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tony wilson

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    tony wilson got a reaction from Sean Cunningham in Thinking about the LA7200, oh god diopters   
    not in double element..
    i am making some after christmas they will be +0.3 and +1 in double element not sure of the size exactly.
    the stuff that is sometimes around now is the kenko and the schneider but as you know they are single element.
  2. Like
    tony wilson got a reaction from Sean Cunningham in Thinking about the LA7200, oh god diopters   
    <p>do the tests use your eyes come back when you have.<br />
    i have my eyes are getting old but they do not lie.<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    i have single element angenieux +0.25<br />
    and angenieux +0.4<br />
    the tokina doublet is better.<br />
    <br />
    you still have not told me what optics you have for your visual tests?<br />
    <br />
    your gonna make a million john with all your booky wook info.<br />
    the power of words over real image testing : )<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    for your info i have been working on a various new close up's myself.<br />
    <br />
    all the tests done so far show double element design being the way to go on +0.3 or +0.4<br />
    the lab tests showed the angenieux single element + 0.4 to be inferior to the tokina double element +0.4 meniscus design.<br />
    angenieux made some mighty fine quality optics so a good single element lens to test.<br />
    all the recipes where put into zemax the tokina design won out.<br />
    i suggest you start doing some buying testing or making maybe help vidatlantic out he has a quality control issue with his tin and glass : )<br />
    figure out what the money split is and you will be laughing especially if you buy the junk from china.</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>a perfect optic for the panasonic would not be the 72mm tokina +0.4</p>
    <p>it would be a large double element +0.25 or +0.3.</p>
    <p>but that is from real world testing.</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>thank god you have destroyed the myth and seen through my lies just in time before the christmas rush.</p>
    <p>hail the single element.</p>
    <p>hail the barlow wangchung close up image sharpener</p>
  3. Like
    tony wilson got a reaction from Zmu in Thinking about the LA7200, oh god diopters   
    i sold 40 of the tokina single element +0.5 and
    70 tokina +0.4 achromatic doublet.
    it took 2 mins of flipping in and out to see the power of the achromatic design.
    clearly the doublet advantage is in the f1.4-f4 range
    by far the biggest improvements was with century/optex design and other slightly rough or off anamorphics.
    what you want with the best anamorphics is the min introduction of error from a poor additional quality optic.
    most single element stuff is shit and will degrade the image.
    schneider are using single element for price point they shift more at 250 dollars than a doublet at 700-1000.
    i have had many optics ex nasa and they loved doublets.
    over 100 anamorphic nutters have the tokina.
    the original price was quite good selling today would get some people a nice profit but i see people keeping the achromat and selling the anamorphic.
    clearly they cannot all be mind controlled idiots.
    it would be a lot easier if we knew exactly what gear mr barlow has and if he has done these tests himself.

    i have always offered a full refund on the tokina doublet never had even one returned even when the buyer had a single element tokina at the same time.
    as i stated before economics are behind this cemented doublets are more complex and you cannot cut corners with them so they should always be an improvement.
    iscorama is one of the few lens that does not degrade the image hitting the taking lens.
    the tokina doublets do not degrade the image either.
    making statements and hinting that low power doublets are pointless is futile.
    if you have one john why have you still got it ?

    i have a lovely 5cm nikkor 1.1 lens from the 1950s i also have an f1 leica noctilux.
    do i really need them when i can sell them for thousands and buy a cheap noctor 0.95.
    do i need the doublet or these other lens yes simply because the quality is fantastic and superior to other stuff i have tried.
  4. Like
    tony wilson got a reaction from Sean Cunningham in Thinking about the LA7200, oh god diopters   
    i sold 40 of the tokina single element +0.5 and
    70 tokina +0.4 achromatic doublet.
    it took 2 mins of flipping in and out to see the power of the achromatic design.
    clearly the doublet advantage is in the f1.4-f4 range
    by far the biggest improvements was with century/optex design and other slightly rough or off anamorphics.
    what you want with the best anamorphics is the min introduction of error from a poor additional quality optic.
    most single element stuff is shit and will degrade the image.
    schneider are using single element for price point they shift more at 250 dollars than a doublet at 700-1000.
    i have had many optics ex nasa and they loved doublets.
    over 100 anamorphic nutters have the tokina.
    the original price was quite good selling today would get some people a nice profit but i see people keeping the achromat and selling the anamorphic.
    clearly they cannot all be mind controlled idiots.
    it would be a lot easier if we knew exactly what gear mr barlow has and if he has done these tests himself.

