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Posts posted by neosushi

  1. 16 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

    Such an underrated camera...

    Ergonomics of a Canon or Nikon without the 1970's mirror SHIT

    Smallest 4K file sizes on the planet but the highest quality compression..... THANK YOU H.265 YOU ARE THE FUTURE IT IS JUST NOBODY ELSE KNOWS IT!!!!

    Ultra clean and noiseless ISO 800, acceptable 1600, falls off a cliff after that but who cares? So does a RED Epic!

    Great battery life, great EVF... heck it has an EVF... Unlike my 1D C!! Guess which was cheapest!

    Articulated screen but still feels like it is built like a tank and I had mine out in the pouring rain.... didn't pose an issue. Weather sealed yet articulated screen.... Canon take note.

    Just look at the images... lovely! Great colour and detail

    The S lenses... some of the best Super 35mm this side of PL cinema $30k stuff.

    It is a goth of a camera

    It is discontinued

    Nobody cares about it but the ones in the know...

    The GX85 has fantastic colour... Just the right balance between natural 'scientifically correct colour' and memory colour.

    100% Agree with you Andrew. I discovered the first footage of the NX1 through your video in Portugal if I recall correctly. Now I'm filming a documentary about handicapped kids in Ukraine with the NX1. This morning we filmed in a swimming pool using an underwater sleeve and it was great. This camera sustained rain, snow, and some falls. We already have over 2TB of footage (using hacked NX1 with 120 to 140Mbs bitrate) and almost shot everything with the 16-50S lens. This thing is so amazing. I keep looking for something better and considered many times changing but after renting a FS5 + Shogun and a BMD Urasa mini, I am keeping my NX1. It just seems the only 4K camera (not talking about Red or Arri) out there that actually resolves a resolution of 4K. Everything else (especially Sony) seems like FullHD + to me. Now it's disconnected... and it sucks.

    (also we are using a Lensbaby 56mm macro velvet which is an NX mount lens. Beautiful crazy footage coming out of it ! Very interesting alternative to the 60mm macro Samsung)

  2. 2 hours ago, kidzrevil said:

    I have to ask them which picture profile they used for the Normal gamma option. I assume its the Standard picture profile. Either way I would avoid the normal gamma profile and use the gamma c and gamma dr options. Also its time to put the 0.94x green channel thing to rest. I shot this in gamma dr -4 contrast,-2 saturation 


    Nice :) 

    I still get this super red image I don't understand why... I seem to have better results using RED MX profiles...

  3. 22 minutes ago, aldolega said:

    Right, but you're posting in a thread about the results from the raw upgrade... the natural implication then being that you think your non-raw results are relevant.

    That's your interpretation.

    I'm pretty sure the community is clever enough to read my post carefully. By the way the title of this post is : "Sony FS5 RAW/Prores footage... where is it?"

    I wrote about Prores footage which is mentioned in the title. Now that this conversation about the conversation is over I suggest we get back to the topic...

    16 hours ago, Django said:

    it's a pretty well known fact that the 4K on the FS5 is soft & that the 4K on NX1 is overtly sharp. ironically people have been complaining about both these "issues"!

    I agree, which was the whole point of the video. The "theory" of the reviewer is that it's better to go from too much detail and blur it a little bit, than sharpening a video. He also states that from his point of view, the NX1 is not over sharpened rather very rich in details. Personally I tested some gaussian blur on some NX1 footage and the results are interesting. But it's just one piece of the puzzle. I think the motion of the FS5 is nicer than the NX1. I have zero test to prove that it's just a personal feeling. 

    10 hours ago, jax_rox said:

    Do you also find weird how soft the image out of the Alexa is compared to an NX1?

    Of course, the FS5 is no Alexa, but a 'softer' image does not mean a worse image than a sharper image, and it does not mean less resolution. There would be web videos where a comparison between a RED and a GH4 or NX1 would see the latter sharper. There are too many variables to compare too accurately, apart from the fact that sharpness or lack of it doesn't really make an image overall.

