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  2. I saw a used S5 for 650EU. Now, that is tons of camera for the buck. It's like a mini Varicam and a Nikon 750D in one solid and ergonomic body. The 150mbit codec is amazing. My suggestion for serious video and photo starters, if much cheaper is needed, a used G85. I experienced the exitement of an enthusiastic starter doing his first shortfilm three months ago. He felt blown away by the image quality of a G85. It reminded me of my first shots with my G6. I didnt care too much for other cameras for a while. Unfortunately that started to change two years later. The Nikon Z6III is indeed not a beginners camera but very compelling nevertheless for full frame 4k60 raw and prores fans. The skating video which kye posted looks fantastic in the outside parts, high end cine cam look. Interviews looked ok with dubious quality of the highlights imo.
  3. gh2 can do unlimited video recording due to the hack. it was a big thing at the time. gh3 although has a little bit better 1080p than hacked gh2 1080p (actually very little), but limited to 30 min. gh5 is a refinement of gh4, worthy of mentioning. gh7 is really mature. I think hacked gh2 still is the most famous, iconic one. hack is the key here.
  4. maybe arriraw is not as efficient as r3d, like rendering speed, nle support? Alexa already has prores4444, pretty good actually.
  5. Thank you very much for your kind words, guys! @Emanuel @PPNS It feels very special to participate in a lively moment through the process of filmmaking and it can be even moreso satisfying to me in these little etudes and micro shorts. Last year I was testing the LX10. In 4K it's a 2/3" camera because of the extra crop. I had been ignoring it when I got it two and a half years ago because I found colour to be awful. Then I saw a few video poems by Harrison Kraft who filmed in Vivid profile. Now I find it to be a Rec709 marvel with sometimes harsh highlights but with legit and effectively involving color after color grading. It's a quirky camera too but a marvel on its own right, with a beautiful lens infront of it.
  6. Thanks for the information, but I'm still not clear on this. In Adobe Lightroom, I just go to the develop module and utilize the RAW photo with the white balance card to correct the white balance in the photo that I want. Can I do the same thing in a NLE? I'm not getting the impression that I can. It still sounds like to get it right or as close to the correct WB as possible. What would be great is I shoot a clip using as close of a WB as possible and then shoot another one or two second clip holding a white balance card in the frame, and go to an NLE to use that to correct the video. I've never done this with videos before so please forgive me and help me understand it. Thx!
  7. I don't think many people starting out are considering DSLRs over mirrorless. The stuff I see, even a bargain like a $1k D850 just seems to sit on the store shelves. The Z6 III isn't for people starting out anyway, it is aimed at existing Nikon DSLR users and owners of the Z6, and Z6 II... Plus they are hopeful a bunch of people might switch from other manufacturers, but it would be a brave beginner who drops $2.5k on their first camera body and a further $3k on lenses. So the $1500-2000 market and beginner market are two very different things. I am talking about the $1500-2000 range of enthusiasts who aren't beginners. The Z6 III is priced about $1000 too high for them especially in the UK. They have a massive range of mirrorless cameras to choose from on the used camera market. X-H2, X-H2S, GH6, A7 IV, A7S II, A7R II, A7R III, A7C, Z6 II, there's loads... Over at WEX they even have a special Z6 II Ukraine War Edition: ... It's sponsored by Leica, with pretty Sony crayon mode dial colours. Saw a GFX 50S for £1200 the other day, so if we take video out of the equation for these people... And realise they can go medium format 50 megapixel for that price... the Z6 III doesn't even come into their thinking at all. Why pay double the price for half the image quality?
