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Everything posted by kaylee

  1. nice write up thanks ebrahim~! after some consideration i must say that im pretty impressed with the video features of this camera – one primarily geared towards high speed sports shooters who use teleconverters~! if the rumor mill proves to be true (again) canon may announce a 5d4 type model this year that is fairly videocentric (relatively speaking lol, no focus peaking of course) hear hear!
  2. oh me too. the whole is more than the sum of its parts 100% tru lol
  3. young people 18-22 will not come out to vote for hillary in record numbers, but they would for bernie sanders. no comparison and no one likes hillary. she doesnt even like herself that makes bernie a better candidate for beating the republican nominee if that nominee is trump he will win regardless. ill bet you guys a dollar
  4. mjpeg.... in 2016?!???? ...REALLY???? like..... WHAT???! i seriously thought that the 1dc would be the first and last canon body to shoot 4k mjpeg wth
  5. this is an interesting thread i think theres a point to be made about the dichotomy between "suffering" for ones art... and just suffering lol some say that suffering, in a word, informs your work and makes you more interesting as an artist, a storyteller, as a person. whether youve battled a deadly illness, transcended a life of crime and wretched drug addiction, or risen above abject poverty that you were born into, that story is interesting to people, and moreover gives you life experience which informs your work regardless of its literal subject matter so...thats a benefit. a benefit of going through tremendous pain, perhaps the only tangible one that i can think of: through this suffering comes wisdom; a point of view you can share through your work. but this suffering doesnt have anything to do with practicing art per se the other side of this discussion is "suffering" that comes literally from your art practice itself the number of hours you work. under extreme stress. extreme pressure. many of us are familiar with it. hell, its a thing here in LA that PEOPLE LITERALLY DIE IN CAR ACCIDENTS ON THEIR WAY HOME FROM LACK OF SLEEP. THATS A THING NOW. how does that inform your work? living that lifestyle? i dont really think it does. dont get me wrong, *I* am that person who respects your work ethic, your fighting spirit, who knows how underpaid and overworked the majority of us are. but putting your physical and mental health at risk, so youre under constant strain, impairs us creatively in the worst way, and may take actual years off of our lives. stress kills hollywood will work us to death without concern and rape our dead bodies – from PAs to gaffers to vfx artists, we all know this. and theres this underlying unasked question, this rhetorical, "Well, if you want a normal job...[just get the fuck out of here then]" that is in my experience an ingrained part of every niche in the entertainment business. and although there are reasons for that, and a history behind it, if we dont stand up for ourselves we fall into the category of people dying on their way home in an accident caused by nothing more than fatigue. that is insane on a personal note i just got over the flu – ive never been so sick in my adult life – and as soon as i started feeling better after a week of not eating or sleeping properly, running a fever, the MINUTE that i woke up with some appetite i IMMEDIATELY decided that im quitting my job. ITS BEEN MAKING ME SICK. I HAVE BEEN ILL FROM STRESS rendering my creative mind INCAPABLE OF FUNCTIONING. its a little ironic that it took a trip to urgent care for me to put immediate change into action. if only solving these problems was as easy as taking five days of antibiotics
  6. the "ignore user" feature on this board is really great
  7. the walking dead is shot on 16mm film for a reason and do you know what i think that show needs...? less resolution. how bad ASS would that show be on 8mm?? way more distortion to hide their mediocre practical effects thats the reality of a production that im sure youd hardly call unprofessional ~FURTHERMORE, id like to thank everyone from mattias burling to quentin tarantino for keeping film ALIVE~! the dancing grain of film has a life of its own, but without our enthusiasm it will certainly go the way of the dinosaurs, until its resurrected in some sort of postmodern mess one day in the future; its original nature lost forever our culture has a short memory nevermind the haters: youre doing a great service, film advocates your kids will thank you
  8. thats great andrew!! could you post a couple screengrabs?
  9. haaa this is too funny~! we're all on craigslist shopping for used 5d2s right now im totally gonna find a cheap one, Dane and i dont care about shutter actuations or a few scratches $480 as a point of entry for that raw full frame image is p awesome... nice work man! also, Dane: always interested in 5d3 vs 5d2 raw comparisons!!!!!!
  10. id be interested in knowing who on this website uses a paintbrush on a regular basis (besides me) i can only dream of a camera thats as easy to use as a paintbrush. when im using a paintbrush, no matter what im painting, no matter how im painting, its like an extension of my hand. doesnt matter if its an expensive fancy brush made of exotic animal hair that i take very good care of, or a disposable housepainting brush from home depot that cost $1.50 oh and fun fact: if youve never painted, or if youve tried sometime in the past and it didnt work out, if youve found it intimidating, you should give it another try~! painting is easy and everyone can do it. im sure i would think your work is fantastic and the easiest painting is oil painting – you can just endlessly smoosh color around, and fix your mistakes... its like the opposite of watercolor~! ironically only artists know that lol but i digress
  11. hear hear i couldnt agree with you more on all this. "PAIN IN THE ASS" is the exact right way to put it as if producing stuff in reality isnt ENOUGH of a pain in the ass... if theres one thing ive learned from producing shoots and shows of all different kinds its this: SHIT WILL GO WRONG, PLAN ON IT, EXPECT IT, AND EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED. for a camera system that costs thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars to fall into the category of problematic and frustrating, to ADD to the inherent stress of my production.... well, i hate to say it, but ive gotten USED TO THAT. IVE GOTTEN USED TO THAT IDEA. my question these days is, not is the camera system we're using a pain in the ass, but how much of a pain in the ass is it? and that, my friends, is absolutely absurd
  12. NICE~! color is looking p darn good from that a7rii... great work Nate! v interesting info thanks for posting
  13. omg awesome mattias~!!! your youtube channel is really rich in variety i must say; so refreshing, i love it thats great to hear!? as a mac user im super confused by this tho... is this with FCPX? is that what youd credit this performance to...? thanks to the users including yourself that have been praising the current incarnation of fcpx; i downloaded it and im gonna give it a try
  14. mattias thanks for sharing this its awesome. it looks like you have a beautiful life also, this is very pretty ok ive gotta ask, whats the white stuff in the bowl at 1:43... looks delicious lol
  15. congratulations on your purchase andrew looking forward to hearing more about it!! ...i think this is a fun discussion~! cuz ykno, if we ALL agreed on this stuff 100% and we ALLLL shot with the SAME CAMERA...... well, how boring would that be~?! cheers guys~!!
  16. it absolutely does make a difference and its worth doing if you have the time. in my experience feeding youtube the highest quality file in every way possible gets the best end results, based on my testing. straight up 1080p uploads end up soooo soft.......
  17. ursa mini 4.6k looks very promising id love to get my hands on some ungraded footage to play around with – is it out there?
  18. lmao omg. funny but also sad. howard said he'd fix it i guess we'll see... poor star wars doesnt have enough screens smh
  19. thank you sooo much ebrahim~!!! i guess im not that confused after all
  20. regarding my vote: i watched jurassic world the other night. MY GOD was it terrible.
  21. hmm interesting well i appreciate hearing from people who genuinely enjoy 60p footage. ill take that under advisement
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