    I find it weird that people complain about a camera being too soft, and then try and find a way to make their own camera just as soft looking.

    In regards to that video, the test is very unscientific, and the stuff I've shot on FS5 has never looked that soft.

    jax_rox : I love the image out of the Alexa. Actually I'm not criticizing the softness of the FS5 in general. What I am more critic about is the fact that it's not really a 4k camera IMHO. Now as a full hd delivering camera I think it's great. It's cinematic soft, but I'm not sure that he doesn't have less details than the Alexa. The Alexa is soft yes but detailed. I'd say the Alexa and the FS5 probably share the same output resolution. Which I wouldn't mind if I / my clients didn't want/need 4k. 

    It would be interesting to have the EBU BBC tests on the FS5. They found the Alexa 2K is about the equivalent of a RED at 4K (talking about just resolution). Also I don't find the NX1 to be just sharp and the FS5 to be simply soft. The NX1 has much more details than the FS5. Personally the stuff I shot on the FS5 looks nothing compared to the NX1 in terms of details. But I find myself to also like the softness of the FS5. I would enjoy shooting with both, but simply not the same projects, and definitely not if my client wants 4K (for the FS5). 

  4. 5 hours ago, aldolega said:

    You shot FS5 + Shogun, but without the raw upgrade? So, to be clear, the uncompressed (but still debayered/processed) image, out the HDMI or SDI, to the Shogun which processed/compressed it to ProRes?

    Not really a fair way to assess the output with the raw upgrade, is it?

    I admit it's probably a pretty small difference, but still... compare apples to apples.

    Where dis I assess anything about the quality of the raw image ? I only talked about what I have seen ;)

  5. I find it weird though how soft the image comes out of it. Definitely not a real 4k resolution in the end. I own an NX1 but I was out on the market to get an FS5. I rented out an FS5 + shogun (no raw enabled just prores) and found some pros and cons. Potentially having 4K RAW 60p sounds really cool, but the FS5 is physically not the same beast after you add an external recorder + battery / ssd on it. It definitely gets closer to a C100/300. But hey you always have to make a compromise right :)  

    That said I was a bit let down by the amount of details. I think it looks cinematic in a way  - maybe because it s soft. But now I'm thinking more of improving some softening techniques with my NX1. Not 100% decided though. So I'm dropping this video here, not trying to troll or anything I think both cameras are very interesting and both have their limits - you have to toy around with. Always interested to hear what the community has to say :) 


  6. 4 hours ago, Geoff CB said:

    Yes but that does not mean you have to shoot in that mode in every situation. You can get great stuff out of S-LOG, but if you want a quick look for interviews or other things with a quick turn around shoot in one of the other modes.

    I wasnt looking for a quick look - on the contrary. I just didnt find the slog very clean after grading. Maybe I didnt ETTR enough, but i protected the highlights on my actress face. Turned out the whole image had noise in dark areas after grading. Id be interested if someone had a better experience with it.

  7. 4 hours ago, Geoff CB said:

    Speaking as someone who has switched from a NX1 to an A7r 2.

    Don't switch systems right before shooting something.

    The NX1 handles far differently than other cameras and it does get great results in interview situations. Plus that codec is helpful if you can edit it natively because with a RED/Blackmagic your going to be dealing with way bigger file sizes.

    Am I saying you shouldn't switch? No, I'm just saying I would wait until after this interview project to do so.

    Thanks for your interesting comment ! Actually I already shot a lot with the NX1 - mostly urban video and interviews. No serious doc / fiction. I start shooting in a month and I need a very organic solution for the shooting - but I'm not switching until I'm convinced I cannot get the look that I want with the NX1 :) 

    1 hour ago, NX1user said:

    Have you installed either of the bitrate hacks for the NX1? You can do a lot with the footage in post because of the high bitrate. Check out:


    He's got a ton of higher bitrate NX1 footage posted. He uses filmconvert which gets rid of that digital look you're talking about. He posts a lot on this forum.

