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Everything posted by IronFilm

  1. Once they're shipping, then if you need/want a camera *now* then get one and shoot with it. If don't need/want one, then don't get one. You can't predict the future, BMD will surely release a great camera or two next year, but will it be one which meets *your* needs specifically? Maybe, maybe not. Who knows. Likewise, how much longer until the new camera will have the wrinkles ironed out enough? Meanwhile, a camera you get now will be sorted.
  2. ​The reason they do this is because there is a market for them to offer this cheaper options, thus it is in their interest to serve them too which expands their customer base and increases their company's revenue. Which enables them to do even more in the future. However... the cost to physically redesign the hardware and offer different actual hardware configurations is waaaay too costly for a small niche item. While doing it in software is relatively cheap, just go to flick off a setting here and there.
  3. I agree, but... "low budget" doesn't always just mean cash. It can also mean time poor, or short on manpower. Often you might need to do a whole shoot in just a day, or even half a day, or sometimes simply just got an hour to do it. So if you can do it with a simple set up with just something you yourself can juggle at the same time, then that is a great bonus. It is a nice comparison with the BMPC4K for many people it will make that decision easier, as it is essentially the BMPC4K and improved in nearly every way (except for in a few areas such as the recording media is now better, but hugely more expensive than it is for the BMPC4K. It is also over half a kilo heavier, before counting the accessories, although I imagine the rigged up BMPC4K ways far more) However that arguments doesn't really appeal to me, as I prefer my BMPCC over a BMPC4K. Waveforms?? Be awesome if it does, but I thought it didn't. (well, it has audio waveforms, but that isn't what mainly interests me) It is said lowlight is much better, but have you seen anywhere by how much? Merely old 5Dmk2 performance (hope not), or newer 5Dmk3 level ability (hope so!), or C300 performance in the dark? (doubt it!) ​Heh, I'll admit (as I'm generally mildly anti Canon) if I could find a used one for half the price they're going for new, then I'd seriously consider it in combo with a BMD VA.
  4. ​ No, different sensor. Different performance. Worse dynamic range. The studio camera is for studio use.... where you can control the lighting and not looking to squeeze out max dynamic range.
  5. Doubt SSD would happen in a future 4K recorder, but instead CFast. However having CFast *and* SD would be nice. Recording the main 4K ProRes HQ to the CFast card, with the SD for a backup ProRes 422 1080p.
  6. I can see their logic however, for the longer term CFast would make sense. As they're better, and with time prices will come down. What I wish is if they'd instead replaced one CFast slot with a SSD slot? Then you could use the SSD one as a cheap back up recording, or as your main recording if you're a broke as cameraman....
  7. Yup, that is one of my points. :-D Maybe instead of viewing the URSA Mini as an investment on the same scale as a Sony FS7 would be... :-o I can instead view it as a fantastic high quality 1080 camera at an affordable price, via the pairing of URSA-M4K + BMD VA. Use the Blackmagic Design Video Assist for the waaaaaaaaaaaaay cheaper media!! That way I could record to SD cards which I already own for my BMPCC. vs spending thousands and thousands on CFast cards. I'd only get merely *ONE* CFast card (or maybe two... perhaps a 128gig card, and a 64gig card as a backup card kept in the gear bag). Which would simply be used for back up ProRes LT recording in camera (or maybe even merely last resort ProRes Proxy recording :-P ). While the BMD VA does ProRes HQ. Then in a year or two onwards I get a great "upgrade" to the camera when I get a few CFast cards on the cheap after they've become popular and dropped their price. As right now, I could live without the 4K and only the 1080 from the BMD VA. But in a year or two, getting 4K too would be handy.