  8. That's why I'm asking. I'm trying to learn without wasting my money.
  9. Today
  10. Too bad, do you think Proresraw on the Z6III is better ?
  11. The Sony SRW900 comes in two variantes, one with the F35 sensor and a version with a 3 2/3" CCD sensor block. Is the latter a F23 in a shoulder mount body? @IronFilm Btw the S35 version was on sale on ebay Germany, with the 444 board, 50p 422, viewfinder and tapes, all for 2500 Euro, five or so years ago. Never found one for a price close to that again. Happy though that I did not feel tempted enough to spend my savings on it.:) Still got my G7 which I only used two or three times. Lovely HD, best in M43 land imho after GH5, rather average codec in lower light regarding macro blocks, otherwise fantastic image. I would even rather love to see some of your 4 x G7 videos than from your FF Blackmagic 6K. @Emanuel 😂 Nerdom.:) I absolutely love the form factor of the Panasonic NV DX1, another mini DV cult classic. It has 3 1/3" CCD sensors iirc. I would adore a 1080p or even 720p 8bit 422 version of it. The Panasonic HVX200 provides that afaik. I never had a chance to use a HVX, but it seems much bigger, close to EX1 territory.
  12. and if you’ve ever worked with arriraw you would know how stupid and useless uncompressed raw is if if the camera also has a good codec built in.
  13. I'm sure on the 15th time @BTM_Pixyou'll finally get it done right.
  14. hey we’re actually posting our work on here again, finally! some nice looking stuff there marty! while it looks decent, i do think this is incredibly vapid
  15. 10 or 20 years plus from now (once all of this is now "ancient history", rather than simply voting for whatever is the latest hottest camera), when people look back and discuss filmmaking with MFT, will the GH7 be the first one they talk about??? I think it will probably be the GH4 or GH2. Why would you choose the GH5S as the greatest of the GH series cameras? Personally, if I was to buy one tomorrow, I think I'd go for the GH5S myself. As someone who lives more in the narrative filmmaking world these days, I don't mind giving up IBIS, but I kinda do want that low light monster ability and I do want that timecode feature. And I feel that as of now in 2025 the prices for the GH6 (and obviously not the GH7) have not yet fallen enough for me to regard it as a true bargain. However the GH5S definitely wasn't the most impactful of the GH series! There might even be a case to argue it was the least impactful?? (ok, the second least impactful, after the GH5mk2! If we should even count that as a different camera???)
  16. The key to this approach is to maximise the savings to offset the cost of the trip to Japan so you get together a massive and definitive list of everything camera and lens wise that you will ever, ever, ever need and buy it in one go. It has to be all the stuff you'll ever need though so you won't ever have to buy anything else ever again in your photographic career. I've done that on fourteen different occasions now.
  17. In my eyes, the ultimate ever 2/3" camera is still the epic Sony F23! But very hard to find these days. That's why the prices for vintage cine lens sets have gone insane. And many modern manufactures are attempted to recreate "the vintage look". For example, just recently in the past month these have been in the news: https://www.newsshooter.com/2024/06/06/ancient-optics-old-fast-glass-statera-1-5x-anamorphic-primes/ https://www.newsshooter.com/2024/06/06/module-8-variable-l2-pro-tuner/ https://www.newsshooter.com/2024/06/11/iron-glass-lenses-at-cine-gear-2024/ https://www.newsshooter.com/2024/06/01/v35-project-retunes-modern-lenses-to-emulate-vintage-lens-aesthetics/ https://www.newsshooter.com/2024/05/14/masterbuilt-ultra65-lens-series/ https://www.newsshooter.com/2024/05/02/fuji-ebc-primes/ https://www.newsshooter.com/2024/05/02/iron-glass-phenix-28-70mm-t2-7/ All of this going for the old "vintage look", that's just only in one month in the news, and only what was reported just on one website. Just scratching the surface here.
  18. It is because European Customs Officers are so incredibly efficient and fast, that is why you never ever see a queue forming.
