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  2. @PannySVHS as we all know it's the man behind, not the pen who makes the poetry and you're one of those, kudos buddy! : ) With 4x units G7 still is today one of my fav cams ever...
  3. That's pure awesomeness! I will sit there with scrambled eggs and coffee and read and read and reread your article! I have been thinking about the 10bit Panny HPX 250 once every couple months. For me it is coming closest to the mysterious DVX100 Andromeda, with its 720p uncompressed hack. The DVX100 has an older 4 to 3 cousine, the Panny DX1, which has lotta mojo too. Love the body and the huge eye cup and the 3CCD magic, not the interlacing and tape workflow though. Here is a video I did with some friends. I had 70min material of sun flooded autumn leaves, benches, a compelling actress and four friends running into eachothers shots. I still enjoy how the edit turned out. Happy times. Oh, Canon XL1, Panny DX1, G6 and Canon 700D in the mix:)
  4. Yes, I'm sure you would. I was only referring to the MSRP. It's the natural cycle of things. Again, I'm sure they have their reasons, but it still feel like Europeans are getting screwed due to the US prices. Don't worry, I feel the same about Apple. It just feels a little like highway robbery, especially when you know other manufacturers don't do it. In Apple's case, no one else makes them. The worst part is when you realize you can fly to NYC, buy the camera, and fly back for the same cost. Something is off.
  5. Of course, why not? ; ) Without mention we are both and everyone able to post here as Andrew's guests : ) This is a thread about how influential FF is now, the option B is every alternative elsewhere ;- )
  6. Yes I understand he did balance it, which is good, but as shown by the CineD test I posted you can go from the worst like what people thought of the Z9 to best in class, to even best in the country as with the Burano.
  7. I am seeing the price of the Zf already quite discounted at 2100 Euro (Some site I don't know even have it at 1700 Euro). I don't know if it is sale period or normal price now, because it is 350 euro below launched price. My guess is that Nikon is putting high launch prices for early buyers and true prices tend to come 6 month/1 year after launch. So it depends on each and everyone patience, as true price tend to settle after these first months. https://www.idealo.fr/prix/203267232/nikon-z-f-boitier.html
  8. Today
  9. Can we talk about the GH7 in this thread?
  10. Which is a scenario I have considered, ie, book a 2 week bucket list trip to Japan and upon arrival, buy the new camera, bin the packaging, shoot the shit out of it, come home. And not pay the UK/EU import duty because we already get slammed for enough tax as it is so they can do one. And if any tax officials from the UK or EU are reading this, I do not actually have a flight booked and you can fuck off even if I did 😜
  11. thanks for the info. I don't know this. what are the compression ratios on these cameras?
  12. Right, but that's why he tested with and without NR. Sony applies NR in-camera and you can't remove it, so he added some NR in Resolve to mimic what Sony was doing for a more fair comparison. But he showed both the super-high Imatest result plus the "real world" lower actual DR you'd get on the Z6iii.
  13. MrSMW

    Lumix S9

    Well I go through phases of different combos and actually mostly use a Spider Holster belt AND a twin harness. The beauty of the hip set up is the weight is off your neck & upper back and on your hips, but with the added bonus that if you miss the Spider holster slot, the camera does not drop and smash into 62 bazillion pieces on the concrete floor, but dangles at the end of the strap instead. Plus you can push the camera against the strap for added stability. But…I don’t really like the harness system because it’s not great with a white linen shirt. Sooooo I have been using a 2 camera system on non-wedding days and my white linen shirts and then on wedding days, adding the harness over a navy blue shirt for that third camera. But going forward, that harness is now going into retirement as it’s strictly 2 cameras on me; one video and one stills with those other 2, strictly static. This allows me the illusion of being George Clooney at a wedding rather than a photographer at George Clooney’s wedding. And yes, I have also operated more than 4 cameras on a job… One ceremony, I had 7 🤪 Pair of GH5ii’s on a single tripod at the rear, one wide, one long. 3x Go Pros, one front left, one front right, one high up rear to one side in a tree. 2x stills cameras. Utter madness and never repeated, but you try shit and it seemed like a good idea right up until the point where it became a reality shit show 😂
