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Andrew Reid

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Posts posted by Andrew Reid

  1. I can understand Blackmagic wanting to prioritise the US market.


    However, it isn't a very professional camera launch if you can't even supply the 3 major markets - Europe, Asia, US.


    I think the root cause of this is that the scientific CMOS sensors aren't really made for mass production cameras.


    Blackmagic should source from Aptina or Sony instead.


    CMOSIS should be able to ramp up pretty well though. Yet there's no sign of the 4K model is there?

  2. I've been testing this today and indeed the dynamic range is insane, proper Alexa league stuff.


    The problem is, I don't believe the image is usable yet.




    Alex says he will optimise it but it needs very complex maths.


    The problem is, some sites out there have jumped on this like it is a free pass to 14 stops of DR. It isn't. That's what happens when the people writing the hype-articles never shoot or test anything with their own two hands before blogging it.  :wacko:

  3. Andrew is probably one of those few ambassadors to get theirs early.  But I don't mind.  He does a ton of work getting information out to the community.  I appreciate his findings before I get mine so I don't have to go through so much trial and error.


    Nope. Just like last time I have put down a wad of cash like everyone else, will wait in the queue like everyone else, and be disappointed like everyone else when it fails to arrive on time.

  4. Dude, I was there too, I went up especially for it, had I known I would have given you a shout!


    Definitely in the vein of Koyaanisqatsi... apocalyptic and amazing...


    Shit! What day were you there? They are bringing it to Germany next, then New York. I'm hoping they put the film out and sound track too, though a lot of the film was from Adam Curtis's previous work. Like the Soviet punk sequence -




    Thought-provoking, if undancable. Did you notice how confused some of the lager swilling mancs looked? :)

  5. Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera

    It is mid-July and the new Blackmagic cameras - Pocket Cinema Camera and Production 4K Camera are due to ship imminently, which I am very much looking forward to. In anticipation I have been building up a collection of Super 16mm c-mount glass for my Pocket Cinema Camera.

    However in my inbox today was a frustrated sounding email from London's CVP titled 'When will I get my Blackmagic Cinema Camera? As last July, Blackmagic are unable to tell them when they will receive camera shipments and in what quantities.

    [url=http://www.eoshd.com/content/10792/biggest-european-dealer-cvp-in-the-dark-over-new-blackmagic-cameras]Read the full article here[/url]
  6. Clean HDMI out for 4:2:2 uncompressed external recording and live view over a remote monitor - D7100

    I'd question why you needed uncompressed HDMI for external recording when you get what else you ask for on the list.


    Certainly with the image quality of raw on a 5D Mark III you don't need no stinky external box!


    The nice 50MBS bitrate options and 60fps/1080p of the GH3


    Again, kind of makes request for HDMI recording redundant. 60fps on the G6 and GH3 is nice but you can use Twixtor on 5D footage, or record at lower resolutions for raw 60fps.


    The virtually moire free images of the D7100


    The 5D Mark III is also virtually moire free, as was the GH2.


    The ideal DX crop of 1.5, again of the D7100 (smarter lens choices)


    I'd ask yourself why DX crop is ideal, or why Nikon have smarter lens choices. The Nikon mount is the most limiting of all mounts in terms of what you can put on it. DX crop = Super 35mm but I'd take full frame over that given the choice, to use all that glorious full frame glass to the max and get more control over depth of field.

    In camera IS of the Olympus

    Would be nice, but some of the newer lenses come close. Hybrid ultrasonic IS on the 100mm F2.8 is very good. The new Power OIS (supersedes older MEGA OIS) on the updated 14-140mm from Panasonic is also very effective, and will be nice with raw on the BMCC.


    Constant aperture as in latest gen Lumix lenses


    A few high end Canon zooms have F2.8 constant apertures. There's the new Sigma F1.8 zoom coming up too which will be very nice for APS-C / 50D raw.


    Not sure what real-word record times in one clip are these days. But I need 30 minutes at least and preferably longer.


    Why? For events?


    for an extra $1000 give it all to us in something that is not a DSLR form factor.PLEASE!


    DSLR form factor isn't the issue for me, I like it. It is more the lack of built in ND is, and the consumer connectivity.


    Net cost body less lenses- how about $2000 even ?

