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Everything posted by leeys

  1. I don't know, I really didn't find it that much slower than the GH3. I timed it with a stopwatch and passed it around a couple of people to make sure reaction time wasn't an issue. It's not a lot slower. I've used my GH3 in a few commercial videos for corporate clients and the AF works well enough. I disable continuous and use a remote to start AF. It's mostly fairly static stuff, with some simple focus pulls. And it's really hard to use the optical viewfinder when the camera is on the floor. I usually don't fancy putting my face on most floors. ;) Basically, if you don't post-process heavily, you might not see the difference, but if you do, wow. Cameras with less than 12 stops of DR usually get found out (at least for me. As an extreme example, I have a Nikon 1 V2 and boy that was really unpleasant the first time I got back after a shoot. I've learnt to shoot with a different style and technique with the V2, but that does mean there's less flexibility with that particular solution. The only time this doesn't apply is in a completely controlled environment where you've setup the lighting to take into account your post-processing edits. You could get a speedbooster and a GH4. :P You're seriously not comparing a 7DII with the above cameras, are you? All those are FF cameras!
  2. Usually these don't work very well, from my experience. I haven't seen this particular brand before though, and at US$10 you can give it a go and see if it works!
  3. Is it that slow? I sat down with a 70D indoors at a food court (someone else's camera) for a full 30 minutes and compared it to my GH3. For stills the speed difference isn't that much, though it cannot do lowlight AF as well as the GH3. For videos (not filmmaking), I'm the guy that uses the GH3's AF from time to time and am happy with it. I'm sure the EOS 70D will be more reliable with phase detect, no?
  4. Rebels could always do 1/3 stop exposure increments, I'm sure! Unless this is specific to the Rebels only, but that'd just be weird.
  5. Canon has always done some kind of dick move just to create marketing distinctions, but I'm pretty sure you can make exposure changes in 1/3 stops since forever, and MFA has been around since the 7D/5DII days.
  6. Seems like the price of two A7S's. Still promising though. Does that mean there'll be a 32-36" 5k OLED monitor in the future? Because that'd be really nice for work.
  7. I still don't get it - you mean a porn production was so desperate to get a Nikon D750 they'd pony up the extra money for what is likely to be an engineering sample? Even in porn, I'm sure they're professionals, and which pro would take a risk on that?
  8. More budget for better audio is always good. People underestimate the importance of good audio. If you're not in a hurry you can see how the new cameras fare first.
  9. Lots of weird links popping up lately!
  10. I thought getting OLED to large sizes was the problem?
  11. That bit cracked me up: Cue the EOS M. If that's serious I don't know what half-hearted will look like.
  12. Exactly - the local Nikon subsidary barely had their cameras for a fortnight, from what I could gather!
  13. I know they say porn can be on the forefront of tech but wow that's really fast; the camera's barely out for a day!
  14. You know, that's probably who Canon want. Outside of the very large media movers and shakers Canon won't give you the time of the day. I should do a post on my own experience with Canon's PR agency, which I'd say was the hardest to work with.
  15. Even if it was super fantastic the price point it's at means it won't do that either - I'd say 70-80% of DSLR shipments come from your triple digit EOS cameras and D5x00s and below. The problem right now is that really, for the mass market, image quality is so good people have no reason to buy another camera... and some are downgrading to smartphones because it's so much easier to use, edit and share images and video with. Well, a GH4 costs as much as a FF DSLR, why would people buy that, right? It's about having the right set of specs and features, and that goes beyond the sensor size. The AF system and frame rate is a big deal for still action shooters though; the 6D's AF system is simply miserable in comparison.
  16. Of all the things to copy from Canon, that's the last thing they need.
  17. I'm left eye dominant as well but use my right eye. The disadvantage comes in not being able to keep both eyes open. Very useful when keeping tabs on whatever that's outside of the frame!
  18. Ooo, a 5K screen is where it's at. 4K + toolbars. I like.
  19. Wasn't there a report for 2014 that the trend's reversed? DSLR shipments are dropping faster than mirrorless, and there's been a slight uptick for the latter somewhere.
  20. Personally I prefer the grip on the D750 than the D600s. The grip itself is deeper so feels nicer.
  21. My point was, I won't cheap out and get this. Sometimes it's just not worth the money (think of cheap bargain "fluid" heads that don't quite work, or rigs that never fit right, or tripods that are just that wee bit unreliable).
  22. Some of the arguments here remind me of stills photography over a decade back, when people were starting out and raw capability was starting to be available. Fast forward ten years and no pro would want a camera without that capability, even if they shot JPEGs 90% of the time. We're back at this stage with these cameras - I'd love to see raw video implemented with sensible software options like we have for stills. That'd really shake up the market, me thinks. Unfortunately the hardware isn't there yet. I don't think there's a sensor readout and bus transfer that can deal with that on a cheap enough basis, is there?
  23. This is a video site, so it's going to be reviewed that way. While I don't think it'll be received poorly (I'm confident still buyers outnumber video by 10:1) for people on this site, there are better options.
  24. No IPS, no sale. I cannot stand working with TN panels. Would rather stick with my 2.5k screen and activate panning mode.
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