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Zach Goodwin

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    Zach Goodwin reacted to HulkSmash in Is Adobe Premiere to blame for banding in 8bit DSLR footage?   
    first world problems... 1 out of 100 will notice this after downloading the clip and not watching your video on vimeo or youtube. IF it is uploaded and watchable. 
  2. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Andrew Reid in Balancing getting the shot, vs film fetish   
    Magic Lantern raw, 16mm film, RED One, Sony F35...
    What do they all have in common?
    They are all a pain in the ass!
    All fantastic yes. But definitely a pain in the ass.
    Magic Lantern fills up your 64GB card in 12 minutes. Sometimes it just stops in the middle of a shot.
    16mm film is hardly a day to day practicality for most people.
    The RED One takes as long to boot as it does to go through your brick of a battery!
    Sony F35, don't even get me started on that hulking beast!!
    What I would like is a bullet proof reliable camera which shoots with an image similar to Magic Lantern raw on the 5D Mark II but 10:1 compressed raw, runs on a small battery for hours and has a codec as easy to work with as the Red cameras.
    Blackmagic are likely to get there one day but not just yet.
    Then I want that putting in a C100 II or FS5 style body, with variable ND and the 5 axis IBIS from the A7S II.
    Give it the low light chops to match.
    Then we can finally at long last say... NO MORE PAIN IN THE ASS!!
  3. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Andrew Reid in Sony FS5 - why I bought one   
    Funny. I agree with you!!
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    Zach Goodwin reacted to richg101 in Sony FS5 - why I bought one   
    to quote Ricky Gervais...   "It's better to create something that others criticise than to create nothing & criticise others".
  5. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to kaylee in Sony FS5 - why I bought one   
    congratulations on your purchase andrew  looking forward to hearing more about it!!
    ...i think this is a fun discussion~!
    cuz ykno, if we ALL agreed on this stuff 100% and we ALLLL shot with the SAME CAMERA...... well, how boring would that be~?!
    cheers guys~!!

  6. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Mattias Burling in Red One MX - Why I bought one   
    I buy most of my stuff used. Simply because you get more for your money. And it was during the release of the A7rii and A7sii that I got the idea. Why pay such a premium price for a camera thats going to be worth half within a year? And what can I get for the same amount today?(It was the same reasoning that lead me into my recent film endeavor.) So I found myself looking at used cameras in the €3000 segment. At the top of my list where the Sony F35, but no luck (since I needed a recorder as well). I also looked at URSA, FS700, 1DC etc but none was a perfect match.So I started lurking the Red user forum.There I saw Red Scarlets ready to shoot with accessories for as low as $6000. And when I saw the Red One with everything you need + a set of Rokkinon prime lenses for  a crazy low $4000,I knew it would be the one.  That particular seller didn’t want to ship to Sweden, but another one did. In less than 24h from leaving Spain, this huge box sat on my floor.  (Disclaimer: All IMO of course, totally get why one would rather have an A7rii, its was just my personal thoughts.) 
  7. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to enny in Red One MX - Why I bought one   
    I Bought one and sold one last year camera is awesome all the shooting options but he forgot to mention that it take up to 96 seconds for it to power up it eats batteries power for breakfast no to mention space on HD. i know camera is a professional and PL mount now you need Pl lenses in my case i cant rent every time i like to shoot or experiment i got family to feed I was thinking i can get use my Yashica lenses well on top of 10k i spend on camera i was looking for another $2350 for 2 mounts that will enable me to use my yashica lenses pretty much anything for that camera from a screw to extra battery or is above 500 dollars. And lets not forget the weight of the camera. Felling that i got from the camera that i head for entire 2 months is that its a 2 man job to operate i was always asking my wife to hold this hold that. Then i went to shoot outside charge the batteries got a Zeiss Compact Prime 35mm 300$ a day by the time camera power up one batteries was half gone i got 22 min of shooting and 36 minutes in standby mode. Then wanted to buy bigger battery but 450 US dollars that is 620 Canadian it just adds up. And lets not foget you nedto to spend some money on a HD space for your computer or a brand new computers since you are working with red raw its fine to play with one file or one shoot but wen you start editing short films or music videos in 4.5k or even HD it cost money.
