned), or go back to using sharp/blunt objects. I personally do not think much about it, everyone gets so worked up on both sides of the spectrum. I enjoy the freedom to protect my home effectively, but take it for granted most of the time, I rarely shoot. Didn't mean to get the thread off topic, by mentioning the mouth breathers over at hk forums lol Yeah, this is true. I have encountered a few very crazy people, that seemed to have nothing to lose. I won't mention all of them, but I had one that was as bad as someone in the bird box movie lol. I was leaving an event in Reno,NV (first & last time there), we were behind someone that was holding up about 50 cars. His car was running, so it likely was not broken down. He didn't move for 5 min, the driver of our vehicle honked finally. A 40 year old red headed guy got out of the car and ran up with crazy eyes, bashing our window with his bare hands. He was punching it as hard as he could, you could see blood all over the window. He didn't break it, I just laughed, but I am glad someone like him wasn't packing heat lol. I learned after high school that your pride isn't worth dying over. Growing up, you could settle a dispute outside with someone in a gradeschool mutual combat ha. I have confronted people calling me out (over random dumb stuff, like accidently locking eye contact in public etc.) then seeing them pull out a knife or something. You never know what someone will do, it's not worth it imo. I saw a video of a guy who was confronted by two people at a gas station (did you disrespect me type of deal?!), he won the fight. Then the aggressors came back and shot him as he was driving away..
  12. Looks like after all the beating canon took, they are going to be releasing a firmware update that might surprise us in some ways. Via canonrumors "Getting information on new firmware updates ahead of time has always been a very big challenge. I assume most firmware development has a soft release date because rushing firmware is never in the best interest of customers. We’re told that a major functionality firmware update for the Canon EOS R should arrive sometime in the first quarter of 2019. What makes the update “major” and what sort of features are going to be added were not disclosed. It was mentioned that user and media feedback is going to play a major role in future updates for the Canon EOS R and other EOS R bodies. The source did say that it’s possible a minor bugfix firmware update will precede the major release. More to come…"
  13. He could have got another job, he didnt feel like moving & started getting easy cash doing photos. Computer Science & Management Informatjon Systems. I am doing CS & Business school (accounting/econ/finance etc). I build custom high end CMS sites for companies at the moment. I also provide them with content through photo & video. I can either do this for a business or on my own again after school. If creative work falls through one day, I can pivot to more CS work since I know how to program.
  14. That isn't me! You're Odin. I am Norwegian by blood, so... you are my peoples ancient god.
  15. I did no such thing, I am not Alec Baldwin.
  16. Hahaha.. my wife just walked in and said "Its Odin!" Is it too late to change usernames? ?
  17. I feel like this is a hit piece on someone, but I can't quite put my finger on it... ?
  18. No, it got confiscated by the TSA in its waterproof housing. They thought it was some sort of battery powered, perverted sex toy, that could be used to assault other passengers with.
  19. I know a guy who used to be an engineer (80/90s), the company he worked for went under. I think he started doing photography more seriously while he was searching for another job. It turned into him doing it as a professional for around 30 years. He was the classic photographer guy, light meter, backdrops, fleece vest etc. I know he also did many weddings; then the digital age hit. One of the first Nikon D3's in the state was purchased by him, he still uses it today as his only camera.. As the years passed (2005-present) I have watched him go from a happy confident guy, to a nervous, broken looking man. He has not adapted well to the times, his photos are almost straight out of the camera jpgs at maybe f10, seems as if they could have been taken with a phone camera. Editing video is wizardry to him, same with flying a drone (even though he got his commercial license for it). One time, he visited and was almost crying, that a new soccer coach at a local high school, hired someone else to take the group photos that he had taken for a decade. His relationship with his wife is hostile, she even bought a new D850 last year, with a set of pro lenses to spite him (she never uses the camera or will let him touch it). Point being; it is hard to watch someone with so much passion and happiness decline so badly. I know he is struggling incredibly financially, but he is unable to adapt with the times. Even if he did keep up, like you mentioned, there is much less work for even the top photographers. I love this stuff, but I don't have the guts to do it for a profession. I keep suffering through a CS/MIS degree, because I know will make much more and have better job security down the road. Oh yeah, about the Economist stuff: I have a few cousins who work at GS. They saw the volatility from the bad CDO's, then offloaded it to customers before it exploded. They knew...
  20. I posted a thread to troubleshoot a bug on a camera; I was surprised at the lack of intelligence from the average user there. They could only read maybe one sentence out of a paragraph, then get locked into one tiny area. Very hostile about the possibility that the camera was experiencing a bug. I had to reiterate about 5 times, that the thread was about trying to find a workaround for the malfunction. Not that I was attacking the camera... After a few days of only having knuckle draggers respond to the thread attacking me, ignoring the actual camera problem, I asked if dpreview was a place to help, or attack each other. Towards the end there were multiple users that responded, saying they had the same issue. The problem started to get solved, then the moronic mod "mako2011" shut it down, saying that I was trolling and used a derogatory tone in responding (oh yeah? did you also ban the 15 ppl that attacked me for no reason, before I asked if they can read?) ?. They reminded me of the people on the HK forums; I had a pistol come with a rough chamber, malfunctioned with any ammo (provided pictures/gunsmith written analysis). The members there tried to break me, I never met such hostility (until dpreview). They were 100% certain that there could never be an issue with an HK firearm. Multiple other people posted similar threads and they were all deleted quickly. I didn't realize how many people live with an inferiority complex day to day, I might make a mini doc on it. I honestly feel that members here, are much more educated. We do not always agree, but at least it is not irrational (except webrunner and his dang osmo pocket!).
  21. I use the polar pro cinema ones and they have been great. Think I probably mentioned this somewhere before, but make sure you do +1 sharpening (turns off heavy NR filter), then be at least f/4-f/6ish if you want the sharpest image. I almost threw it out of my window when I first looked at the footage, it was mushy garbage lol. Need to do these 2 things to get a clean shot.
  22. I wouldn't feel bad shooting a short with a c100 ii, renting or buying one wouldn't be crazy expensive. Supersampled 1080p, great ergos. The eos r has supersampled 1080p also in its S35 mode (plus clog), which looks very good as well. Those are cheap to rent ($136/week), then your movie would look good and fit your storage constraints. Should be much easier to edit too.
  23. I guess now would be the best time to fly a drone in a national park ?. Shutdown positives. I really wish they would just let you buy a permit at least, I would pay $100 & sign a waiver to get some epic footage
  24. The camera is FF, but yes, uses the 1.3x crop in 4k
  25. Howard Hughes jumped in and did a big movie, also cost him his fortune at the time ?
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