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Everything posted by mercer

  1. mercer

    panasonic g7

    Any word on ETC mode?
  2. mercer

    panasonic g7

    It sounds like the G7 and the FZ1000 could be a great low budget A and B camera set up.
  3. For all we know the writing on the wall could have been added in post, but if anything, I think it's suggestive symbolism.
  4. Sanveer, that's great, thanks!!!
  5. After more thought, I am torn... This movie is essentially one big car chase. Under most circumstances, a movie like this would suck, but the style and direction put into the film elevates it. Is it a good movie... Not sure. Is it a great action sequence spread out across 2 hours... Definitely!!!
  6. Good point. As I said, I enjoyed the movie for what it was... A stylized action flick created by a good filmmaker. And in some ways that is where it's brilliance lies. But it was smart to create just enough symbolic imagery and art direction, to create fodder for blogs.
  7. But it's an interesting theory and quite smart of Miller to create the possibility for post movie diner talk.
  8. Interesting theory but I think he may be overanalyzing. Honestly, I don't remember a part in the movie when it is confirmed that this world is the outcome of nuclear war, which his theory hinges upon. But, I thought his name was Immortal Joe, so I could be totally off base. Call me crazy but I don't think there is much depth to the movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it as an action movie but I think any symbolism was pretty surface level. Obviously the ozone layer has been depleted and the trees all died making the oxygen level unhealthy. And obviously Joe purified the gene pool too quickly, creating this race of cave people with genetic defects. The son, who rode with him was normal, all of his other children had defects, except for the unborn child, who was... Possibly... Born beautiful. Beauty was the dying commodity.
  9. Sanveer, do you have any links to samples with Shure. I have been reading a little about it and heard a few tests but none of them really show it's potential? I would love to hear a clip plugged into a dslr, plus the same recording using it's internal recorder? Do you have anything like that?
  10. I would say one of the smartest things you did, was to make lemonade. By making new trailers/teasers as you progressed was a spot on move.
  11. I'd stick with fcx and substitute motion for after effects.
  12. Saw a private 3D screening of it the other day... Pretty good action flick. It was funny at times and visually mesmerizing at other times. And sometimes it just moved from one car chase scene to the next with little islands of just enough story to keep it intriguing. Really not much to say.
  13. Jonesy, great story. It makes me want to go make a movie, or bang my head against the wall... Sometimes both are equally fulfilling... What picture profile did you use? I assume neutral or prolost neutral? Don't fret man, I predict this will do well. From the trailer alone, I can see the talent. Just plan your festival strategy, or get some names of distributors and this should be an easy sell. You also have one of the hottest Asian women I have ever seen in your film... So that never hurts.
  14. mercer


    What would a lens test be without an annoyed and ambivalent pet... I use my cats, but even they can be as demanding as any actor. Good news is the 25mm works beautifully. Really nice as always.
  15. mercer

    VM Anamorphic

    Would the VM anamorphic work on a fixed lens camera like the FZ1000 or LX100? Also, I have an upcoming shoot at an old, log cabin. I was toying with shooting it anamorphic. Would the stark contrast between the dark logs and the white grout (horizontal lines) have any negative effect in anamorphic? Sorry, I'm sure this is pretty basic stuff, but my knowledge is just that... Basic.
  16. Came across an article about the backbone ribcage mod that allows the use of c-mount lenses on the gopro... Just wondering if anyone here has done it and how it works with protune?
  17. I really think there is a marriage of creativity and tech. For instance I have a Pentax Q7 that I love to mess around with. It's a toy I bought to use all the old 8mm lenses I have. I came across some Cosmicar 1.9 TV lenses pretty cheap that I thought could work with the pocket, if I ever get one. So last week I attached them to my Q7 just to give them a test. I ended up loving the footage and threw some clips on Vimeo. It made me think creatively. So sometimes the marriage of a lens and a camera can make all the difference. Here's the visual test I shot and threw together in an afternoon. It is technically flawed and creatively lacking... But there is something I like about the image.
  18. The problem is that people, in general, are over sensitive. If you like or dislike something someone else has they take it too personally. The fact is, unless you are shooting in pixelvision or beta cam, you may not need a new camera. Or you may. Or you may be overcomplicating tech to make up for a lack of creativity, or you may be relying to much on creativity when all you need is some craft and tech. It's all subjective and should be left at that. Just as long as you know I am right. That is all.
  19. Okay, thanks. Now that you have a slate of films in preproduction, what camera are you going to use for upcoming projects? Will you buy, rent? 4K, 2K... 1080p? I have very little money, so I use what I have and I think the creative aspects will supersede any lack in technical perfection, but if I were to have a real budget I would obviously upgrade... At the bare minimum to a pocket cam... What will you use?
  20. I also think that one of the reasons people get so easily offended is point of view. I'm a newcomer to the site, so I don't know a lot of the regulars and their backgrounds. It makes it difficult to know where they're coming from. Obviously, a commercial, or industrial dp needs to update their cameras and equipment regularly. Narrative filmmakers have a little more leeway... Unless you're a DP for hire. When I first joined the site, I just assumed most of the members were narrative filmmakers, I didn't realize that the majority of the members were guns for hire. Maybe, there is a way to show the members pov underneath their name on posts?Then someone could read their comment and easily discern where they're coming from? So, instead of the arbitrary "filmmaker" rankings, there could be industrial filmmaker or wedding videographer, or DP, or narrative filmmaker, etc, etc...
  21. have you found a specific genre that is more attractive to distributors? Obviously horrors and thrillers are always great micro budget genres, but I have heard that a sci-fi is getting very desirable as well. And, do you work within any kind of sag indie contract?
  22. Ask, thanks for the info, it is very enlightening to read about the holy grail from someone who has drank from it. I'm sorry if this is too personal, but will that sales model create a profit for your film? If it is too personal, then disregard, but still thanks.
  23. Haha, touché. I just don't think it is fair to say he is whining or complaining or being disrespectful to you. It seems like that is the go to slur to give a reader of this site if he/she goes against the status quo. I, personally, commend you for the work you put into this site and the moderators as well but if someone has a differing opinion they shouldn't be treated as though they are babies. I come to this site because I like to read about the tech aspect, I like to know about the new cameras that are coming out that I cannot afford, but I also know that I can make a good movie with my 2 year old eos-m if need be and I shouldn't be treated like a leper for it.
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