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Posts posted by mtheory

  1. ​You're right.  And that's my point. That achieving great technical IQ with contemporary tools is easy.  So easy that a beginner with a good eye is going to capture competent if not outstanding images.  In fact, their fresh naive outlook might be a huge value.  They might do things in a new way simply because they don't know any better.  


    ​If capturing good images is your primary strength, you should indeed be terrified because all tech is making such processes easier for everyone. As I mentioned before, Instagram pretty much killed photoblogging for me. But if art and storytelling are your strength, you have nothing to worry about, - all those well-shot videos on vimeo with nothing to say are just dead fish washing up on the beach...it doesnt diminish the real thing.

    Increased technological efficiency has cannibalized tens of millions of jobs in the industrial world and will continue to do so.

  2. Personally, I've gotten spoilt renting cameras for photoshoots over the past year, and doubt I would buy the next 5D for stills anymore even if it ticks most of my checkboxes. ( It would have to do 4K RAW with ML and beat D4s in low light for me to re-consider. ) 

    I still love buying Canon lenses though, and the EF mount is a safe option to continue investing considering the amazing EF support in the cinema industry from Speedbooster, BM and Kinefinity. 

  3. Actually, if you look at some of the top YouTube and Snapchat stars...you could argue great IQ has become completely irrelevant to the under-20s kids...its PURELY about ideas and concepts now. As for the phenomenon you're describing..its not new...Hollywood has never pumped out a badly-lit film...but how much of it has actually been great storytelling? That hasn't killed filmmaking, so don't worry about it, just focus on better writing... :)

  4. Low light, no rolling shutter, light 4K internal and raw 4K external...yeah, this camera is aimed squarely at practical purposes and ticks most boxes. Is there any point of C500 anymore? I suppose they could add internal 4K RAW, SSD drives and superfast fps for C500 Mark II in the future. Price-wise its meant for corporate users and rentals. I will definitely be renting this thing for commercial gigs.

    But as I mentioned before, for film work all the C cameras have been a disappointment for me, the motion still seems too videoish even though colors are great. I really hope they fixed it now, we will know soon I guess. Till then, 5D RAW and KineMINI are the best cinema tools in my book.

  5. Art is eternal while Craft always changes, they didn't realize they were in an artistic industry instead of a chemical industry. Apple for example updated its name from "Apple Computers", sending an important signal that they get it. I can totally see an Apple product one day that would have no computer parts in it. It's a pity Kodak didn't see themselves this way.

  6. ​sorry andrew, but now you`re really loosing it....

    NOBODY needs that kind of "talent" on screen or in the industry.

    this is clearly a case where fame went to somebody`s head and made him think that he can get away with everything.

    now the bbc told him that this is not the case, bravo!




    ​800,000 signatories on a petition not to fire Clarkson would disagree. The trolls who are calling for Clarkson's blood are a small but over-vocal minority who do not represent the mainstream public. 

  7. How can you uphold that his previous incidents are irrelevant to this specific discussion?

    You seem to be deeply upset by the verb to lie... That seems reasonable enough, but it is petty work compared to the insults done by that chap Clarkson... You rightfully demand to be treated with respect, but you don't mind Clarkson abusing others?

    ​No, I do mind Clarkson abusing others. I also mind others abusing Clarkson disproportionately in return. Which is what's happening here.

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