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Found 5 results

  1. Magic Lantern RAW 14bit video. Graded in Davinci Resolve. Mostly 6D, very few shots on 5D3. Thanks for watching, Alex
  2. A bit of sport, summer! The second life of an old Mark2 (transcend 1000x, Samyang 14, tamron 25-75)
  3. Drop an MLV on the application and you can view the MLV with sound in real-time. Press E to encode to ProRes HQ (10-bit 422): http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=9560.0 (no GUI- all keyboard commands). I've been using ACR and AE with other workflows (mlvbrowsesharp etc.) resulting in a 175Mbit/s 10-bit 422 DNxHD file for editing. The final quality has been excellent, however the workflow was cumbersome. mlvrawviewer uses the AMaZE algorithm to deBayer with excellent results (paused and when exporting to ProRes: live playback with bilinear on GPU is also decent). While there's no Bayer sharpening or denoising options in this workflow vs ACR or Resolve 10, I am impressed with the quality and time to process files directly to ProRes HQ (tested so far on my MBP laptop- will work well for on set processing). As the 14-bit ML RAW tools improve, the 5D3 is indeed becoming a baby Alexa B). Great job everyone involved!
  4. I'm looking at buying some 1000x and up CF cards for my canon 5d2 to record raw (via magiclantern firmware) and came across some info about recording from hdmi and even a cf>ssd interface instead of cf cards. These CF cards are expensive and fill up fast. SSD makes more sense given that a decent 500gb ssd is only $250. Anyone have some experience with non cf card recording?
  5. I have not seen this comparison yet so I decided to test it out.   I tried to match the shots and then colors as closely as possible, setting the look with the raw footage (starting from BMD Color Space) and then trying to conform the AVCHD to it. The severity of the grade was moderate:   5D Mark III (Raw DNG)     FS100 (w/ Frank Glencairn's G-Log Ultimate)     And here is where the codecs really show their differences:   5D Mark III     Sony FS100    
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