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Everything posted by Cinegain

  1. Thanks for that link. Haven't been up-to-date with drone legislation for the last year or 2. Used to be a nice grey area... and people (and even police) were interested with what the hell you were flying. Now... it's an nuisance to people or worse... instils fear in them. Of course there were the ones that didn't act responsible... and as usual, the few spoil it for the many.
  2. Cinegain

    DJI leaks

    aw okee. I never like opening topics. Too much responsibility. ??
  3. I believe that in most European countries you are allowed to fly anything up to 250gr without much fuss... provided you stay below 30m... don't run risk of hurting life or property and adhere to privacy guidelines. That is... until you start rolling the camera... then suddenly you're no longer flying for the flight itself (rc model flying) but to capture footage. Then you still need to adhere to all the UAV rules and legislation regardless of the fact it's 249gr only. And to have the videos straight in here:
  4. Cinegain

    DJI leaks

    And... apparently NDA lifted. We got vids. https://www.dji.com/mavic-mini?site=brandsite&from=homepage
  5. True. Although... those are now hard to come by I imagine. I did managed to cop me like two swappable E-mounts for my MFT-standard lenses when I thought I was going APS-C when the Sony A6300 was rumored and just around the corner. But I was rather disappointed with that one and stayed true to MFT. Fujifilm hasn't really been floating my boat either yet, maybe an X-H2 could change that, but I doubt it. If you look at the jumps from GH2 - GH4 - GH5 and now the GH5S/BMPCC4K, there's no doubt in my mind that the GH6-series will be a very special and capable camera. I don't even want to go and switch to APS-C or FF-mount ecosystems.
  6. Dunno, never needed lens support, aside from a physical rod system lens support. ? A good lens is a good lens period. Same goes for anything vintage. They don't have to be manufactured actively to be worth getting. Besides... all indications have it that Meike has taken over production plans, putting out just about identical lenses (CM (with intellectual property loss for commisioning party; waiving exclusive rights) turned ODM). No R&D from Meike's side means way lower prices. Of course... who knows if they changed materials to lesser quality ones... if QC is compromised, etc.
  7. Little Ginirigs baseplate/rods setup with little Kamerar follow-focus module (which... definitely is due an update to say the Tilta Nucleus-Nano). Not so much that it isn't a casual length. Just... it is a cinema prime (which I tend to exclusively use as such)... whilst the others mentioned earliers aren't and would more casually be used for all sorts of things, incl. photography. Regarding the last... the Leica 15mm f/1.7 pretty much lives on my GX80. It has an incredibly similar footprint to the LX100, so it's nice and compact and I do really like the focal length and look. The 17.5mm f/0.95 is a gem, I love it for dreamy night shots especially... but, it's kinda hard to mix and match without the other Voigts in my arsenal (GAS mode enabled 'hum...'). The 7.5mm f/2 MFT was certainly awesomely compact and light and optical performance is great considering, so I bet this 17 mil would live up to some standards, despite the insanely cheap price. -- Just remembered Sigma has the 16mm f/1.4 DC DN as well. But I found it too big, without too many actual benefits over say the Olympus one (that has the MF de-clutch)
  8. Cinegain

    DJI leaks

    Too bad over in most European countries the 250gr argument goes straight out of the window once it's recording video. smh Would've been nice to be able to say fuck you to all the regulations and requirements which they've gone overboard with. Though, of course, there's still some rules to adhere to... just would've been way less fuzz.
  9. Seems a 'now shipping' update rather than an announcement. Already saw some videos on it (actually... saw it in person @ IBC).
  10. Haha true, the 16 mil! Though not one that you just casually slap on. Mostly used within the set, co-starring to another Veydra. Usually the 12 & 35mm (I have all except the oddball 19mm T2.6).
  11. There's some advantages to the other ones... like... electronic control. With the likes of the Leica 15mm f/1.7, Oly 17mm f/1.8 and sure the all manual as well Voigtländer 17.5mm f/0.95... must I really add this Laowa? Don't get me wrong, my G.A.S. says 'sure, why not! Pokémon it up! Gotta catch 'em all', but... xD Still... good to have options! Especially when the options include more affordable (without too many compromises) as well. And boy, remember a certain guy saying 'MFT is dead', well, sure seems far from it when they keep putting out cameras and lenses like that.
  12. Ah, never leave your kids alone with scissors or in a room with an open window. Accidents lurking around the corner. Coming up with things posing a hidden threat to the little one. Stuck too long in such a worrying mindset can consume one. I think I get it now. ?
  13. Where the heck you get 'rural Europe' from? xD She's driving an SUV through cornfields. In Europe, she would've been on public transport commuting through the city. Also, in Europe ain't noone got a stove, light switches and powersockets like that. Back OT. Spoiler alert. Guess someone didn't want her to have that baby. Not sure why though, if you've been made, you wouldn't try to get some answers 'who are you!? What are you doing here?! What do you want from me?!'... although, could be that she just wasn't expecting a reply to come out of the dude's mouth (without one). Typical 'yeah, we should definitely split up'-move ditching the scissors and then go sit in front of an open window. lolz. That one shot kinda reminded me of Courage the Cowardly Dog (who lives in 'Nowhere'). Ah... the nostalgia.
  14. Here in NL Mediamarkt has 'no VAT-days' going on where the RX100VA is discounted to €676,82 (regular retail prices are around 849,-; some stores have already pricematched). And Sony has just launched their cashback promotion on select camera equipment (18.10.19- 31.01.20), which knocks the price down another €100. Roughly €575 ain't bad. The VA happens to be the last Sony RX100 cam I actually considered. I don't like giving up on light sensitivity to get a better range out of the lens (as seen in the VI/VII). The Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark III had come under fire of the YouTube vlogging crowd and got returned left and right due lacking C-AF performance (not just compared to 2019 competition, but even previous G7 X Mark II) and Canon's cripple hammer lack of 24p. Well... official statements state they will address both issues through firmware, adding both a C-AF fix and 24p to the cam before end of the year. Couple of things the G7 X Mark III has over the RX100VII incl. f/1.8-2.8 sensitivity (opposed to f/2.8-4.5 dropping off fast from wide) and a built-in ND-filter... so that might actually be the one to look out for.
  15. Ah, they've accepted my busted ass good for nothing Fuji and sent out the HERO8 BLK. Noice. Got rid off an old crap camera and saved me €100 in the progress, how Dutch of me. ?
  16. Cinegain


