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Posts posted by neosushi

  1. 39 minutes ago, Attila Bakos said:

    4K 16bit uncompressed RAW at 25 fps needs 422 MB/s. That's megabytes, not megabits. Based on the information we've been given so far the body can handle that, but you can't write that to the SD card, the fastest UHS-II cards can write up to 250-260MB/s continuosly. So you either compress RAW, or lower the number of bits.

    Wondering how much process power would require 12bits or even 10bits H265... I could definitely work with that !

  2. Not that I want to sound picky, but I feel like I'd rather go with a 10bit H265 - that would keep the same workflow that we have - vs RAW - with a complicated workflow / no EVF / no Sound.

    What do you guys think ? :) 

    (not that it's a real debate, but since all of these RAW talks are just pure speculation / no offense)

  3. 6 hours ago, Rinad Amir said:

    No way people will cancel there orders for no

    10bit ,focus peaking , 5axia ibis, etc

    plus price point of Gh5 is bargain for indifilmakers 

    i agree canon has best PDAF but 8bit and mayby ML thats something i cant gamble my money on

    Canon should invest in ML.

  4. I'm still amazed that we don't have any raw option for video. Magic Lantern hacked the 5D Mark II 4 years ago !
    Not even for 1080P ? Blackmagic pocket also came out in 2013... This is not a critic just for Panasonic, I think the same about Sony and Canon. But seriously anyone interested in raw would probably be ok to pay a couple hundred euros to have it as an option. 
    So I'm happy that Panasonic is moving forward and that we can all  be amazed by 10bit 422...while RAW 14bit has been available for 4 years on other DSLR... 

  5. Personally I'll be waiting to see more footage out of this camera. 

    Because I'm still addicted and in love with my NX1. I work in stills and movies and it's very strong in both. I love how my clients are always blown out by the colors and details from the image straight out of the camera.

    And also because I have never been a big fan of GHx color science or noise management (I find the image never clean enough for my taste).

    I don't really like speed boosters because you usually lose some AF speed, and also it's expensive. First low light tests I have seen haven't blown me away. I'm not saying I'll never be interested in the GH5, but I have never been a camera "early adopter". 

  6. On 21/02/2017 at 4:15 PM, لطفي بوعكاز said:

    I just want to share my experience with getting rid of the blocks artifacts especially on a sky, I've found out that it's all to do with ISO value! when using the gamma DR profile and a low iso this introduces very ugly blocks or artifacts on the blue channel so I tried with a high iso either 500 or 800 and turns out it reduced this by a large margin if not completely.

    however high iso means overexposure, so ND filter must be used, if you're shooting a talent then you'll need to reflect light on your subject too.  The picture shows you the difference, look at top left corner, I've maximized the color grading to be able to see it. I also tried adding grain to the 100 iso image but that still didn't fix the blocky image.

    The blocks are due to the compressed 8bit only video quality and the nature of h265. 

    nx iso test.png

    iso cu.png

    Could it be the effect of the ND filter ? Some have a dark cast that (maybe ??) could explain the difference. If not its strange because this test shows that the NX1 would have more DR at ISO500 that ISO100...

  7. 5 hours ago, SMGJohn said:

    Even after the Note battery failure from Samsung they still made more profit than last year, Samsung did not sell cameras poorly in fact they sold quite well since they disappeared from the stores here quite quickly, the stores that did stock the few of them disappeared quickly, camera enthusiasts wont buy them but the regular people buy them, why? Because a lot of people own or have owned Samsung smartphone and they know that Samsung is a brand that they can trust. 
    Its all about the brand name, and people still buy Samsung smartphones even today. 

    To make matters worse for other manufacturers, Samsung made cheap interchangeable cameras which made them extremely popular in Asia specially the NXx000 line as being compact but could still accept a range of lenses. 

    The entire DSLR and mirrorless market is having a hard time selling their cameras as well, fewer people are buying cameras these days because smartphones have so good quality they can match DSLR's from 2007 - 2008, so you loose all the average people who used to buy cameras and you are left with enthusiasts hence why cameras started to cost even more now. 

    Samsung will make more cameras, its all about flexing their muscles, Sony makes cameras and Sony is major competitor to Samsung, for Samsung to not make cameras would be a form of weakness, just saying. Why would they make fridges and TV's? They could just make weapons and make plenty from that.

