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Everything posted by ntblowz

  1. For videos EF lens is better because you get VND mount adapter, so much better than front screw on ND that have problem with backlight situation, reflection issues, colour shift and loss of micro contrast. RF lens for me is more still oriented
  2. Soon those enhanced stuff we see on tv gonna become true lol
  3. Which means only Canon camera can have internal compressed RAW, all other will have to go external to bypass RED patent. Even Blackmagic have to remove cdng format due to this. So yeah this is what a bogus patent do to the whole industry.
  4. With corona virus wrecking the supply chain that the main reason for delay, you cant get raw material out to process and refine.. hence all those assembly factory from a lot of companies is on halt atm.
  5. The result from newshooter said otherwise, but they shoot in raw not compressed like C5D do. C500 ii is very noisy in the shadow area vs c300 iii with DSG.
  6. The place where I got my EOS R from already have pre-production R5!
  7. This and R5/R6 will be a very nice combo for small production.
  8. https://www.newsshooter.com/2020/04/21/canon-c300-mark-iii-hands-on-footage/ with DGO it outperform the C500 II on DR
  9. A XC10 with modular approach? Hopefully the lens is interchangeable.
  10. I hope R6 also can have internal 10bit, dont mind lossing the Raw capabilities as those hog a lot of space! But well done Canon! 😁 Guess A7s back to drawing board again.
  11. ntblowz

    Step Back

    Sold 40% of my equipment prior to lockdown, glad I did, cause money is certainly handy when it is in your bank at this situation we are today. Still looking for R5/R6 later this year though.
  12. The gyro info will be good for vr environment too...
  13. BM QC is still not great after all these years, can still hear horror story from my circle now and then.
  14. Its good i still have my webcam from a decade ago, quality is decent as it is HD resoltuon, just the AF is quite bad with pulsing. Just never thought i will have to use it again a decade later.
  15. https://www.canonrumors.com/possible-canon-cinema-eos-c300-mark-iii-update-cr2/ So 4K120p with DPAF, and 2K up to 150p. Wished the 2K could go over 200p.
  16. Yeah Sony's pre-amp is quite shocking When i used a7iii to shoot pacific group dance performance i was shocked at audio quality difference to the gh5 i used a year before to shoot the same group. They require live audio for this shoot so both was using rode videomic on top of the camera for recording, but you can tell the difference straightaway, and client ends up using gh5's audio for one of the video. 😂
  17. Camera is going to be more expensive for sure, the yen is so high vs other currency 😰 (while nzd tanked a lot)
  18. Most Chinese wouldn't trust any number the their government put up, there are reports that some people were denied treatment or testing for coronavirus in order to make new case number 0 Anyway NZ is going nation wide lockdown in 2 days, I packed work computer today to start work from home from tomorrow.
  19. The ND adapter is a god send, and better quality than most screw on ND too in terms of reflection and loss of contrast when shooting backlight situation.
  20. So we are getting updated spec https://www.canonrumors.com/a-little-bit-more-about-the-upcoming-canon-eos-r6-cr2/ Hopefully priced around $2K
  21. Could it be the sensor for next a7s?
  22. New info https://www.canonrumors.com/even-with-nab-cancelled-canon-still-plans-to-announce-a-new-cinema-camera-shortly/ Could be C300 III, same body form as C500 II and does 4K120P internal, S35 sensor. Hopefully that 4K120P is DPAFed..
  23. LOTR TV production shutting down here until further notice.. so around 800 ppl now found they have lots of free time.
  24. Luckily I changed my car last year 😅, if I wait for another year I certainly wouldn't change car this year!
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