  19. I left the 5DII for the GH1 as my fav then... GH2 became a legend for Coppola and the hack. If GH5S is the one I'd choose... No doubts GH7 is the one to mark the end of an era of contrast-based autofocus and finally, the introduction of DPAF... - EAG
  20. 3 things I am bored with either in principal or because I’ve been doing it myself and am tired of it. 1. Anamorphic. Never tried it but despise those blue light streaks and those curved edges. In the words of the great sage Gollum, go away and don’t ever come back. Unless it’s without those stoopid light streaks and the edges are straight. 2. Slow motion everywhere, all the time, for the sake of slow motion. Guilty 🤷‍♂️ However, it can have it’s place and I will not totally desist, but it’s much more sporadic these days. 3. Shallow DOF for the sake of shallow DOF, everywhere, all the time. Not guilty but still partial to some shallow DOF for specific reasons at specific times as I feel fit. But those folks who say shoot an entire wedding at f1.4 from start to finish? Well they belong with those monkeys who think shooting the entire thing with just a 24mm lens is ‘artistic’. I call it muppetry.
  21. Even if I'm spending $1K to $1.5K (so staying very comfortably under the $2K max), I think I'd still struggle to go for any modern day mirrorless camera if I was starting again from scratch with only an interest photography. (as that's where mirrorless is strongest: videography) A person could jump on eBay right now and buy a Nikon D850 for just US$1.2K, what more does a hobbyist photographer really need if starting out? I agree that the current brand new prices of FF mirrorless today feel kinda overpriced for photographers, once you compare them against the glut of cheap secondhand DSLRs we're spoiled with. So getting a new FF mirrorless is very much so a luxury purchase for photos. Unless... I'm wanting compact small size. (as I'll admit all DSLRs are rather poor at that) But then am I really going with a FF mirrorless? Or am I going for an APS-C or even MFT mirrorless? That's another factor to also explain some of the pricing difference between brands. They might be each taking different currency hedging approaches, or not doing any hedging at all.
  22. 7 easily. For me. Never personally owned any of them though!
  23. Which was the greatest ever GH series camera? The GH1 that started it all? The GH2 that was the most famous of them all with the hack? The GH3 that was the ultimate refinement of the 1080 era? The GH4 that was revolutionary in being the first to deliver us 4K video and epic 96fps slow motion? (first ever with timecode too... but only with the YAGH!) The GH5 that gave us 4K 10bit internal, waveforms, and IBIS? The GH5S that was the low light monster? (and gave us timecode too! Without the need of that quirky YAGH) The GH6 which pushed beyond 4K resolution, and in 4K gave as an astonishing 240fps? The GH5mk2, the quiet refinement of the GH5? (I'd be surprised if anybody votes for this model as being "the greatest ever") The GH7 which finally brought us top notch autofocus performance on par with the competition, internal raw, 32bit audio, and ARRI LogC3?
  24. Do you? Do you really? Go ahead and buy, but perhaps you might find it picking up too much? (you really might not know for sure, for your own personal circumstances, until you go ahead and try it out)
  25. And this is why one shouldn't get hung up on imatest The whole point of RAW for me is that the RAW sensor data is exposed in the final image, including grain texture and shadow noise. Also this seemingly standard method in tests of exposing CMOS sensors for highlights, then ramping up the blacks - think about the impact that has on colour in the mids and tonality in the shadows. Yes you are showing what kind of dynamic range is possible but in creative terms it is a step back. And when you start applying NR to the shadows in some misguided uncreative attempt to squeeze out that last 0.5 stops of dynamic range, you may as well shoot H.265 It would be interesting to take the uncompressed Cinema DNG cameras... Blackmagic Pocket 4K original firmware, Sigma Fp-L, 5D Mark III Magic Lantern, Digital Bolex and compare the image aesthetically to N-RAW and ProRes RAW, in terms of how close one or the other looks to film. And film remains the gold standard for atmosphere, warts and all. I always look at images and not so much the numbers especially when we are talking less than 1 stop differences between cameras. Unless it is a case of Alexa 35 which is far ahead of everything else.
  26. IronFilm

    Lumix S9

    Ah yes, all of that makes a lot of sense! Cheers for sharing
  27. LOL Indeed : ) Following that hence this poll now... it's not a chrystal clear process but details there ; )
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