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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. Making a film about you lying about knowing about computers to get a job working with computers was a standout opportunity from what was described. Particularly if it was in the Homer Simpson at the nuclear power station envelope.
  2. I've got quite a few EF lenses but don't currently own an actual Canon camera any more to put them on so I'm quite keen on having a look at this RP when they are more readily available in stores near me. I was thinking of using the lenses on my SL but then I'd Need Another Sigma Adapter I'll get my coat.
  3. It wasn't us. Two of our winners have been dogs. So, Britain has decided that its dogs have more talent than its people. Twice. Whether thats a testament to the talent of our canines or a sad indictment of the talent of our humans is open to debate. Of course it wouldn't be the last time the will of the people ended up causing an outcome that could be best described as a complete dog.
  4. He'll need to get in line if he does
  5. I'm going to take a wild guess and say it was a Soundscape ?
  6. I think the approach is to mirror how we are directed in our actual vision which is by light, movement and sound cues. I'm not sure 360 will ever really gain traction other than niche or edutainment purposes but I think what would be very viable is 3D 180. You're then giving people the same cinematic experience that they've grown up with but just enhancing it with a bit more "look around" capability, which will offer up some interesting new possibilities. Remind me to do a thread one day about my design for a camera for £3500 that could deliver that Well, £3504 if you include the cost of the hammer and gaffer tape.
  7. The LS300 is HD only on SDI. Whether that is hardware limited or software I actually don't know. I'd imagine its the former though as I'd assume the 4K60p upgrade wouldn't have been HDMI only.
  8. With regard to VR, I've mentioned it before but if you ever get the chance to go to a 'VR Cinema' (just a big room with lots of swivel chairs so you can move around the image without moving) then it is really quite interesting. It lends itself to short 15-20 minute documentary pieces and the ones I've seen were a far more visceral experience than if they were shot flat. Its strange because although its a solo experience in one way its also shared because there are lots of you in there so when you take the headset off it sparks more post viewing discussion than a normal film as you have all experienced subtly or often dramatically different versions of it depending on how you were orienting yourself and how active you were. Plus, no one can be stuffing their faces while they've got the headset on or talk to anyone so it removes the annoying pricks factor out of viewing stuff in a cinema as well I think it actually lends itself very well to vlogging (not just for the overcapture/post shot framing aspect) but people really need to de-gimmick it to get it there.
  9. I'm pretty sure thats a summation of Instagram so the answer could be gajillions.
  10. BTM_Pix


    Thanks. Some contrast adjustment and crop. Oh and B&W conversion on two of them obviously. The first two
  11. BTM_Pix