  8. Is a pity the initial assumptions about the leak of the URSA Mini was wrong with $3k for 4.6K and 15 stops of DR, as it is actually $3k for the old sensor. While the fully kitted out 4.6K version goes for nearly the same as a Sony FS7!!! And then you add on CFast media, which further jacks up the total cost sky high. And while I don't really want the old sensor (the BMPC4K had rather little appeal to me at its price, because I've got a wonderful BMPCC), perhaps a decent case can be made for the cheaper URSA Mini option with a 4K sensor? Because I am giving serious consideration to the URSA Mini 4K plus BMD Video Assist plus 1x CFast card (only one, because those cards are bloody expensive!). Thus, I'll then be able to do a little bit of 4K or raw or slow motion (does the URSA Mini 4K do FHD 160fps too?) when I need it. But the rest of the time I'll have the internal card doing ProRes Proxy (as merely a worst case back up option) and the BMD VA recording ProRes HQ for me. (which simply uses my existing fast SD cards I already have for my BMPCC) Thus for approximately $3k (because I'll be getting the BMD VA no matter if I go for the URSA Mini or not) I'll be getting a great 1080 ProRes HQ camera, seems like a great deal to me! With the bonus of a cheap "upgrade" to 4K and raw shooting once CFast prices have tumbled down. If only it had ND filters, Micro Four Thirds mount, and a little better high ISO (such as GH3 level) then it would be the AF200 successor which I want! I'd even do something I've never done before.... pre-order an item! Heck, even if it only had two out of those three things I'd still go for it at US$3K. As the lack of m4/3 mount is a big bummer. As if it had a m4/3 mount I could use my Nikon F mount lenses with an adapter which has built in ND filters, and thus fixing their terrible error of leaving it out of the URSA body. Ditto, when it is lowlight instead of bright scenes, I can swap the ND filter adapter for a focal reducer, and thus help overcome the 4K sensor's weakness in lowlight. But as it is now... hmmm..... sitting on the fence. I suppose once reviews come out it will be clearer if this is a worthwhile idea for me. What are others' thoughts on this approach to the URSA Mini and are very budget constrained?
  9. Darn, hoped it was permanent and there would be further price drops yet to come.
  10. Am in perverted in hoping the URSA Mini 4.6K will *not* blow our minds away with image quality and performance? As then it will make it easier for me to resist spending a huge sum of money! lol
  11. ​Not so, this one isn't just behind a glass case, it also gets played with a hands on: ​ There is lots of videos like this. For instance also in this interview you can see the guy is actually using it, and looking through the EVF: http://***URL not allowed***/talk-blackmagic-ergonomics-ursa-mini/ Plus there is the real world footage shot with the new sensor by Captain Hook which is online: https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/blackmagicursa So ​while it is very tricky to predict exactly when they'll ship, I'm not seeing anything here which is making me doubt it any more than usual.
  12. I bet in 12 months time this will be the almost perfect camera for me! (but.... still a pity about the lack of ND filters, and no m4/3 mount) As in 12 months after shipping, I'll be able to get it for a grand or two cheaper (either on a sale, or by that point in time there will likely be a few floating on eBay at a good price), and CFast media will have become cheap enough to consider. (plus I think it is too early days anyway for me to spend this much on a camera, need to build up myself and my work a bit more)
  13. The Ninja 2 however has waveforms and vectorscopes, which some could argue are much more important.
  14. I own a NX300, and I expect the newer NX500 would be better. It does 4K too.
  15. Hmmm.... I'm also kinda tempted to pre order too... also something I've never done before!!
  16. It appears the URSA Mini can't have a swappable sensor, only the original URSA.
  17. ​I agree, if this had m4/3 mount instead like JVC has done, then I'd find the URSA a lot more appealing! I might even be able to overlook its lack of NDs, as I could then regain this via an adapter (though no such luck when using native m4/3 lenses unfortunately. Really, it should have m4/3 mount *AND* built in NDs, like the JVC has). MAYBE they'll add NDs at the last minute, because so many people have complained about it. And maybe maybe a future version will be in m4/3 mount, like with the BMCC EF and then later the BMCC MFT. However... they've had the BMPC4K out for a while now, and never yet followed up with a BMPC4K MFT :-( So I am highly doubting a URSA MFT will ever happen :-(
  18. IronFilm


    FT2 is a super low rating, so pretty unlikely.
  19. Fingers crossed this isn't just a witch hunt, although the alternative is very bad too.
  20. The new Premiere has an option to export as H.265, still unknown as to if editing in it is happening or not.
  21. Currently there are more cameras than you can shake a stick at which can 95% beat the XC10 for much much less (RX10/LX100/FZ1000), or 200% beat it for a similar price. (GH4/A7s/NX1) So you have to fit into a very weird tiny little niche, not to want either side of those two alternative options and instead want the XC10. And once the Sony RX20 is released I bet that camera will then beat the XC10 125% for half the price. Which will leave the XC10 with no niche whatsoever to fill, not even the little tiny weird one it might fill right now. Heck, it could be argued the Sony AX100 (with Sony XLR-K2M) and Sony PXW-X70 (which is getting the 4K update at the same time the XC10 is shipping) are already beating the XC10 by 125% for less/same.
  22. Heh, I recently worked on a two day wedding where we used 3x C300 + 2x BMPCC + 2x 5D
  23. Ed David, you want the F35 chip in new cameras..... but why?
  24. Jimmy, the XC10 has ND but..... only ONE setting :-/
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