    After abandoning the NX community just after releasing two news cameras (NX1 & NX500) and pro lenses, I don't see anyone in their right mind investing any of their money again if Samsung ever had the idea of coming back to take more of our money. Camera market is not a market where you can just come and go. Reputation is (almost) everything. Samsung were given the benefit of the doubt but most professionnals did not switch from their Canons or Nikons to Samsung because of their lack of history in the PRO camera business. Mark my words - which are just my analysis and don't come from anywhere else - if Samsung ever comes back to the camera industry (which I HIGHLY DOUBT THEY EVER WILL) it would be a total economic failure. Because no one will trust them again - especially people who will own by then GHx and Sony A7R x cameras-.

  8. 8 hours ago, SMGJohn said:

    Never stated it was a fact, like I said there been words, I am just repeating what I have heard as for the rest its just a short history of Samsung camera department you can find that anywhere, you might not be familiar with it but Samsung and Pentax actually collaborated for a short period of time while the Pentax rebrand cameras Samsung made were bloody terrible imao they still learned a lot and that is mostly were their sensor tech comes from, you can still find traces of it in NX1 and NX500 even today.

    " there been words that Samsung is once again putting focus on their mirrorless cameras."

    Thanks for your answer SMGJohn. I understand that it is not a fact, but I would like to know if you could give your source for the "words". If its a rumor I am still interested in the source of the rumor is all.

    "I am just repeating what I have heard" - so I am just asking : where have you heard :) ? 

    Thanks !

  9. 17 hours ago, Mattias Burling said:

    Ive used both and owned both more than once. They are quite different and I would decide firstly depending on what I was going to do with them. 
    And if you decide BMCC I would also have the BMPCC in mind.

    You dont "Need" any accessories for the BMCC, but it can sure be "Nice" to have. But even if the NX1 is a bit more out of the box, I used pretty much the same number of accessories for it as on a Blackmagic. 
    Im not talking about you know, but many people in got confused when the BMCC/BMPCC was new and said, "No I dont want a Blackmagic because Philip Bloom, DSVLvideoshooter, etc, said it needs a rig to operate, so Im buying a DSLR instead".
    Well, those guys uses rigs for DSLRs to, and for video cameras, and cinema cameras.

    So imo and experience you can just pop on a lens and ND and go shoot. For the NX1 you bring extra batteries, for the BMCC you bring a battery.
    Tripod is needed for both in most scenarios but the NX1 is of course easier for handheld without support.

    But if you just want to know the difference in image and output, my personal opinion is:

    + Detail
    + Slowmo
    + Very small files
    + EVF/Tilt Screen
    - Need conversion
    - Sometimes to sharp (looks to video)
    - Need the expensive S-Zooms imo (which are awesome lenses and can be had cheap, I payed 0 dollars after selling)

    + Raw
    + Prores
    + Awesome and cinematic image
    + Higher Dynamic Range
    - Bigger
    - No Slowmo
    - No EVF

    My choice:
    For narratives I would easily choose the BMCC over the NX1.

    If you want a camera for handheld thats a bit bigger than the NX1 but smaller than the BMCC. That shoots amazing cinematic Raw as well as compressed HD still worthy of webb publishing. Better DR than the NX1 but a bit lower than the BMCC. Long lasting battery. Can take stills. Shoots Raw slowmotion. Costs about the same used.
    Then the 5Dmkiii is for you.

    (BTW, regarding the fact that the NX1 is off the market. I wouldn't care to much. Any of the cameras will loose a lot of value over the coming years anyway. I recently put out a WB ad for a NX1 and was offered the body in mint condition including the S-Zoom and a couple of primes for less than $1000 from more than one seller.)

    Just adding a bit of my experience with NX1 : 

    If you work on Premiere Pro you don't need to convert NX1 footage.
    Also if you find the footage too sharp, which is also my case, you can dial the sharpness down all the way to -10. But also use either a slight gaussian blur (+5 in Premiere Pro) or add a bit of softness in Filmconvert. 


  10. 12 minutes ago, sudopera said:

    Maybe really it is multiaspect sensor as you said before, so 6K Photo in 16:9 ratio 5760x3240=18,6MP

    I could be wrong but it would such a strong feature not to talk about... but they didn't talk about IBIS which generates much expectations... so I guess all is possible !

  11. 11 hours ago, AaronChicago said:

    The colors are totally different. The focal lengths aren't even the same either. Weird comparison video.

    Agreed ! I only shared this because I thought maybe the author was referring to this video. 

    4 hours ago, timmyturntable said:

    Maybe I was wrong...I do like the look of this though

    Thanks :) I actually shot this with the NX1 and a Leica Summilux 50mm (thanks to a very good friend photographer). It's actually a modified NX1 to fit a Leica-M lenses. Regarding the colors it's just a M31 Lut if I remember correctly. 

    That's my latest work with the NX1 : 



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