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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. Yeah, a7RII is a fine camera indeed... It doesn't matter if only 8-bit. Most part of time you won't need beyond anyways. It just depends on you... Needs follow you and your solutions follow them.
  2. ...which makes the 10-bit jewel one of the first ones to accurately be called hybrid... fairly ever ;-)
  3. Indeed. Actually the world is not perfect. We need to adapt to be happy. There's no free lunch, no automatic mode for taking reliable pictures : D Craft is learning. Better easy than harder but hey, I didn't invent the rules! The system, they exist like math. We know the equation or not. There's no middle term. Like life, takes time to live. Once we get it, we understand the business. No more jerks to rip off the girl's underwear when we know better than anyone the color of her yellow short pants. :-)
  4. Well, certain shooters have found their way... : P PS: This always reminds me that I don't need to sleep with Miss Universe to be a real happy male... LOL ;-)
  5. You beat me by just a few seconds... LOL
  6. What does reliable AF mean? No need for selective focus... no shooter? *cough cough* :X
  7. That's the whole point. Go there to ask Panasonic why the GH5 then?! ;-)
  8. Sony mirrorless cameras seem toys compared with the way ANY Panasonic cam presents themselves as brand to any serious shooter used to perform the best outcome from their front line. They're really battlefield-proof. Disclaimer: I've always supported Sony gear; one of my 1st loves along Panasonic; actually as camera maker to begin with, but...
  9. Great Jon... You = yourself; one of my fav cam/glass critics (if not simply 'the one') over here ; ) That HDR/HLG label over 8-bit doesn't make any sense...
  10. Right Glenn. Even though, I don't find on 5D3 outcome (for real) anything I can't handle on GH5 as well, I'd say ; ) I guess the opposite is much harder to reach... ;-) When you can buy a couple of GH5ss for the same amount...? Yes, it is. Indeed. (Panasonic rules *period* call me fanboy now, I'll call it: ...against facts there's no - such - argument : ) BTW, I know of people selling their REDs... just because)
  11. To underexpose when you mainly have low light will never conduct to fine performance... ;-)
  12. Hey dudes, what's wrong with spoilers!? C'mon they let you see better any film. BTW there are always dozens of next chances to you taking advantage of spoilers free income : D just try next, so... ; ) BTW II: Have you seen all classics? All Tarkovski? All Ozu? All Mizoguchi? All Kieślowski? Twice or several times a decade, a lifetime...?! On another note, I concur: there's no anamorphics killer. Never will be :-)
  13. http://www.hahnel.ie/irish-shop/productUrl/hrop-280-pro-for-pana-oly/
  14. Indeed @Ari and @Fritz Pierre that (your tests) would be nice to check it out! (E :-)
  15. *update* Comprehensive test to come (just posted by Daniel*) * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H06EXJn2k3M&lc=z23jjznhrmu2zfggb04t1aokgujkxtfhciyfmwhtx5ygrk0h00410.1508030539094930
  16. Daniel has just posted that he will update a new test today. I've asked him to test it with longer focal lengths beyond 21mm on the anamorphic, 6K Photo and stills 4:3, 3:2, 16:9, 1:1 modes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUFJ9OJ28As&lc=z23jjznhrmu2zfggb04t1aokg4yuojbg2mjsv5thjvplbk0h00410.1508016665373862
  17. Do you mean the update only in order to fix the v2.0 bugs?
  18. I do really appreciate Daniel as well his honest gear tests. Very responsive BTW. Pity he has no more in his hands to add his input. Beyond his creative topics on his GH5. Thematic subjects in-focus are also a value-added indeed. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5HAPKYbBL6ogj2GWO_gE6A/videos Humble buddy, that's my cup of tea.
  19. Hey guys, OP will only play a test, not supplying a new firmware update! :-)
  20. And on the anamorphic, 6K Photo and all 4:3, 3:2, 16:9, 1:1 stills modes? Have you tested the vignetting along such lens on all or any of them?
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