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Everything posted by gt3rs

  1. Canon has announced the C700 using a very similar (I would bet internally exactly the same) Codex recorder doing 4k 120fps RAW at the same time as Panasonic (actually a few days before) .... Basically both cameras use the same recorder from Codex. So no special amazing tech here from Panasonic
  2. If the specs are true it is a 80D in a mirrorless dress. So you can deduct already the performance and features 1. No, due to the European video camera tax 2. Yes, 80D has it, why they would remove? (you never know with Canon) 3. Yes, and if the battery power is enough it should have the same speed and functionality has the 80D in LiveView = very good. 4. No, the 80D doesn't have a clean HDMI out. Again it could be totally different but view that Canon is quite predictable I bet this is right. Price would probably be in the 80D zone too...
  3. Did you try Resolve? I want to upgrade my machine but I want to be sure that it plays back 4k60p in real-time....I bet it should work because my that has a crappy GPU and the CPU is not the latest does 4k30p...
  4. On a notebook W10 i7-4810MQ with a Nvidia K2100 with 2 GB Ram can playback in real-time with the windows media player at 4k 60p and in Resolve 12.5.1 it can playback in real-time 4k 30p on a 1080p timeline (I switch to a 4k timeline for final rendering), scrubbing is really fast. Anyway it is faster and easier to edit 4k 30p MJPEG than 4k 30p H.264 Gopro files in Resolve on my notebook. A good spec PC like a i7 6800K with a R480 8GB (seems the best at the moment for Resolve in term of price performance) should give you very good perf considering that is already usable on my notebook.
  5. Yes DCI of the IV is 1.64 but the M5 is probably a 24mpix APS-C sensor so you start already at 1.6x add the 1-1 4k pixel readout and you should land around 2.34 FF crop or 1.46 APS-C crop. Still usable with APS-C wide-angle lenses but I doubt it will be like this. I personally would be very happy if they would put a 1-1 4k 30p MJPEG at 400 Mbits on it....but is more a dream than an hope
  6. I hardly doubt the 4k because it would be even more of a crop that the 5d IV at 2.34 DCI.... my guess is that if we get lucky is the same sensor as the 80D with 1080 60p and DPAF that would be for Canon mirrorless standards very very good.
  7. In my country the wifi adapter was 370 usd at launch.... If you use the 1dx II on a tripod you can connect a PC, tablet or Mac via Ethernet you have even less lag. Alternatively you can buy a small battery power router that has an Ethernet port any you get the same functionality but is not as convininet, additional thing to charge, cable and router hanging around where the WFT is a more elegant solution. For gimbal use the WFT-8E is the way to go. Lag is ok, I did recently a scene where I had my 1DX II on the Ronin M on a cablecam and I was using a tablet for framing and focus setting while operating the Ronin via remote... a zero lag would have been better but it was usable and the scene came out as I wanted. If you think what a remote follow focus with a remote hdmi solution would cost you the 370 usd was a great investment.
  8. Interesting is that the C700 at 4k 60fps 10 bits 4:2:2 XF-AVC has a data rate of 810 Mbits. People complain about the 1Dx II data rate due to the MJPEG that is a dinosaurs and file are soo big for nothing.... I know is not so easy to compare but the 1Dx II would need around 20% more space for roughly a similar quality (800 Mbits 4:2:2 but only 8 bits, using 10 bits jpegs would be 1000 Mbits) So in pure theory the 1Dx II using XF-AVC 8bits 4:2:2 instead of MJPEG would have a data rate of 640 Mbits instead of 800 Mbits.
  9. I agree with Luke that 120fps is 5d III quality, not bad but not great. I do use it quite a bit but when I know that I don't need too slow down too much I go with 4k 60p and conform it on post. When I can I shoot at 120fps and then re-shoot at 4k 60p and choose in post which one fits best, the athletes hate me for this:-) Comparing 120fps vs. 4k 60p quality is day and night IMO. I wish there would be an option to have 120fps 1080p at 1-1 pixel.... I know it would be a severe crop but if the quality would be like a 1-1 1080 crop out of the 4k quality it would be super. Anyway for action the combination of 120fps with DPAF and shallow DOF can create some really nice scenes.
  10. Is istantaneous and as soon as you stop you can hit record again 0 delay
  11. Yes, you are right just checked on my camera and the High Frame Rate and the 24.00p settings are mutually exclusive and PAL/NTSC settings decide the conforming frame rate. Max record time is 7:29 minutes
  12. 1/125 is the minimum shutter speed. 120fps is conformed to the camera framer rate 24,25,30 or 60 also no audio. Max record time at 120fps is 7 minutes.
  13. gt3rs


    In fact they look quite similar in term of DR. Your custom one seems to have more saturation because the reds and magentas are more saturated that the original, did you have the same saturation dialed in?
  14. Luke did test the 1Dx II vs.1Dc also on the 1080p: I cannot comment on the 1080p quality because I use only the 120fps, that is for sure not on pair to the 4k 60p scaled down to 1080p. For my usage I prefer to always to shoot at 4k even for quick turnaround. I can edit even directly from the CFast card with Resolve in real time so I can have a quick turnaround without too many hassle. So if you have enough CFast or fast CF cards why bother with the 1080p. Battery life I would say I can fill a 256 CFast card with 1/3 of battery left. So i would say around 1h & 1/2 - 2h with one battery but is not scentific. In my usage I tend to reveiw alot the clips and I do a lot of gimbal work where I use an external monitor. AF racks look very good to me not robotic.. but Philip Bloom is supposed to publish an AF test soon so you may want to wait that for an in deep analysis. For me the AF is really good, I just finish a video of horse back riding shoot 70% on a Ronin M wide open at 24 1.4 and 50 1.2 as a one man band and running around the horses that gallop... I had a few miss focus but before it would simply be impossible.