    So what did i buy with 10k a color correcting station (something like in that pic) beefy computer BMPCC, lights, glidecam400  kowa B&H davinci resolve. My main goal is the learning the art. I know that MX shoot nice pictures but if i cant view those images properly on a dedicated monitor or grade them and see what i am doing wrong i might as well get a grading station and BMPCC which shoots raw and i can see exactly what i am doing with color and scopes. BMPCC is not MX but its dam close when it comes to image and what you can do with it. But if everything goes according to plan next year purchase will be red scarlet camera they go for for abut 7k to 10k. but still i am jealous that he has red mx its a great camera for right person just not for me

  8. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to dvcrn in EM5 II for videos? Am I about to make a mistake?   
    Thanks for the comments guys! Glad to hear that at least some people like it for video. The thing that makes me hesitate of course is that for the same price, I can get already cameras that are more sufficient for video but well, without IBIS. 
    Maybe to re-phrase my questions: Do you think the EM5II is a camera that could help me with the transition from hobbyist to more serious? I value the IBIS very high because I don't want to buy more and more equipment or anytime soon. When I shot with my RX100III I hated the micro-shakes especially taking a step. 
    Is the IBIS something that makes my enthusiast life easier or am I valuing it a bit too high? 
    Is the image quality something that needs professional hands to look good or is it something that hobbyists / enthusiasts can get around too? 
    I want to of course avoid buying another camera in a few months
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    Zach Goodwin reacted to fuzzynormal in EM5 II for videos? Am I about to make a mistake?   
    You can go back read my posts on the camera if you wish; it'll give you insight to my context.  You can see some videos I've done with it too.  Bottom line: I like it just fine.  
    If I was shooting ultra wide, not sure what the stabilizing would be practically offering me though?  Ultra wide shooting doesn't really need stabilization.
    AS for the EMII, I have two $100-ish speed boosters for it plus a bunch of basic dumb adapters.  It all works good and the old Canon FD and EOS glass looks good.  Nice thing about speedsboosters and dumb adapters, it'll give you 2 focal lengths with one lens.
    I'm a firm believer in shooting motion picture with manual focus.  The peaking and EVF is strong enough to allow focusing by eye.  That's really great. 
    Anyway, even though I have 4 M4/3 prime lenses, about a dozen other misc primes, and the Oly 12-40 proZoom, I shoot most video stuff with an old 55mm FD lens and the speedbooster.  I like the focal length AND the extra heft that old glass provides.
    I do recommend the shooting ergonomics with the extra battery grip, in my opinion.
    Shortcomings: with modern glass the image does moire.  Meh.  Not a deal breaker for me.  The older adapted glass reduces the moire, FWIW.
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    Zach Goodwin reacted to AaronChicago in SONY FS5 vs SAMSUNG NX1   
    The resolution that I see from the C100/BMCC is ideal for me. I think what has made me reconsider is the new Blackmagic cameras. They just don't look as rich as the original models. The DR looks nice but it's just too sterile and digital-esque. Yeah I made that word up.
  12. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to AaronChicago in SONY FS5 vs SAMSUNG NX1   
    I've sorta changed my tune recently on 4K. I really like true 1080 better for everything except product/landscape shots.
  13. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Andrew Reid in SONY FS5 vs SAMSUNG NX1   
    This is a very basic test but it does show the resolution advantage of oversampling 4K from a 6.5K sensor on the NX1
    Doesn't show much else, like what it is like to grade or dynamic range, where the FS5 definitely has an advantage with S-LOG and the 10bit output
    Internal 1080p is also much better on the FS5 but good 1080p is pretty commonplace these days so not jumping up and down in excitement too much for that at $5000
    I absolutely love my NX1 and the H.265 codec maintains a TON of fine detail in the mids... not so much in the shadows or places where there's not much detail anyway
    NX1 with the Novoflex A mount adapter and Sony / Minolta / Zeiss lenses by the way = MEGA!!
  14. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to maxotics in SONY FS5 vs SAMSUNG NX1   
    It's an interesting test in that it proves just how misleading camera specifications can be.  Based on that test one would feel a fool to spend $5,000 for an FS5 body, instead of $1,000 for a NX1. The test shows that, resolution-wise, both cameras output similar footage in a static scene with objects lit within (my guess) 2 stops of each other (if that!), between the white of the photograph paper border and the black in the wall, depicted in the picture.
