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  1. Past hour
  2. Yep, it is coming - not surprising giving the latest news. https://www.43rumors.com/confirmed-panasonic-will-announce-the-new-lumix-gh7-on-june-5/ "Unconfirmed" specs: Most features of the Lumix G9II internal RAW new 32bit float recording methods via a new XLR unit has large fan Lumix LAB app support in Stock in July
  3. "Chimp Empires" should be a documentary about Fujifilm X-Pro 3 users - the ones that raved about the stupid back LCD that brought back "real photography" and after made a class action suit against Fujifilm for the LCD ribbon cables being broken (because, of course, in real life, not making online dick measuring, the open the fking LCD all the time to chimp the photos).
  4. Yep, it is OLED, finally the field sequential one is gone. Never had problem with tearing, but with resolution and, specially, magnification - it was a 16:9 panel, in still modes is kinda small. But looks like that the new camera will be the GH7.
  5. Another hint that it is really the GH7 (albeit the discontinuation of the GH6 is the stonger signal): Petapixel review of the Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 was filmed in a "redacted" camera. If someone wants a first look of the GH7 footage, there it is. GH6 reminds me of the GX8 - both good cameras, but with some flaws that made them look bad. GX8 was somewhat big (not a problem for me, but for a lot of people), its IBIS does not work for video, and had a massive shutter shock problem. And was the GH4 color science era, not the best also. GH6 was the last bastion of the Panasonic's DFD stubbornness (like the were for ages with IBIS, "OIS is better"), and was the first GH camera (remembering that the "H" was for "hybrid") that had worse stills quality than the previous generation. Both problem were solved with the G9 II.
  6. Today
  7. MrSMW

    Lumix S9

    Yep. Well natural and constant light anyway, just no flash, on or off camera as it is just one step too many for the one man band hybrid shooter. Been there done that, the resulting t shirt did not fit! No EVF does not bother me as I shoot rear screen 100% of the time. Bouncing between stills and video over an average 12 hour shoot is easier just off the screen. This however is one of my criticisms of the S5ii and not checked, but probably S9 and that is a rear LCD that is well under 2000 wotsit brightness things, whereas my Nikons are well over 2k. Makes a difference on bright days… Bit of a weird one isn’t it? Could they have gaffed or done a last minute turnaround, or did these folks also attend this other launch and have all been under clause not to release yet? Maybe and if the latter, we shall find out soon enough because at least a couple of dozen of them would almost certainly have been at any M4/3 or FF LUMIX launch. It’s all the other Sony or Canon or Fuji boys and girls that are/were a bit of an odd one on this…
  8. Ah, that will be why she refuses to respond to any of the dozens of communications I send to her every day. Thinks she’s too good for me 😏
  9. Internal ND will be a genuine game changer when it comes to hybrid capture. It’s the single biggest thing IMO that has prevented this form of capture from really taking off as everything else is a workaround.
  10. I forgot to say the one caveat for wedding photography: you're natural light only- no flash. I think for some that would be the biggest dealbreaker for this camera, along with the fact of no EVF. Still, they'd look cool on your suit. I still have a hard time believing that. I can believe the venue would have been chosen and a hotel reserved, but getting upwards of 100 YouTubers and partners to come to Japan seems rather daunting and I doubt they would have gone not knowing at least the category of product (consumer vs. pro, l mount vs. M43). That would be putting a lot of faith in Panasonic. Honestly, I think Panasonic expected some grace for that 26mm pancake, but what likely happened was a delay or a problem with the 18-40 rather than a hiccup in the actual camera or category of camera.
  11. kye

    NAB vs De Niro

    The fact that a working man couldn't afford her seems to be feasible too...
  12. kye

    Lumix S9

    If it was a last minute change then it must have been almost ready for launch anyway, which seems to fit considering they launched a camera basically without the lenses to go with it. So maybe the camera was ready and the lenses weren't (except for the F8 pancake) but it was the best option at the last minute.
  13. Rumors speak about internal raw? BRaw?
  14. I have my doubts that could have thrown that all together at the last minute. It would be giving them too much credit. However, there are some indicators of that- the use of stock photography for one, and the lack of a proper lens being the other. Still, they handed out a lot of cameras to people and I doubt they could have made a production run in that little time if the theory is a last minute change. Yes, a 35mm and 85mm, each on a S9, for a wedding shoot would be a nice setup. You could also color-code them as to not get confused!
  15. I'm surprised they'd just straight up discontinue the GH6. The GH7 will need to have some really killer features to stand out, I think.
  16. Well now I have the z8 for stills I just need them to put the z8 in a cine body (fx3 or komodox) with internal NDs, open gate, and a better log curve.
  17. Yeah. Back in the early 80’s, Ridley Scott promised me those flying cars by 2019. Where da fuck is my flying car? I’m going to be disappointed in 2049 also if Ana De Armas doesn’t appear on demand as a hologram in my living room…
  18. MrSMW

    Lumix S9

    Well it was a close call for me John because despite initially dismissing this camera at launch, other than the lack of a mech shutter (not itself an issue, just in the instance of this camera) and despite my wish to move from 4 cameras to 3… But what it has going for it is that as someone already using an S1H and an S5ii for video, actually using two more dinky full frame S cameras with primes, would be a pretty good set up! Same batteries (as the S5ii anyway), ability to swap lenses and whole units around throughout the day etc… Yes, a huge draw…but upon further reflection, I prefer my current LUMIX video + Nikon stills approach. I think if I had not moved to Nikon for stills this year, then a pair of S9’s and some primes would have been on the cards. Several viable ways to skin this particular cat. Multiple options with multiple systems and has been for a few years now.
  19. Davide DB

    Lumix S9

    Reading the news about June 5 and putting the whole S9 Gerald Undone Special Edition drama in perspective, I am left with the only real big curiosity: why they decided to introduce S9 at the last moment. What accident did they have? Because it is clear that they did not have a ready lens for the presentation. The 26mm/F8 pancake is a joke. Or was it all prepared?
  20. kye

    NAB vs De Niro

    Thanks. Things are always in the last place you look....
  21. And you're flying wife? Did you check in your beautiful flying house?
  22. kye

    NAB vs De Niro

    Where the hell is my flying car?!?!
  23. I guess we'll find out in a few days. Still, inside baseball is fun sometimes - looking in from the outside.
  24. Yeah, I imagine not having a proper shutter would be a big deal for weddings. There's also the lack of a shutter sound. I agree that the 45mm and 90mm would be the best first purchases. Also, one could wait for the 18-40 to fit the rest, maybe getting rid of the 45 and stick only with a two-lens setup. For this camera to have further reach, they really need a real 28mm and 40mm pancake. If they could get it as small as the 26mm, the whole system would be that much viable.
  25. Yesterday
  26. I can't believe we are in 2024.
  27. MrSMW

    Lumix S9

    If I was considering using an S9, it would be a pair of and one with the 45 and the other with the 90, both of which I have had and particularly impressed with the 90 which is pretty tiny really. I’d flip the 17 and 24 for the 20mm f2 which whilst a little bigger and heavier, kind of does both but can do it in low light which for me would seal the deal! But I am not going to so… The lack of a mech shutter was the swing vote for me in this one. Would have been great for my video needs, but I already have that covered so it was the photo side I looked at, but again, better served by my Niks. Personal camera, and for hybrid use, right now, I think yes I would go S9. If LUMIX ever bring out a purple one, I reckon that would sell out just because, you know, Gerald.
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