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Everything posted by webrunner5

  1. https://www.yahoo.com/news/americas-fighter-planes-one-gif-160336206.html
  2. I would almost guess the next GH will not be a GH, it will be in a Camcorder style body. A true Video Camera. I can see Panasonic getting out of the camera business altogether.
  3. Yeah in reality, it was a Oh, you actually want to use this monitor, we will sell you a battery plate etc. etc. and that will cost you 150 bucks. But the 4k one was still a hell of a price with all the add ons. Yep, It will be available from 5 manufacturers, you are right.
  4. Well I don't have one, ain't going to buy one, but I would not think it could record 6k anything. 4k, well yeah.
  5. Well we will never know for sure, and yep taking one frame from a whole damn video and examining it as a whole is pretty crazy I will admit. But it bought back some funny memories, and that was worth it. It was a fun crew I worked with, and overall a damn talented group of people. Some were scary talented! Either way she is a beautiful women, and that comes across in the grade.
  6. Yeah Red hair, Pink flowers, Pale skin, not a easy grade. I would err that way also I believe. But, ehh, but I think those are Suppose to be White flowers under her chin? So "smack their Pee Pee who ever did that", is what my post guy used to say to me when I worked in TV, when I ahh, screwed up White Balance, Black Balance. Sort of a "Big Bozo No No" was the Production Manager's line.. That pretty much covered everything you Could screw up on the Bozo part. It was a fun place to work really, because trying to do that stuff everyday, with short deadlines, Everybody screwed up at times.
  7. Well that article was written back in 2013. Back when 2/3" ENG cameras were the hot set up. Sort of the same stuff I used back in the day. But Alister does know his stuff trust me. Red changed all that, and s35 sensors have paved the way for what we now consider "Normal". We are pushing 14bit Raw, 4444, etc. now with 15-16 stops DR, hell Sony has a sort of quasi 3D setup with 2 F65's that used prisms that was 20 stops of DR 4 years ago or more. One was set to expose for highlights, the other shadows, and merge them in Post. It is not hard to shoot flat Logs when you have 14bit, 16bit sensors. That is why top end stuff is still 65,000 bucks or more now. But I would still not rule them out on say, the GH5 if you are pretty good at grading. And a person Needs to learn How to do it. Nice find using the Vector Scope. Plain as the nose on your face Jon.
  8. Yeah I never do V Log on my Af-100A. You would have to be a Colorist Wiz in Resolve to grade something that flat, and I bet S Log 3 is even worse on a Sony, especially figuring you are using 8bit.. AF-100A is sort of a pretend 10 bit, but it is just too thin to use in daylight scenes. Yeah, if you can control lighting like you can when it is dark, maybe it works.
  9. Well if anyone thinks you can just go out and buy a video camera that does great skin tones OOC, even Canon, well I have some bad news for you. There IS a reason Adobe Premier, BM Resolve, Apple Final Cut Pro, etc., etc. sell their stuff for hundreds of dollars. If it was easy we would all be famous. Plus there would be no reason for 20 different video camera makers to be in business. They all have their look "Baked In", like them or not. But yeah Andy Lee looks to be onto something. I have been doing a lot of reading up on my AF-100A and some of the Pro's use that trick with WB also on it. Have not tried it yet, but it does make sense. But I do admit I use Cinelike D a lot on my AF-100A. I think m4/3 sensor cameras need all the help they can get DR wise. I think it is their biggest failing now in this day and age. Sucks at Low Light, well with 0.95 lenses and a Speedbooster that horseshit excuse is past tense. Same with no DoF crap. The old, we need Razor thin DoF when shooting Video, yeah right! Photography, well maybe, Video Not!
  10. Now this IS a thread that will probably go no where , but this is the kind of thread that we Need. We need to up our game and put stuff up here to critique, us and them. This is a damn good effort, like it or not, and hell I like it.
  11. Hell buy a used C100 with AFDP like we talked about. Hell color science is great, focus is great, and it can get damn small with the handle off.
  12. Bad news if you didn't buy a Cinemartin monitor. They have been bought out! http://www.newsshooter.com/2017/03/24/cinemartin-loyal-lt-field-monitor-line-discountinued/
  13. Interesting article about what cameras were used to film stuff. Bad news for Panasonic users, only 1 Panny camera, and it was a GH4. https://www.premiumbeat.com/blog/2017-sxsw-most-popular-cameras/?utm_source=PremiumBeat+Updates&utm_campaign=521efdb82d-PB_Blog_Updates_03242017&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_6293d3e233-521efdb82d-427650413
  14. Well since you have a Sony A7s I would assume you have lenses for it so why not buy a used Sony A6300? I have seen them for 800 bucks used once in awhile. Probably better than m4/3 with low light ability. Has 4k, really good autofocus, especially eye focus. 1080p sort of sucks on them, but if you shoot 4k and down sample they look great. And you would know the horrible menus they have, just like the A7s has. So that is a plus, sort of.
  15. Well I would ask before you shoot, because I bet they would shoot You without asking!
  16. Well I did watch the whole thing. Pressed for time right now, but I am impressed as heck. I don't see a lot I would change. Good twist on an old theme!
  17. Yeah as someone that lives in the US, it would be interesting as heck to see how "Bikers" in Japan look like, act, what their bikes look like! Make it happen LoL, and use that Damn Nikon again jhnkng ! Oh boy, I see a Nikon D500 in your future LoL. I must admit that video is pretty sweet looking. That dark mood would fit you to a tee.
  18. Very true, but I would sure like the option of being able to control it IF I don't want it, and on interviews you are right, it can be a Big distraction.
  19. Yeah but it would be nice as heck to be filming indoors and have enough DR to capture what is outside the window also. I mean that is what WE see with our own eyes. I would think that would be a nice tool to have in your bag as they say. I sure as heck would Not turn more DR down. And I know shadows are where you can add a lot of suspense, but it would be neat to be able to sort of see at least the outline of the shadows. That is a big reason Film sort of has a 3D effect to it not counting DoF adding to it. Black and White movies particularity. That is why animals only see in B&W, it has incredible contrast and DoF really stands out more. I almost always have my AF-100A EVF set to B&W view. It is way easier to focus in B&W. All ENG cameras have B&W options on their viewfinders.
  20. Ahh that sounds more realistic. You have to have a Arri or Red to get UP there DR wise in Video. And even Arri does some double sampling voodoo stuff to make it happen.
  21. Wow that would damn near be BMPCC range. Hmm, that would be cool if it were. But I find that a bit hard to believe. My Af100A is really only 10.1 to maybe 10.5 stops. That would be a Big improvement in a pretty short time, new sensor or not.. But I guess we will find out soon enough, be lots of tests checking it.
  22. Yeah, the dreaded Rolling Shutter thingy. You know, other than us and others like us, I doubt "Normal People" would never even notice it. Yeah those new GoPro HERO Sessions are the cats ass to have. Crazy good even under water. I sure as heck don't want to see them go Bankrupt.
  23. Yeah I just looked at the video on YouTube and it is Red as hell. Davey could be onto something. Plus maybe the WB is off a bit like hijodeibn said??
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