    i have always offered a full refund on the tokina doublet never had even one returned even when the buyer had a single element tokina at the same time.
    as i stated before economics are behind this cemented doublets are more complex and you cannot cut corners with them so they should always be an improvement.
    iscorama is one of the few lens that does not degrade the image hitting the taking lens.
    the tokina doublets do not degrade the image either.
    making statements and hinting that low power doublets are pointless is futile.
    if you have one john why have you still got it ?

    i have a lovely 5cm nikkor 1.1 lens from the 1950s i also have an f1 leica noctilux.
    do i really need them when i can sell them for thousands and buy a cheap noctor 0.95.
    do i need the doublet or these other lens yes simply because the quality is fantastic and superior to other stuff i have tried.
  5. Like
    tony wilson got a reaction from rishaar in 48p The Hobbit - British and American critics verdict   
    jannard is a dead man walking arri alexa has destroyed him.
    death by a thousand alexa use commercials every 2 weeks.
    he may be getting some big movies but the bread and butter money is in the shit jobs and arri have that sewn up sweet.
    no disrespect but ron howard is just a bald twat from happy days another hollywood satanist : )
    it is all so tired.
    get this out on dvd  a series of ghost stories directed by Masaki Kobayashi in 1964 in lovely toho scope.
    the trailer is a little dull the movie is sublime perfection : )
    and scary in parts.
  6. Like
    tony wilson got a reaction from Andrew Reid in 48p The Hobbit - British and American critics verdict   
    catonic nice name your gonna love the hobbit.
    made for zombies just like you.
    you will love counting gandalfs nasal hairs probably turn you on.

    go see analogue shot inception at an imax cinema then go see this 300 million dollar tellytubbies shite.
    if this plastic turd is the cinemas future then the bean counters need to die.
    this is showboating a high end techno advert meant to impress the new generation hipster yes men director shitters
    the trickle down effect it is about about turning a movie around in a 3 MONTH cycle that is why hollywood wants film dead.
    film costs more and it is slower.
    this new zealand vomit fest is meant to be the van helsing nail in films heart the stuff i have seen looked like rotten bbc actuality.
    your belief is the scientists just need to tweek a few nobs and everything will be ok.
    fuck you and fuck corrupt hollywood.
    paul thomas anderson managed to shoot the master on 65mm by cutting his shooting ratio way down and dumping his cgi and post budgets.
    clearly film makers decent ones great ones need choice the small willing talented ones should be allowed to shoot film if they want to.
    when you watch a well shot movie like inception you do not think this looks old fashioned and sub standard you go wow immersive but analogue film gives you a step away from reality.
    it is just fucking sexy and if it was good enough for welles or kubrick i will take them over the little fat kiwi turd,who seems to have 37 more cameras than kubrick or tarkovsky and none of the fucking talent.
    when you look at the hobbit clips you ask where did the 300 million go and what the fuck are they gonna do with the 38 reds they got for free as they will soon be obsolete when the next upgrade comes.
    filmakers need many choices,the majority will not be able to afford analogue film some will.
    film is dead not because it is a substandard medium it is indeed superior in many ways that arri understand but will not admit and jannard will not compute.
    film is nearly dead cos of the corrupt morons and the bean counters.
    when tarrantino,nolan and paul thomas anderson are having to put up a fight to shoot on film you then understand something is rotten and satanic in hollywood rape land.
    at least david lynch was honest he went to video cos it was cheaper yet a lot of his sexy perfume commercials where still shot on 35mm film.
    fuck jackson and fuck lucas and that king of the world 3d twat that made titanic.
    catatonic do not forget your sick bucket for the movies when you go see the gay plastic little folks of middle earth.
    as your puking your guts into  bucket and wiping the tears away you can revel in how immersive jacksons digital movie is.
  7. Like
    tony wilson got a reaction from OzNimbus in Bolex 8/19 1.5 mounting?   
    massive tin 3 dollar vamp clamp for the baby moller is an outrage
    kind of like putting fat pig ugly hilary clinton in your aston martin yes no : )
    moller is treasure don't treat it like shit..

    but what do i know hundreds of buyers and happy customers love vamping even some iscorama owners just love dat vamp and it's iron bolt action.
  8. Like
    tony wilson got a reaction from Francisco Rios in new anamorphics....   
    hello i now have 2 redstan hypergonars 1.5x and 1.33x
    any pro shooter based in london i would be keen to meet in the next couple of weeks to get some feedback.
    i have been working on these for a long time and am a bit burnt out.
    please ping me a massage if interested to meet and give feedback.
    someone experienced with anamorphic lens would be ideal.