  15. BMC 4k RAW 3:1 is 200 MB/s ca. 1.6 Gbits.... 2x the 1Dx II 4k60p data rate.... no way on a CF card, on CFast is doable like BM does.
  16. Personally I see no use other than the 120fps for 1080p. The 4k quality is so much better and the possibility to reframe and stabilize before outputting 1080p it is a no brainer. The only reason to use the S35 1080p is in case that you need to record for many hours something that I never do, but I understand that could be something that others need. The only thing that the 1DC has better is CLog, I would take the 4k60 DPAF over Log any time but I do tons of one man gimbal stuff for sports so my needs may differs from others.
  17. I really like the 1Dx II and 4k 60p with DPAF is really unique and powerful. I just read that Philip Bloom wants to the sell his 1DC to acquire a 1Dx II. I believe he was really impressed by the DPAF and 4k 60p and I can share the reasoning. But Canon should do a firmware update for the 1Dx II and add Log, a 1:1 crop option for 1080p 120fps (higher quality), zebra and peeking this would make It the perfect hybrid. Even paying update would be good. Probably it will not happen, but I’m sure that they would sell even more 1Dx and probably not cannibalize the Cxxx series. I’m not so sure that there will be a 1DC II.
  18. Because the XC10 has a small detail called cooler fan......
  19. For the MJPEG haters, which one you would pick (codec only)?: Canon 4k DCI 4:2:2 500 Mbits All-I 8 bit Canon XC10 XF-AVC 4k UHD 4:2:2 300 Mbits All-I 8 bit Sony A7 series XAVC S 4k UHD 4:2:0 100 Mbits 8 bit Panasonic GH4 4k UHD 4:2:0 100 Mbits LGOP 8 bit Nikon 4k UHD 4:2:0 144 Mbits 8 bit Today there is no DSLR with a perfect solution in term of codec. Best would be the XF-AVC but right now it needs a fan that is a no go on wheatear sealed body. As you can see they are all compromises and I personally would pick the MJPEG over the competition 4:2:0 formats and low bitrate any day. To the ones that say that Canon do not innovate, today the 1Dx II is the only DSLR form factor camera that can shoot in 4k DCI 60fps 4:2:2. Of course a 5Ds with a 4k full frame sensor with 4k DCI 60fps 4:2:2 500 Mbits XF-AVC with CLOG, Zebra, Peeking etc,. would be the dream but it will not happen. But there is no excuse for no LOG and no Zebra and Peeking.
  20. View that the video format is 16:9 or 1.9:1 (DCI) we should use only the horizontal resolution in calculating the crop. If not even a FF sensor is a crop in video mode. IMO 5D IV will have 4k DCI that is 4096×2160 so 6750/4096 = 1.647 Crop in comparison to 1Dx II ‎5472/4096 = 1.335 and 1Dc 5184/4096 = 1.265. It could be something else but I doubt that they implemented something different than the 1Dx II considering the rest of the specs. Btw not sure why people complain about the MJPEG format, in Resolve scrubbing a 4k MJPEG file is way faster than a LGOP h.264 and with the new updated 12.5.1 I can even edit natively on Windows the 25fps 4k MJPEG on my notebook (i7-4810MQ) in real-time on FullHD timeline. I switch the timeline to 4k for the final rendering.
  21. 4k will be 1.6 (APS-C) crop. This is not a fact but my pure speculation based on the fact that 30.4 mpix at around 1.6 crop will make a 1-1 pixel 4k DCI. So I expect the video quality similar to the 1Dx II but with a bit more crop.
  22. I have no idea about this CFast model but I did take the risk an brought 2x 256 GB CFast Lexar 3400 (discontinued model) from ebay. I have taken more than 2 TB of video on the two cards and mostly all at 4k 60p with no issue so far. Here a thread that I started on fredmiranda: http://www.fredmiranda.com/forum/topic/1428459/0 Unfortunately since the 1dx II is out and probably the tread on fredmiranda the prices are going up like crazy... I did pay 300 USD each for the 256 GB. There is a risk of course.
  23. I don't own any sigma lenses. I did take a look at the 18-35 but as I do a lot of photography too it is not worth for my use case. But if you do mostly video it could work. TDP did a test on the 5D III and as you can see it will probably work on the ca. 1.3 crop on the 4k mode. TDP test: http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Comparisons/Sigma-18-35mm-f-1.8-DC-HSM-Lens.aspx#FULLFRAME 1DX II 4k DCI overlay:
  24. I did a couple of experiments to see how good is the DPAF in the 1Dx II. Youth girl running in front of me while running with the Ronin M, Face tracking, Canon 50 1.2 at 1.2 (shutter speed was 1/3200 to rule out any motion blur while evaluating frame by frame focus). Screen grab: Youth girl playing tennis from a tripod using Face tracking AF with a Canon 85mm 1.8 at 1.8 (shutter speed was 1/4000 to rule out any motion blur while evaluating frame by frame focus). Screen grab: If the face is visible the AF really sticks to it. In both video the face was in focus for during the whole video length. Naturally face tracking does not work well or not at all for lateral shoots. I will soon test it with an adult athlete but so far I’m quite impressed.
  25. Yes, these one http://store.dji.com/product/ronin-m-tilt-bar-extension-rods-30mm . The camera takes most of the space between the tilt bars and if you have a lightweight lens like the 85 1.8 the camera is placed almost aligned with the tilt bars so I recommend to use a L HDMI cable to connect an external monitor, I use the Movi one and is also very flexible and lightweight: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1119722-REG/freefly_910_00088_right_angle_mini_hdmi_type.html
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