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Everything posted by webrunner5

  1. I doubt we will ever see another Foveon camera. They are pretty terrible at higher ISO, and I guess pretty impossible to transfer enough data for video. Those two areas are total deal breakers in this day and age. But yes, I loved them years ago, super detailed stuff.
  2. From what I have seen the Sigma FP seems to be only really good in Cine DNG. That would be a pretty wicked way to edit with all the time. Sure, the best way to get the best but someone is Really going to like all the storage you have to buy! But it is nice looking stuff edited right.
  3. It is pretty damn easy to confuse the two I will admit that having been guilty on several occasions myself. But I can use the excuse of being old, that does wipe out a lot of guilt. 😄
  4. webrunner5


    Marty how can you sleep at night screwing that person so bad lol. 😮
  5. webrunner5

    Panasonic GH6

    The DR in that video looks like 8 stops. Not so hot, probably user error, I hope.
  6. Oh my god even my iPhone 10 was crazy bad compared to the newer ones. You would be Amazed how much better say an iPhone 11 Pro is compared to your 8+! They have moved forward at an amazing pace. I was out with my Canon 1DC a few days ago. God talk about something hard to get great video on. No auto focus using C Log, so trying to keep shutter speed at 50 fps, holding ISO to the best setting of ISO say 400, and no in body IBIS, thing weighs 20 lbs. with the lens it seems like, yeah, I could have shot 5 times as much video on a Smartphone and all of it would have probably been useable, not so much with the 1DC. Times have changed. I am not saying if you get it right on the 1DC it is not going to kill the smartphone, but damn it is hard to make that happen time and time again over and over. Is it worth it for home use? We all have limited time to do most things. Do you want to lug around 10 pound tripod and use a light meter, and have to have an external monitor to see if it is in focus, and make sure WB is perfect on and on to take a few video for a few seconds of a duck lol. Sure who doesn't like a challenge but hell that is getting close to self harm! Yikes.
  7. You need to watch the video. Itis geared more toward the photography end of it but they are better than you think. There is really Zero reason for the average person to buy a "real" camera anymore. And less and less reason anymore for me to buy one to be honest. Nobody on here is going to buy a Arri, get real. They might use one but...
  8. The thing that is hard for me is to buy the several real good quality lenses you need to actually have. These new phones have most of the lenses you need in them already. And there are some really good apps out for them available also.
  9. He makes some pretty good points like it or not. If you are not making a full time living doing this stuff not sure starter or even moderate cameras are worth buying now. Sure, a Phase One 160mp MF is the way to go but I doubt many could afford that type of rig. I do know it is a lot harder to screw up a shot or a video with a smartphone any more than to try to do it with a "real" camera. They have come one Heck of a long way as of late. Food for thought.
  10. Hmm first video was in 720p, rest in 360p???
  11. Therein lies the quandary. These smaller cameras are sort of meant to be a Run N Gun solution. And that is the time when you need super-duper AF. For photos I think they work fairly well, probably not for sports, but for video that is a tough one to overcome AF wise. Face and Eye detection seems to work pretty well in the latest cameras, but not much good for most action video wise. It sort of sucks that the GH5 is so damn good image stabilization wise that it is let down by spotty AF results. And I am sure the stabilization is even better on the GH6. I guess we will start to find out on real life usage how well AF really has been improved in the coming months.
  12. It's not unusable it's undependable, big difference.
  13. Holly Crap, better chance of winning the Lotto. Lucky girl not to get Kilt as they say. 😬
  14. It isn't going to win any focus contest that is for sure. Why Panasonic has to be the only dumb bastards that hate Phase Detection is beyond me. Well Canon, but at least DPAF actually works really well.
  15. Well, I looked up some reviews on it and not so impressed. Maybe for photo, but not both. Hmm.
  16. Any one on here have the fp L?? Is the video part of it being cropped a bummer compared to the lower resolution one using the full frame?
  17. I will admit it has a super clean look to it and the color science looks nice. 8k is super clean, but that is sort of the problem, can you make it filmic, cinematic?? It doesn't have a Cine mojo to it that I see. I guess 8k is going to be hard to have that ability. Perfect for Doc work and VR stuff, I am sure. To be honest other than the 8k it looks a lot like a Panasonic S1 output wise. Don't get me wrong if I could afford one, I would probably buy one as I am not going for a Netflix look or making a blockbuster movie. But I would like a bit of OG BMPCC look to it at times.
  18. Well, this might help you out a bit for your movie Andrew.
  19. Some of the high-end Canon flash units are surprisingly heavy and large. So, I think it would be ok, but sure a cage is always a safer bet.
  20. webrunner5

    The Batman

    Well, this is the reason blockbuster films cost so much money, and we are Never going to do what they do to get that look. https://www.filmmakersacademy.com/creating-the-look-of-the-batman/?mc_cid=7c19759579&mc_eid=fa470bd447
  21. How good would anyone look in front of the camera if the operator had the focus and exposure all wrong? And they are not using Barbi Cams for cameras in Hollywood either. It all has to be right, camera, story, and talent to be a great sucess, plus a bit of luck doesn't hurt also.
  22. Also, the biggest down fall is the operator. We are all guilty of wanting to have the next greatest thing and think we are going to produce award winning stuff with the new toy. Sure these new cameras have better features, but with skill, lots of it, you can make pretty much anything happen. Most people, including me, don't spend enough time learning the camera. There is never going to be a perfect camera. But the temptation is defiantly there. Tech keeps marching on.
  23. I think the Photography site might make up for it in the long run. Way more people into that than video.
  24. Well I will admit the Photography side of it is a lot easier and cheaper to do than really good video. And actually somewhat more rewarding as a lot easier to view it and to edit it. Plus hard to talk someone, even your wife, to sit down and watch a video you shot compared to looking at a couple of photos. As to writing a movie, well unless you have some god given talent for it probably not going to happen. That is one of those things you can either do it or you can't, most can't.
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