  9. Like
    tony wilson got a reaction from OzNimbus in Apefos Anamorphic Project   
    my problem is i have iscorama and moller and everything else is not..

    my redstan hypergonar 1.33 prototype was finished months ago but i need to give it to someone for feedback i kind of put everything on the back burner.

    the apefoscoperama is already looking pretty good
    some of these shots are really great this is what patience and energy and drive can do for a prototype super quick as well.
    this to me already seems superior to optex and century 2 companies that had over 30 years optics experience with a design worked out on a 1990s super computer.
    flare issues on the apefos optic can be sorted with experiments in coating and finding and matching taking lens.
    viva brazil
  10. Like
    tony wilson got a reaction from richg101 in Looking for Iscorama 36 (or similar)   
    [quote name='QuickHitRecord' timestamp='1351621546' post='20648']
    That is a MONSTER thread. I have gotten a lot of good information from it.

    I think that the price bubble will burst in the next two years when SLR Magic releases their anamorphic lens.

    wow such faith in a china cctv rehouse outfit.
    that company has not had an original thought yet.
    the noctor lens they sell is a japanese cctv lens from goyo optical with a m/43 mount instead of c most of the wide stuff they make is cctv lens with wide angle attachments built in.
    the chinese would make life and quality easier if they just purchased some of the great companies still going in japan.
    one of the slr guys wanted to buy an isco from me and as he had paid 400 for a kowa thought i might part with an isco for 800 i assume they did not want to spend 4000 dollars on a lens they needed to destroy to copy : )
    an iscorama can be used on movie cameras that arri and sony have not even made yet with amazing results no matter what size sensor.
    an iscorama was never a cheap lens 1400 sterling in the late 1980s for an iscorama 54.
    when you consider the best nizo and canon super 8 cameras at the time cost 300-400 that is a big price to pay for an optic for your home movie camera.
    the ebay isco price drop was simply because the super 8 shooters stopped shooting and went to mini dv.
    the upward price move because of a director putting an isco 36 on his 5d
    slr magic will not get near a moller or an iscorama unless they use some amazing optic wizz and really improve build quality of existing products.
  11. Like
    tony wilson got a reaction from Ernesto Mantaras in Blackmagic Cinema Camera rumour of revised camera in 2013 with active MFT mount   
    der black majick man from atlantis or delmonte or aussistrayla said i shud give him cash monies for a camra he called it a cash advance.
    6 monts lata he was sad and sed he had a problam wid der glass windows.
    den he said how about puttin sum monies down for a new new camra for next year even better dan der old one from dis year dats broken and nobody has got

    i go for a bath wid me ducky he exists when i squeeze him he go squeek

  12. Like
    tony wilson got a reaction from cameraboy in The new Leica M as a filmmaker's tool - an interview with Leica's Jesko von Oeynhausen   
    why don't you get this..
    the camera is not for you ok.
    it is a stills camera with video for an existing target market.
    not someone that seems to be getting angry that leica are not giving you a baby alexa for 600 dollars.
    plenty of plastic out on the market for you : )
    i say it again i trust leica more as image lens and camera makers based on nearly 100 years of history and proven excellence.
    moan to them i suggest you contact leica and tell them they are ignorant idiots.
    suggest to them where the non existant camera project has gone wrong.
    these are not sony or canon.
    i bet you it would be super easy to speak to
    [b] [size=4]Jesko von Oeynhausen lecture him pretend you are an interested rich kid.[/size][/b]
    who knows they may let you join the beta test prototype camera team.
  13. Like
    tony wilson got a reaction from nahua in The new Leica M as a filmmaker's tool - an interview with Leica's Jesko von Oeynhausen   
    Andrew, you can't be serious, you are a Canon Basher, and you don't bash Leica? (...)