    There's a reason Andrew puts lamps, strings of lights and shadow-producing objects in his test scenes.  It is difficult to shoot a scene of wide dynamic range using reflected light only.  In the real world, where the sky is in the scene outside, or even coming through the windows, there will be 10-20 stops of dynamic range, or brightness from dark to light where each stop at the high or low end would show more or less detail (contrast).
    So when a filmmaker looks at Andrew's test scenes, for example, he will look to see how much detail is preserved in the string of lights, or in a shadow.  The book on the table is mostly to show color at middle gray.
    Point both cameras at a person sitting on a couch, say, with light streaming through the window, with a mix of highly reflective objects, and light absorbing objects, and then let's see the difference between the FS5 and NX1   
  15. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Micah Mahaffey in Short Film Shot on the Samsung NX1 ("Free")   
    The first of several short films I shot on the NX1. Let me know what you think
  16. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Andrew Reid in Giving Thanks   
    Very grateful to all the forum users and the readers of the blog, so merry christmas right back at ya!
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    Zach Goodwin reacted to graphicnatured in Giving Thanks   
    Thanks so much, Andrew, for all the work you've done to provide all of us with a nice hub for information related to video production and photography. I check the forum of this site almost daily and am very appreciative of all who collaborate in a positive way here, but also love the product reviews you've done. Happy Holidays to you and all the other forum members who make this little place on the internet great.
  18. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Stanislav Schubert in Merry Christmas! With an amazing magic lens LOMO 35 mm   
    I found an amazing lens LOMO OKC 35mm F2 with PL mount, perfect for special, amazing pictures. It has a central hole in one of the glass gives hallowed halos around objects and boke in the shape of circle.  In the movie version with a Pl mount and ARRI focus ring gear. 

  19. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Raafi Rivero in Trailer for my first feature   
    Hey folks, I've been posting here for close to a year. All the while working on this project in the background. It's a dramatic coming-of age tale. We shot on both Canon c500 and Red cameras, with vintage Cooke S2 lenses. Let me know what you think!
  20. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Cinegain in Lenses   
    Why do you always post random things non-related to lenses in the lenses topic?
    Really, I think we said that before, you should have one thread just for ZachGoodwin brainfarts where you can actually just add anything that pops to mind to. Maybe call the topic 'ZachGoodwin presents the 'Dear Diary'-series'.
    I'd follow that thread. Just try to keep it about lenses here in this one, I'd say... 
  21. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Jimmy in New cinema camera manufacturers announced to come in 2016   
    hahaha, i've offered them a pro logo/website in exchange for the camera
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    Zach Goodwin reacted to Oliver Daniel in New cinema camera manufacturers announced to come in 2016   
    My God, that Aurora website and logo is like a spoof of 80's/90's graphic design. 
  23. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to AaronChicago in New cinema camera manufacturers announced to come in 2016   
    4   K   +  comming sune
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    Zach Goodwin reacted to Cinegain in New cinema camera manufacturers announced to come in 2016   
    2016... and then having a 1998 looking site. Doesn't really exude confidence/professionalism.
    But then you see it actually has taken form... and there's specs, pics and video... though, given the specs, it's going to be a pricey one (3000~5000+ USD?).
    The Craft Camera announcement 'Starting under $1,000', as posted by someone around here earlier, will probably be a little bit more my kinda thing. But then is quite the opposite of the Aurora Camera... no specs, pics and video.
    Maybe they should friggin' join forces already.
    - Hum, see KineMINI 4K Basic doing 5199 EUR. Something like that then, probably. What's going on with Kinefinity these days anyway? Created some whirl a while back, but haven't heard people talking about them for quite some time, now.
  25. Like
    Zach Goodwin reacted to Andrew Reid in Buying a Canon 7D mkII   
    For telephoto / wildlife a 7D Mk II with Sigma 50-150mm F2.8 beats 5D Mark III with 70-200mm F2.8L any day, just so much nicer to carry around than that fat bastard
    I am using the sigma zoom on the NX1 for 4K at the moment. It is also par focal!
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