    I had the Pentax-M SMC 50mm f/1.4, but it was the non-Takumar Asahi version (hey, if they can make beer goggles, they can probably make some funky lenses xD). Was my favorite for quite a while. (^^,)
  17. I had 2x HERO3 BLK, then the HERO4 BLK (because compatibility with my 3DR Solo quadcopter) and just before a skiing trip I'd gotten the HERO5 BLK. Also had a bunch of the Yiaoyi/YI (Xiaomi/MI) action cams over the years (as well as SJCAM). The HERO8 looks kinda dope. They offer a 'TradeUp' deal where any* camera that gets sent in (in any condition) gives you a 100 bucks off on the new HERO8 (or 50,- for HERO7). Actually earlier today just posted my old busted Fujifilm S8000fd that's got a bunch of glitches I managed to digg up from somewhere (they cover shipping). There's also a GoPro Plus or something like that, a premium membership service for replacements, cloud storage and 50% off on accessories. One month free (then monthly/yearly billable). So... you take that month and get yourself the accessories you wanted (if Telesin over at AliExpress isn't much cheaper). The MAX is looking interesting as well. But I'm a sucker for a gd deal and that one hasn't got any. ?
  18. Luckily the prank channels have been cancelcultured and that hype sorta has blown over. But... it's just one nonsense making place for the other nonsense. Don't know, the new generation seems fo0ked. But resistance is futile I suppose. Better not get wound up about it. Appreciate the few things that are actually worth our time and energy. Of which there are luckily still a few left.
  19. Yeah, I've heard that more frequently... to just bring back the Atomos 'Ninja Star'-philosophy. Just a screenless recorder! Maybe one day someday someone will answer our prayers. Regarding APS-C, yeah, I'm not really a firm believer of the Fujifilm approach either. Sony's APS-C E-mount may rot in hell... together with Canon's EOS-M. I might've contemplated going APS-C/S35, but just not like this I'm not. Indeed hoping maybe a higher-end version is on the horizon?? That upcoming E-M5 Mark III might be something to look out for now... I just don't want to commit to a fullframe ecosystem.
  20. Hum. Maybe you haven't been on YouTube much then... have you never seen a video of either of these? https://www.youtube.com/user/Blendtec (a channel with 288,390,902 views) https://www.youtube.com/user/HowToBasic (a channel with 2,297,622,287 views) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAUTncHmFWaaNo91xg4As3g (a channel with 363,080,223 views) https://www.youtube.com/user/whoisjimmy (a channel with 810,710,957 views) People will do anything for attention/entertainment. It doesn't really have to serve a purpose/use, it can just be pretty much pointless. Droptesting phones is about the oldest attentionwhoring in the game by now (endless) and I'm so over it. ? That's nothing new my friend.
  21. I'm curious to find out what Feelworld is up to... No clue what that would entail exactly... not sure what Video Devices and Convergent Design are up to these days, but there's not that many players on the market doing external recording now. Atomos really are ruling the game. But it would be interesting to see someone be disruptive and bring recording monitors to even more affordable levels.
  22. I have no idea what you just said, I think you might've swallowed a Yoda. But cheers! ??
  23. Maybe start a blog, lol. You're flooding the forum with randomness. ?
  24. That! I liked my D5300 just fine, apart from the fact that it wasn't a mirrorless camera. Using liveview to take photos and the mirror flipping up and down like that was pretty annoying. They didn't have to stray that far from the D5600. Just make the damn thing mirrorless and give it IBIS, but nah, now you're getting a flipdown frontfacing screen and no IBIS. What the shizzle. Is this 2019 nearing 2020 still!? Stuff like the A6400 as well? Seems like progess is halting rather than making a few more jumps. Would be lovely to have nice S35 counterparts of what Panasonic is doing with MFT...
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