    No 1080/60p50p?
    Hello, nearly 7k in price(!!)

    you have know idea what the image will be like.
    leica has a reputation defined by the purity and perfection of optics and cameras.
    maybe the greatest reputation of all companies.
    they go slow.they do not join cost races to dilute top line product ranges.
    they wait for the best sensor,they wait for the technology to exist in a refined form before they integrate into top range products.
    let us not beat them up for a camera that does not yet exist apart from tester cameras.
    rumour is the test model is already pretty handy.
    these products are for super serious pros with money or the very well off that want the best.
    plenty of cheap plastic cameras around for the price of a leica lens hood.
    i have a leica digilux 2 from 8 years ago leica replaced the sensor last year for free.
    leica are not going to release the most important camera for them in years that is flawed imager.
    that camera clearly is of interest to existing customers it is not trying to attract gh2 users.
    this camera is only a good thing and in the future i believe they will make other products with video.
    i would suggest people email leica direct with ideas for future directions.
    this company is small enough to listen to valid ideas.
    lets wait and see..for most it is not relevent because of price point but for some it is great news.
  14. Like
    tony wilson got a reaction from acmeman in Test footage from the pre-release Panasonic GH3 at Photokina   
    meeum big um chiefum wampum
    sittum by the shady swampum
    Pocahontas squaw come i give he pumpum
    eatum foof and fillum tumtum.
    white man come plenty slaughter
    eat my food and take my squaw
    now what der hell do day do all dat for
  15. Like
    tony wilson got a reaction from Anil Rao in 4K Leica Video Camera?   
    leica made one of the greatest super 8 film cameras in the 1970s
    the leicina special with an m mount and 10mm and a zoom lens it was tiny and superb piece of engineering i have 3 and they still work never been serviced.

    using an existing body dumping the latest stills sensor and sticking a lower resolution sensor using a kodak or dalsa ccd would not be an epic project for them.
    clearly they already have live view prototypes for future cameras andrew needs to go fined them at the show and explain to them fuji is bound to do something interesting so trump the future competition
  16. Like
    tony wilson got a reaction from richg101 in Panasonic GH3 hands-on report   
    paris loo vre footages

    i wish der kids would stop pissing around wid chinese soft fast lens
    not a good choice of lens or a good corporate choice for a new camra innit
  17. Like
    tony wilson got a reaction from richg101 in Iscorama and Zeiss + Achromat   
    you got lucky with the iscorama the last 3 i got where all spares or repair quality.
    anyone that says the isco optic in good condition is overpriced should wait for the slr magic and see if it gets anywher near iscorama.
    just for focus ease alone it is a gem.
    it really is beyond lomo in resolution terms,not the look but resolving power.
    i believe to get better you have to spend over 20 thousand dollars.
  18. Like
    tony wilson got a reaction from Germy1979 in Did You Hear That?   
    you guys have no idea about nothing.
    i know for a fact that in 4 years we will have something really amazing it will blow your minds.
    infact if you can wait 10 years i guarantee something that will knock your socks off.
    come 20 years the sky is the limit.
    hold on as long as you can all this stuff is rubbish compared to the stuff we will get in 50 years
  19. Like
    tony wilson got a reaction from richg101 in SLRmagic designing new anamorphic lens for M43   
    the japanese made amazing products
    they took ideas principles optical concepts.
    took electronics,mechanics from europe made stuff better and more reliable.
    they had ideas men.
    proud men that wanted to best the us,uk,france and germany.
    the chinese just steal
    why think and waste time when you can use someone else's ideas.
    china maybe a super power but it is not from original thought or ideas.
    why buy an arrifllex lamp when you can copy and steal the design.
    let us see if china can make a 500 dollar anamorphic that is better than an ebay 150 usd 30 year old proskar.
    let us see an original chinese design for a change.
    let us see something original for a change instead of retarded knockoff

    quality optical and build that is the thing.
    i have a 1980s leica noct,i have a 1950s nikon f1.1 and a canon f0.95 all in perfect solid shape german and japenese quality.
    most kowa and sankor anamorphics are still going strong after 30 years of user abuse take the money was always a factor but it was by producing long term quality not short term money grab.
    if and when slr magic do it test it quick and send it back if it is not good.
    some people have had a few quality issues with the company.