    Picked up my first and likely only Leica AF lens recently, the slow but very well formed 18-56mm. It's becoming my go to lens for country self destructing reportage. Its particularly well suited for covering scenes such as "Middle aged woman screams at policeman outside Downing Street to arrest a passing politician for being 'fascist scum' " And "Same woman subsequently finds herself in press scrum while wondering why" Wish I could share this guy's sunny optimism. EDIT >>>> Removed. Note to self, don't try and judge colour while editing images on your phone at 4 o'clock in the morning in an airport boarding queue.
  12. Obviously, they did some collaboration with Atomos to get the 4K60p added so I think that, at best, there might be some mileage there for pursuing ProRes RAW. I did ask the question but even supposing it were capable of doing it there isn't anything in the offing as far as I understand. They have surprised us before though so never say never.
  13. Sometimes the cheap plasticy build quality of the LS300 is a blessing
  14. I've bought the old fella a Ninja V so I'm off to shoot some Superbike stuff in 4K60p on Monday.
  15. They used Sony camcorders on the Shuttle and you can buy a mission flown one here https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SPACE-SHUTTLE-STS-112-FLOWN-CAMERA-NASA-With-COA-HISTORICAL-RARE/153362548148?hash=item23b51ec5b4:g:Gv8AAOSwdIFX1xwI I wonder what people who like to moan about gimbal shots being too floaty think about shots taken in actual zero gravity? "I find the shots they're getting from it to be a bit too gimbally for my tastes".
  16. I always got the feeling about the LS300 that it was developed almost like a research project. Like a small team were spun off from the main development team to see what they could do if JVC decided to have a new division alongside the ENG stuff. I think that is why it has got a lot of innovative features in it because they were seeing where they could go with it and weren't restricted by having to fit it within the existing range. I think thats also why it has got a lot of features added to it over its lifespan as it is a bit of a passion project for the spun off team and whoever their project sponsor is within JVC. It reminds me of the Xerox PARC thing in a way so maybe another company will come along and incorporate the innovation into their own products and make more of a commercial success of them like Apple did in that instancr.
  17. I'll put something up about it when I get back from this trip. I'm not a great one for phones but it is well suited to this task. The back of it is very grippy which is ideal unlike my Samsung which is like trying to hold on to an eel that has been coated in washing up liquid.
  18. And absolutely punching the air level of good news for us Leica SL owners, especially the EF adapter. For Novoflex, possibly not such good news.
  19. Had an interesting chat with JVC at BVE Expo today. They acknowledge the LS300 is a cult classic, which is evidenced by them selling more now than they did at launch. They had it on show with a Ninja V which again they acknowledge as the solution to the achilles heal of the viewfinder. It looks very well matched with it actually. The slow burn of the sales over such a long time hasn't resulted in mega sales in total and as it such an outlier of a product for them there seems little prospect of a follow up anytime soon.
  20. If you want a completely left field suggestion then the Blackberry (yes Blackberry) Key One is quite cheap now. The reason I mention it is I have just got one and will be doing an update next week that has a special version for it. The reason being that it has a real keyboard so is perfect for operating the app without having to use the screen. I just need to do a custom mapping for it as I have got for the gamepads.
  21. If you want a bit of an insight into how relatively rare this camera still is in the wild, I doubled the amount of Pocket 4K cameras that were being used at the BVE Expo in London today when I got mine out of my bag. I plonked it down on a table that Zeiss had left brochures on but abandoned to setup my app and immediately drew a crowd who thought I was an exhibitor. Of course I did not disabuse any of them of this belief and promptly started demoing the living daylights out of my app.
  22. On the Google Play store I will pop the link up on Monday.
  23. BTM_Pix

    BVE Expo 2019

    Live update from the exhibition floor... Shite. A day at the zoo tomorrow beckons.
  24. I think the phrase "cinematic colour" relies far more on the first word than the second particularly when bearing in mind how many films that helped define and still inform the language of cinema were shot in Black & White. Ciematic, to me, is determined by every single element in the frame being directed and controlled. Everything from the lighting to the shot selection to the location to the art drection and on and on has to be intended and managed deliberately. If you haven't got that right before it hits the sensor then no amount of lossless codecs or grading is going to be able to inject that. Its why the "run and gun" approach, to me, just isn't compatible with it outside of some very specific circumstances. I think you can try and ape the aesthetic somewhat but with the best will in the world, pointing a "cinema" camera at three people at a table in an Italian restaurant is never going to look like it did in The Godfather unless you control all of those moving and non-moving parts. The good news is that it doesn't have to as it can still look "nice" and be exactly what you need but you just have to manage your expectations, especially as a one man operation. The better news is that if you do want it to look like The Godfather then there has never been a better time to be able to do that than now due to the accessibility of equipment. But the rest of it in terms of controlling and creating that image before it gets to your incredibly affordable sensor, and the graft that goes with it, remains the same.
  25. Because they can is the short answer. It is entirely subjective term so can be interpreted in many different ways by many different people. And is. If I'm being cynical I'd also say including the word 'cinematic' in any YouTube camera review or tutorial is guaranteed to get clicks from those seeking an answer to the question. The correlation between such videos on YouTube and the offering of a LUT pack or ebook or some such by its creator is reasonably high too. There is no answer to the technical question about how to create something that is so subjective. And if you search for the threads on here that have attempted to do that then they don't end up well.
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