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Posts posted by mtheory

  1. Besides, NK's ARE weird and small.  They have a very unfortunate philosophy about life and government that leads to inability to actually feed their population.  Is that funny?  Can be, depends on context.  There's humor in everything seen from a certain angle.


    Unfortunate philosophy? Their country was dragged into a Cold War crossfire between communism and capitalism, and they are all basically hostages to a bunch of communist fanatics at the top. Their real Korean culture and philosophy and way of life have been completely suppressed. To call their situation a 'philosophy' is abit like calling Jews' life in concentration camps a philosophy, it's basically blaming the victim. Who the hell taught you to think like this? This shit baffles me...


  2. This thread is interesting in raising the question of how and why are people creative. Can it be learnt or is it something one is born with? Personally I think only craft can be taught or nurtured with effort and discipline, while  art comes from a mysterious inner place. Many great artists fail because they can't master the craft to express themselves, and many great craftsman have nothing to say despite ability to express someone else's visions beautifully. Wally Pfister comes to mind...his "Transcendence" was a chance to step out of Nolan's shadow and be his own artist, but even with a budget and Johnny Depp as a star he had little to communicate in his film, despite incredible ability to express ideas as a DOP. 

  3. If only he'd backtrack 20 or so years to the days of terminator2 and aliens..  making 18 certificate action movies with practical efx and soul.


    He always said that he took this massive break from action movies in order to actually dive into the oceans before he gets too old to do that ( Abyss and Titanic were only made because he wanted to physically dive into the ocean, the films were just an excuse ), so maybe he can finally focus on proper sci-fi action again.


    After Avatar, I'm really hoping he returns to previously planned projects like Battle Angel, one of the best sci-fi graphic novels of all time, or his Hiroshima movie. Also, in 2018 the rights to the whole Terminator franchise revert back to him...so he might actually do a proper Terminator III. He said if he does it, it will be a very massive re-imagining of the whole concept of cybernetics, so I don't imagine Arnie will be coming back.


    He also joked he'd love to do Prometheus II . :D Probably just to piss of Ridley Scott, who was always sour for being passed on for the Alien sequel.

  4. I read the latest EMPIRE magazine today, it had an interview with James Cameron ( not available online ) and he was asked about whether he was still set to release Avatar sequels in 60 fps...guess what...he backtracked completely...saying that he will film 48fps, and not the whole film but only parts of it...in fact, he said he will only use HFR on horizontal panning shots!




    Victory for us and death to HFR! He must have gotten the message that audiences hate it after Jackson's massive mess with Hobbit in HFR and wisely decided to almost completely abandon the idea. I think we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief now, - 24fps is here to stay. 

  5. I talked to London Camera Exchange in Manchester and they said a lot of Sony bodies were selling now. Used to be mostly Canon and Nikon. Times are a changin. Don't say I didn't warn them...


    Yep, they crippled DSLRs because they wanted to move all of us to C cameras, instead they are losing this massive new userbase to competitiors. They should've just continued the revolution with a 4K 1DX and all the 5D shooters would've upgraded, the market would've been theirs.


    A C300 Mark II for $12k is not going to stop the tide of DSLR shooters leaving Canon, no matter what features it has.

  6. Here's a previous roundtable from 2013.



    At the 20 minute mark, the cinematographer of Amelie talks about his first experience going from film to digital with Alexa. It's interesting that he complains about the low light sensitivity and needing less lights...it really does seem the transition to digital didn't just disrupt the medium, but the craftsmanship as well...being a digital DOP really does require a different set of lighting skills than a film DOP. And with the new Varicam35 having a base ISO of 5000, seems the new way is here to stay.

  7. Making movies IS the best film school.


    But if you absolutely need a degree ( hey, college is fun ), go to an art school instead. It will teach you how to think out of the box and will not stifle your film voice while you develop your own original aesthetic. 


    Wong Kar Wai, Ridley Scott, Steve McQueen, Zack Snyder and Michael Bay all went to art school. ( That is one bizarre list... )

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