  14. Early BM cameras, early Kinefinity cameras and many DJI cameras do losslessly compressed raw.
  15. Yep, and this is why I said to go and watch latitude test on CineD. Before the CineD lab test I did not understand why people were saying Canon was faking its DR by using NR on its RAW files, now I know. Imatest is a synthetic test, you just have to apply a little NR on your footage and it might think the shadows are super clean. Look at Gerald's test of the Z8 h265 test, the thing is he got like an extraordinary number that he found out was due to extra NR on the z8 h265 footage and at the start of the file, that the imatest was fooled. Now look at the lab test at CineD. You will see above that the Xyla/Imatest result aren't that good compared to most other cameras, but watch the latitude test below. While most Sony sensors even the Venice 2 are at best 8 stops of latitude the Z9 is a solid eight and room for nine!!! https://www.cined.com/nikon-z-9-n-raw-lab-test-fw-3-00-rolling-shutter-dynamic-range-and-latitude/ Same for the Sony Burano, Which is even better as it reaches 10 stops of DR, the first camera to reach the Alexa Alev classic DR. https://www.cined.com/sony-burano-8k-lab-test-rolling-shutter-dynamic-range-and-exposure-latitude/ You can see clearly when you analyze the different camera test, that the latitude test is much more real life DR of a sensor than the synthetic Xyla/imatest measurement.
  16. Nice shots. Colors look nice too. The whole time I was watching scared that she'd fall. I genuinely surprised she never wore a helmet. She wiped out pretty good a couple of times (of the times that made it into the final edit).
  17. Did you watch Gerald's review? He tested DR in Nlog and h.265 on different timelines (4K vs 6K), with and without noise reduction, and even with different log curves; the DR is better if you apply a Vlog (Panasonic) curve to NRaw.
  18. In the UK you could use the cameras to make a feature length documentary about the stage managed decline of the NHS to while away the time it takes for the ambulance to actually arrive.
  19. Much like every other government service in the UK it is never staffed anyway 🙂 Unlike the terrifying one in Berlin. That Z8 + £226 flight voucher is for the price of a £2699 Z6 III at WEX by the way. I know what I'd choose!!
  20. Just wait and see how much it cost to use an ambulance in the US, you get 4 Z6iii for one trip. LOL
  21. Or £826 if you, erm, don't go to that desk at the airport when you get back. Not that anyone would dream of doing that of course.
  22. N-RAW isn't unprocessed really. https://www.eoshd.com/news/is-n-raw-real-raw-nikon-z9-under-the-spotlight-at-eoshd/ I found it a bit underwhelming vs the best H.265 10bit. Given the fact the file sizes are so enormous you would think the benefits would be much larger, especially when pushing the image around as much as I did in resolve.
  23. So you get a Z8 and a free £226 towards the Tokyo flight. I don't think WEX Manchester can match that. Then again for 2.5k you can get a lightly used Fuji GFX 100 If the EOS R6 Mark II had a proper mount and lenses I would consider that used as well, as WEX do it mint for £1799!
  24. I am currently writing a guide to all the classic digicams from Y2k. And it has made me realise that I am getting a bit bored of full frame at F1.2. I think a similar thing has happened with anamorphic. The look has been held hostage by the ad world and cheapened, overused. So in a way it is quite refreshing to spend time with a Canon G2 from 2002 with (decent for the time) 2/3" sensor, or if you want a modern 2/3" sensor, the Fuji X-30. Also fun are the tiny Canon IXUS models with CHDK for raw, and some of the older smartphones like the iPhone 4S. It has made me think that if the light isn't right and the subject isn't interesting no amount of shallow DOF can make it worthwhile so why bother? And if the light IS right and the subject IS fantastic then a deep DOF can sometimes make it look even better, sometimes not - but it's definitely a valid creative choice. I also think the modern cameras are just getting too good... too clean, too clinical, too sharp, especially the modern lenses (be it anamorphic or otherwise). And we have had this discussion for about 15 years now and not a single manufacturer has listened. There is nobody in the modern camera industry fulfilling the niche of analogue / film compact replacement camera other than the y2k CCD digicams. And don't get me started on the desire for a Digital Bolex sequel!
  25. Blue passports though and so, so much sovvvvrinteeee. Base price is £2473.02 So, the legal* import cost would be £2473.02 + 0% duty + 20% VAT. £2967.00 total. Versus £3299.00 Its our old friend the £300 again. * I've seen an awful lot of European people queuing at the tax free counter to buy cameras in Japan over the years but, curiously, never seen anyone rocking up to the Customs counter at European airports on the way back to declare their purchases.
  26. Can you elaborate how the 8K H265 files from the A1 are better than the 6K Z6 III N-Raw or Proresraw ? Despite the bump of resolution (6K vs 8K), I would have thought the internal raw of the Z6-III was better because of the unprocessed image (no NR or extra sharpening). I never used the A1 but I had the A7SIII, A7III and A7IV, I don't like how Sony uses details filtering like temporal noise reduction and sharpening. This is why I prefer old Panasonic cameras like the S1, Panasonic has added too much video processing on their recent cameras like on the S5II.
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