    Now we are dreaming :)

  7. I'm sure once I have the answer I'll feel like an idiot, but could someone please just tell me - HOW DO I USE CROP MODE TO SHOOT RAW ON THE 50D? Everyone keeps talking about it, and no one actually says how to do it.


    This is why we write books :)


    Enter magnified focus assist and record whilst it is activated. It is like switching sensor mode.

  8. If only Canon would give g3gg0 and A1ex deeper access to the hardware I'm sure it would benefit, not just Magic Lantern users but all Canon users.


    I completely agree but those who are perfectly positioned to lobby Canon to do that won't do so. Canon listen daily to what their shooters are saying. If they are blogging things like raw is a massive pain in the ass and that it causes your camera to blow up, that's pretty dangerous in my view.

  9. And people cried about pros not being excited about the raw hack..


    Some pros are excited.


    Actually it's a massive shame Philip Bloom and Vincent LaForet haven't done more to endorse Magic Lantern.


    The point you are getting at - that their reasoning regarding which tool suits what work is not the point. I completely get that if you have access to a $12k 1D C, $15k C300 and $50k worth of cine lenses and need non-Alpha firmware with no workarounds, you're not going to be in a hurry to learn how to install Magic Lantern on a $500 camera, but this completely misses the point about the community they serve.


    They have put their workhorse tool logic in front of the broader aspiring filmmaker community.


    Also there's another tragedy here - both have the influence to give Canon positive feedback about the project, and neither have chosen to do so for fear of upsetting the reps.

  10. I don't think Brosnan had it right either to be honest! Not enough imagination in the script or charm, they really are just bog standard action pictures. Casino Royale was the strongest of the current lot, as it at least had some glamour and a tightly woven Ian Fleming story. They should have had Tarantino directing it though. Martin Campbell was somewhat uninspired and safe.


    I think it is the writing which separates classic Bond from new-age Bond. The modern era writing is soulless and the gender roles are becoming reversed. The Bond girls act more like heroes than Bond himself does. That is a complete 180 degree switch in the original Fleming formula.

  11. Good idea on the GoPro. I think the creativity in coming up with workarounds is all part of the enjoyment of the hack.


    There's definitely work that it doesn't suit (or 5D Mark III suits better), and live event filming is going to be challenging with raw, but to the complainers - nobody is forcing you to shoot with it.


    Because of the anamorphic aspect ratios and sheer image quality, I have dropped both my FS100 and BMCC for the 5D3. I don't need XLR or HD-SDI. If I knock an audio cable out or bend the HDMI port, it's on my watch.

  12. Nah, it works exactly as usual, black and white live view (the actual recording is fullcolor, just in case someone takes this wrong) in crop mode (you dind't mention it, but that's the way it is in crop-mode, because of the pink tint you get without that, this is with and without small hacks)

    Would you mind elaborating about 'small hacks'? The nofilmschool article is absolutely no help at all. I know about Alex's buffering strategy and don't need it cut and paste onto a page with ads for sliders!

    Andy600 your footage at 1080p is not continuous it is 6-10 seconds. Have yet to see anyone record continuous 1080p in crop mode on the 50D at 80MB/s but I would love to be proved wrong.
  13. I'll tell ya exactly what was wrong with Skyfall. Supposably heroic Bond dies in the first 10 minutes and reveals constant human weaknesses throughout, whilst M and Q are truly awful characters.


    M is boring and po-faced.


    Q is irritating, geeky and smug.


    I thought Skyfall was perfectly good as entertainment but not exceptional. The whole thing just lacked charm. I think they need to return to a less po faced era of Bond. Why so serious?


    Let's see some more out-there characters and some wit in the set pieces.


    In the past he'd drive a submarine car through the sea and arrive on a beach. Now it is all gritty reality. Zzz. Like Call of Duty.


    Part of the joy of Bond is that he's not politically correct or gritty... He has a smooth sheen and charm. So a more edgy script wouldn't go a miss either. He's become like a bland corporate assassin rather than renegade.


    One final rant - it is unfashionable to try to give a hero normal human weaknesses. Nolan has done that now. We're over it. It only worked in the original super hero comics because it allows the everyman to empathise with the hero, giving him the vulnerabilities of any young person. But it has gone too far with Bond / Batman and isn't escapism any more. What was exciting about Bond in Skyfall? He was kaput for most of it. Make him truly heroic. Having him 'die' within the first 10 minutes of Skyfall was ridiculous.

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