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Everything posted by kye

  1. kye


    Of course, if you're willing to go manual, then vintage lenses are the bargain fo the century. Something I'm going to return to in the Soviet lens thread.
  2. IIRC, In Canada they released new drone laws a year or two ago saying that the drone couldn’t be flown within a sizeable distance of significant locations, or any people or animals. Good luck finding a location that isn’t within a km or two of a single other living thing. Most of the Canadian photography youtubers released videos about selling all their drones about a month after that. Drones will become yet another thing that governments and large corporations can routinely use but the general public are effectively blocked from using.
  3. kye


    The ARRI Master Anamorphic prime lenses start at USD$50k each, and go up to $65k. This thread is the “too poor to have it all” lens thread!
  4. Current retail is $5750 for the above without power or media.. It looks super-cool but wow you pay for it!
  5. I've seen this pop up in my YT feed a few times now, and this rig that Tom Antos just posted looks pretty sweet... His YT post (yes, these are a thing now) says:
  6. kye


    I don't know about you, but I kind of think of a small section of my income as R&D, where learning is the primary objective, rather than getting a monetary or utility return-on-investment. From this perspective, there is little risk with a purchase so low, either you get something useful, or you at least learn something. What's the criteria you're afraid it won't meet? if it's IQ then surely you can find some photos online taken with it?
  7. kye


    How can you go wrong for $10?
  8. ....and allowed a rare glimpse past the colour science, trendy transitions, and flying gimbal shots to see a coherent story and narrative arc. What a calamity!
  9. kye


    Video about 24 and 35mm primes. It's about stills photography, but is about composition, the lenses distortion, and exposure levels so also applies to moving images...
  10. @andrew00 +1 for what @fuzzynormal said about the whole setup. I have GH5 and shoot with three manual lenses (in my case, Laowa 7.5mm f2, Voigtlander 17.5mm and 42.5mm f0.95). I don't mind the MF imperfections, but I also find that the AF kings (canon and Sony) don't AF exactly how I would like and the only way to really control the speed at which things change on a shot to shot basis is MF. A GH5, three vintage manual primes and the two adapters is excellent advice. I'd add to that to consider the Russian lenses as they are much better value-for-money than things like FD or MD glass, or even the Takumars, because all those are much better known. I bought an m42 speed booster for about $150 and as far as I can tell it's great optically, so you don't have to put up the $600+ for a metabones, or even for a viltrox. I'd also suggest that you get Manfrott Xume magnetic filter holders so you can just clip and unclip you ND across your lenses too.
  11. Noam Kroll did a review, and some test footage... https://noamkroll.com/full-sigma-fp-review-4k-raw-video-samples/
  12. Regarding fast lenses for the GH5.. There's the 7.5mm f2 Laowa (15mm f4 FF equivalent) and the 10mm f0.95 Voigtlander (20mm f1.9 FF equivalent) but they're the only two I know of that are "fast" in a DoF sense. If you want fast from an exposure point of view but don't care about DoF then there are probably some other f2.8 lenses around that might suit. Definitely no fast wide zooms though.
  13. Interesting. Do you want the lens to be rectilinear? I'm not familiar with the Samyang you're talking about. If not then there's a world of fisheye lenses out there, although I don't know how wide you can go if you want to fill the frame, as fisheyes tend to show you the complete image circle. Kai W on YouTube posted a video recently that had a 4mm fisheye (IIRC) but it was a circle and if you cropped in then you would be throwing away some width.
  14. I'll have to see if I can dig one out.. I have a huge archive of projects I've shot but not edited yet!
  15. Do you have any before / after Protune shots that include people? It's easy to make Protune look nice on landscapes, just add contrast, saturation, and maybe adjust the WB a bit, but making it look 'right' is a whole other thing!
  16. Do you own these? An alternative for MFT is the SLR Magic 8mm F4. Not quite as wide but the image quality is pretty decent and they’re not too expensive. I just upgraded to the 7.5mm F2 Laowa to get the extra aperture, but the SLR Magic IQ was fine.
  17. kye

    Cheap-o laptop

    Agree with the above about getting a refurbed or second-hand mac. PCs can be good too, especially when looking at previous generations. One thing to be careful of, and not something I know much about, is that there’s a couple of different types of computers out there. Without getting too technical, if you think about computers we had before the internet, they basically did everything themselves. You had software and it was on your computer, and your computer did all the work. Now, there are lots of things “in the cloud” and some things (take Gmail for example) are computer programs running on a computer somewhere else. Accessing Gmail using a web browser (or any webmail) is a good example because you load up the web page of gmail and the gmail server goes and looks at your email and crunches the data in the server, then sends the web-page to your device. The program is running on the google server and you’re basically looking at the screen over the internet connection. Lots of software is like this - you look at it through a web browser. So, they made computers that were designed to just access things online (like webmail, google docs, etc) and the idea is that you just need a computer that can run a web browser and all the processing is done by a server “in the cloud”. This makes these computers cheaper because they don’t need to have lots of CPU or RAM or whatever, but the problem is that they’re not designed to run without an internet connection. I’m sure someone else will explain this whole thing much better, but the general idea is that unless your brother works with everything online, he’s better off with a real computer rather than one of these things. IIRC the Chromebook is one of these, and I think there were others.
  18. I've used both Sandisk Extreme Pro 95MBs and Sandisk Ultra cards with no issues on the 150Mbps modes. The Ultra is only C10 / U1 so I think that makes it V10.
  19. You can't please all the people all the time. Besides, the standard behaviour of the younger generations is "Ewwww - No!" and then after some prodding you discover they don't know what the hell it is you're even talking about, so it's actually that they've worked out that they don't have the same taste as you do. My kids constantly surprise me about their knowledge and appreciation of music made before they were born, often due to its use in memes (eg Sound of Silence - Simon and Garfunkel) or movie / TV soundtracks. Of course, suggest you watch a movie that was released last month instead of this week, and you're basically screwed. I find the world a large and pretty intimidating place, and when you're a kid and basically know nothing in comparison to what I know now (remember being a kid and looking at the adults around you and thinking they knew everything? I'm approaching being twice as old as most of those adults now...) so I suspect that kids have all sorts of strange psychological defence mechanisms not to basically melt from the sheer scale of what they don't know. Anything outside their comfort zone must, at some level, be a reminder that the world is huge, they are small, and they know very little about it.
  20. Your argument is circular... here's what happens if we run the loop backwards: If people didn't want to drool over new cameras then no-one would need to pay for the development of them. If no R&D budgets were needed to be re-couped then products would be cheaper as we could just keep making the old ones, and also with economies of scale they would also get cheaper over time. Therefore, it's people wanting to drool over new tech that prevents cheap cameras being available to people on a tight budget.
  21. Cool. I know it goes without saying, but it's hard to tell between situations when it goes without saying and situations that went without anyone saying it, if you know what I mean!!
  22. Damn! Nice work!! ..and what a character too FUZZYNORMAL WINS BEST CASTING - CONGRATULATIONS!!! The Helios really is a nice lens. I'm looking forward to people seeing the lens tests when I get them done. I think people will be surprised at how good these things can be.
  23. We're agreeing I'm saying that $1k is nothing compared to what people are spending on upgrading cameras that are already fine (and those cameras were to replace other cameras that were probably also fine)!
  24. Yep! Both to being in Perth and also about the pavers If I used lighting for making films then yes, $1000 would hardly be a significant investment (look at people thumbing their nose at 4K cameras now because they're not 6K, and think about what those 6K cameras cost). I'd argue that the biggest value you get from having a light is that it's not dark any more and you can see the people in your footage, but then I'd just be being argumentative ???
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