  20. Like
    tony wilson got a reaction from HurtinMinorKey in Blackmagic Cinema Camera shipping delayed   
    many years ago some cotton pickin retrobate stole a foto off a manly website the foto was of me and my rubber ducky in are favorite tin metal bath.
    no problem with a foto but dis evil doer got a companie in china to copy my rubber ducky and sell an asian ducky witch looked like my rubber ducky.
    eyes was real mad sea i tells you.
    without imcramanating me myself der guy died scrreaming in panes and der china duck factory burnt down in a freek accident.
    it was very lucky these things happen as i was sueing the duck man copy cat true der patent orifices.
    eye had 2 patent infrangement clames
    eye beliefs cinema cameras have many more areas for legal clams
    dem patant infridgement clams can gets messy
    either ways my ducky exists he going for a swim tonight.

  21. Like
    tony wilson reacted to mameboy44 in Blackmagic Cinema Camera shipping delayed   
    Yet another email from CVP - No rubber ducky this month ???!!!!
  22. Like
    tony wilson reacted to HurtinMinorKey in Blackmagic Cinema Camera shipping delayed   
    [quote name='kitchentable' timestamp='1345025929' post='15749']
    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]"...cameras are now leaving the production facility and first deliveries would have commenced, however Blackmagic Design are currently waiting for a third party license to be issued before deliveries can legally start."[/background][/color][/font][/size]

    If that's true, then that third party has quite a bit of bargaining power. My guess is that a team of lawyers from Canon and Sony showed up at the last second and said “here are 397 patents that you are infringing upon with the production of this product. Here’s our number, have a nice day!”
  23. Thanks
    tony wilson got a reaction from Justin Bacle in The Anamorphic lens REPAIR thread   
    red stan's sage wisdom and advice on good and shit anamorphics.
    1.small optics give you an easier life and nice close focus.
    2.focus test your anamorphic as soon as you get it if you cannot get a sharp picture get a refund or a discount.
    3.do not take any crap bull from a seller especially if he has sold you junk costing over 250 dollars.
    4.if your lens has major damage it may be beyond economic repair meaning it could cost 2-5 times it's value for the repair.
    5.with repairs expect a wait from 6 weeks to 3 months any good repair guy is always busy.
    i had a nikon lens take 6 months for a complicated repair once.
    6.explain to repair guy clearly what you think is wrong it saves time and money.
    7.except the fact that some anamorphics are just not worth saving or repairing
    8.many ebay anamorphic optics are the same optics being purchased fiddled with then sold on.
    if in doubt walk away.
    9.if your seller can take a foto of the lens and put a lengthy cut and past bull shit discription with a price tag of a 1000 dollars plus.
    ask him why he has not bothered to shoot through the anamorphic is it because it is soft : )
    10.at least 35% of anamorphics need servicing why do you think rental companies and studios had camera lens service depts.
    11.main problems optic to optic alignment issue giving soft picture.
    dried out focus helicoid grease.
    dirty internal optics, fungus and external coating problems.
    lens separation.
    a lens clean and service should optimize the system allowing use of faster taking lens.
    why get stuck in the 1950s hollywood rut of f8-16
    12.remember repairing a car after a major crash is gonna cost a lot more time and money than a simple service.
    13.quality shipping box within a box method is a must.
    bad shipping with several impact drops along the journey will give you a bad lens.
    14.i did not like ending on 13.
  24. Like
    tony wilson got a reaction from wilco73 in Wanted: Iscorama 36   
    isco 54
    isco 42
    isco 36
    isco inflight 1.75x
    kowa bell howell
    sankor 16d
    baby hypergonars
    various iscomorphots
    iscorama 2001
    1 redstan iscorama
  25. Like
    tony wilson reacted to Jimbawb in Anyone have any lenses for sale?   
    Hey Mondo, just a warning, don't go buying a lens like the one in the link above, it's a projector lens and ain't no good for shooting!

    You're looking around $3 - 4,000 for an iscorama 36 (which seems to be what everyone is after) I'm looking to hire one not buy.

    So if you're bidding on anything under $2,000 it's probably not worth bidding for?!

    Hope that helps at all?
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