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Posts posted by neosushi

  1. On 5/5/2016 at 4:54 PM, Elagabalus said:

    If you pre-order now, you'll get 6K in June and 5K in July. The ones who have pre-ordered when they were announced will get them in May and June. Just like RED Raven is already shipping, but if you order one now, you'd be lucky to get it in September.

    European distributor (hdvideoshop) has confirmed that they won't ship before these dates - so it's not a matter of pre-order queue anymore. They are a little bit late (if its just a couple of weeks its more than acceptable).

    EDIT: also the pre-order period has been extended. 

  2. 9 hours ago, TheRenaissanceMan said:

    This must really be a taste thing, because I've seen lots of comments both ways on various forums saying the Kinefinity or the BM had better color. It's not a very definitive comparison; we don't know enough about the settings and conditions to draw any hard and fast conclusions. Also, keep in mind that the 6K sensor only captures the full 16 stops of DR when downsampled. The full 6K has slightly less at 14 stops. 

    Personally, I think the Kine color looks a bit richer while the BM is more neutral. Kine has nicer motion, BM has cleaner shadows. Kine has higher resolution, BM has less rolling shutter. 

    There's some amazing footage out there from the Kinemax, whereas the 4.6K...it looks good, but has yet to really wow me from an aesthetic standpoint. I'm excited to see what we get from the 5K, as that seems to be the more comparable sensor to the Ursa Mini.

    I completely agree with that ! 

  3. Those editing get faster every year... by 2020 only robots will be able to watch anything that we produce... Just because the attention span is shortening doesn't mean we have to make everything faster and/or shorter. Well that being said I'm going back to watching some Kurosawa's movies... :) Great job anyway ;) 

  4. I second with Mattias decision for a red one mx .  I own two of them, and three sony f35 - about to put up a test - f35 vs f3 vs red one mx vs a7s ii


    The Red One MX,  Ebrahim, has a pretty good sensor.  I also think of it as 12 stops.  But has really good resolution.

    It also has the best looking skintone out of the bat in daylight than, in my eyes, the Red Dragon sensor.  I think Shane Hurlbut did a comparison of how each optical low-pass filter affects skintones.

    I haven't done tests to see, but I notice that the motion on the red one mx feels better than the Epic MX - also David Fincher agrees with me and Mattias, he said he prefers the look of the Red One MX over the Epic - on his interview for AC about girl with the dragon tattoo.

    I used the BM4k and wasn't a fan of its highlight roll off - the CION doesn't look that appealing to me.

    The Red ONE MX is a workhorse.  Mine has been going for over 2 years now after going thru some long, intense shoots.  In -20 F weather in north Alaska.  Also it has less fan noise issues than the Red Epic.

    It's compression is pretty good - it's clean and sharp and has nice motion.

    Red Customer support is HORRIBLE!  If you break anything, even a SSD reader, they won't do anything but charge you.  And reduser - a lot of them including the President are really mean to people on their boards.

    So they are a mixed bag.

    I still want to do a red one mx vs  alexa mini vs fs7 vs f55 vs ursa 4.6k test vs c300 ii test if I ever have time or money - maybe someone else can do it.


    I would be very interested to see the match between the Red One MX vs Ursa Mini 4.6k... We have yet to see some filmic image out of the Ursa mini... but maybe in the proper hands / context... : )

  5. I've been getting atrocious macroblocking while grading...especially with deluts ! How do you expose with the NX1 to avoid macroblocking ? Im getting it in the highs and low of the image ! Definitely gonna have to change my style of grading to accomodate this smh. Samsung is lucky this camera is so damn sexy or mines would be on ebay after today lmao

    I find that the NX1 can be very tricky to grade especially for the sky. From my experience there isn't much to do, it's just a matter of being soft on the grading. The image of the NX1 is so clean that it breaks down a bit sooner than a GH4 for instance. It's worse if you have a scene that contains tons of details, then the compression can be stronger -> and you have macroblocks even sooner. 

  6. They've been taking pre-orders since August and it was supposed to start shipping in late October. Either it didn't ship or nobody bought them. And like Zach said, look at their Facebook page for an idea of the customer service you'll get.

    I'm disappointed. I hoped this would be an advance for gimbals. That video in the article also shows the very noticeable sideways jerking that could be seen in the video from a couple days ago.

    I agree that it's a disappointment that they are late on delivering. But why pre-order ? I don't understand how people can put some money for something we have almost zero info about...Same thing for blackmagic Ursa mini. This gimbal might be a hit, but so far no reviews are out... no serious testing either. So let's just be patient, and try it out when it's finally out, and then you'll be able to judge if it's good or not.

  7. Totally agree with underexposing the NX1 : ) Just watch out for your skintones if you underexpose too much - the dynamic is not huge so sometimes you might not want to trade the hightlights for the skin tone...

    On my GH4 I used to do the opposite ! Overexpose to avoid that stupid noise everywhere !

  8. Yep, still beta testing 5 months after:unamused:... It's looking better and better (a touch over sharpen maybe?), but BM sure knows how to test our patience.

    Some beta testers have been sharpening in post :/ 

    I think that if they deliver the DR and overall quality (noise, skin tones, easy grading) it will be a hit : )

    Most potential buyers are really paying attention to the theoretical DR. 

  9. Thanks for the test. I see a lot of resolution, low light and dynamic range test on the internet, but if I may, I would love to see more tests of color grading - meaning, how well does the codec holds up in a color grading situation. Cameras can really be split up in two groups : 420 8 bits internal on one side and PRORES/RAW recording on the other side.

    The camera of the first group are all subject to banding / macroblocking or noise issues - especially more visible when grading. 

  10. Anything goes for music videos for upstart bands; but my mortgage gets paid by business/corporate videos. So no PVC pipe rigs. I have a couple DIY HMIs but they look like commercial units. And I've had zero issues shooting with any DSLR, but I generally have it on rails with a matte box & FF. Several times a client has had to squeeze by the camera in a tight setup and say "I'm being careful, I know that cost more than my house!" Amazing what matte box flags can do… 
    Funny, corporate clients - if they've seen your work and it's good - don't really care about the gear the same way getting hired by an agency or media group to operate or DP do. Even so, I've had situations where someone knowledgeable raised an eyebrow at, say, an APS-C Nikon with a Series-E 100 on it. I usually say "look through the VF" and the next thing, they're snapping off phone shots of the lens - "Less a hundred bucks??!? That's my next lens!!!"

    I really like using my Kessler as sort of a "fluid tripod" so when all else fails, just rig that sucker up… until someone makes a cast plastic sleeve that fits over a DSLR with a big "Arri" logo on it...

    You're lucky or maybe its the matte box that helps ;) 

    Each of my client who has seen the Samsung had a comment about it "oh usually I think people use Canon or Sony right ?". Not necessarily a negative comment, but they feel reassured by seeing cameras they already seen before.

    For my perspective I just talk them through, how Samsung is a step ahead of the competition, and that they will be able to judge by themselves. 


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