    I just got film convert myself and it really helps make the NX1 image look more pleasing. (nothing I can share yet though).


    Thanks ! I have been looking at many different high bitrate videos and I just can't tell the difference between standard and hacked images... Did you see any obvious differences ?? I would love a good example - that would probably motivate me to try the hack :) 

    I use filmconvert sometimes, or the equivalent from Magic Bullet (its called "Film" and has the stock emulation and grain, which I applied on my footage). 

  8. 18 minutes ago, Geoff CB said:

    I never understand this.

    Just because you shoot on Sony does not mean you have to shoot in S-LOG. Do people shooting the C100 always shoot in C-log? No they shoot in Wide DR or other modes as well. It's for if your using a colorist in post. Just shoot in Cine 1 and get a good look out of camera with some flexibility in post.


    Isn't the SLog designed to get the most DR out of your camera ? 


    On 06/07/2016 at 5:03 PM, ricardo_sousa11 said:

    If I had that cash, def I'd pick the Fs5, its an absolut beast from what I hear, and very very versatile.

    But beware of the internal codec :/ Played with it for a day and found the slog3 very noisy too... But the form factor is really great - not so great when you add a shogun on top :'( 

  10. Thanks so much Kurtisso for this great contribution :) 

    The setup I used is the Samsung NX1 (GAMMA DR, Contrast -3, Sharpness -10), and the 16_50S (here probably @ f.2.8). In post I introduced some grain, contrast etc.

    My next project is a 3 weeks doc about a young girl suffering from autism.

    I have been looking at different images, liking the RED image, Kinefinity - Kinemax feel, but I just can't let go of my NX1 (it's so fast, light, battery life is amazing, etc.). I find myself stuck between finding the perfect camera for the image, and the perfect camera "size/handling" for this project. NX1 doesn't have the best dynamic range, but I like how sharp it can be for a project based on "faces" and really get all the details out of my subjects.  But sometimes, I don't know, it feels very digital. 

    I am still looking for the "breaking point" of my camera : I try to protect highlights as well as I can, but I don't like the skin tones on this camera when they're too underexpose. So I'm a little bit stuck :) 

    I agree also that "organic" can be tricky. To me organic would be "filmlike". I think that sometimes the NX1 can look "digital-ish". Or maybe it's the way I use it that is not great. 


    Here is a better compressed version : 


    And another video : 


  11. Hi to all, dear eoshd community,

    Prior to a project - doc - I am thinking about changing my gear.

    Here is the kind of image I achieve with the NX1 - I am looking for opinion about the texture of the image mostly, and how organic it is, or it isnt', and how you would make it better.

    Thanks for all your kind help :) 

    PS : the person in this video is a kind friend who accepted to help :) 




  12. On 05/07/2016 at 5:31 PM, neosushi said:

    UPDATE : I read on various forums, that the announce made from Convergent Design was made before the camera was out, and that it was wrong. 

    But I just got an answer from Canon USA that says that I should be able to record 4K RAW 60P with the Odyssey 7Q+.

    Anyone can confirm that ??

    I'm quoting myself because Canon edited their previous post on Youtube. Now they say it only outputs 4K RAW 30fps.

    I had no response from Convergent Design who still state that the 7Q+ can record 4K RAW 30 fps. I tend to trust Canon more on this one...

    Also I went to my dealer today and tried the C300 mkII. Damn it's heavy and there's just no easy way to film handheld with it. You really need the total rig + EVF. 

    I'm going to rent a FS5 + Shogun to see how I can make the image work... 

  13. UPDATE : I read on various forums, that the announce made from Convergent Design was made before the camera was out, and that it was wrong. 

    But I just got an answer from Canon USA that says that I should be able to record 4K RAW 60P with the Odyssey 7Q+.

    Anyone can confirm that ??

  14. So I was checking the specs of the C300 mkII - for raw recording.

    Convergent Design websites states that : 

    "The Canon C300 MKII camera can output Canon RAW in 4096x2160 (4K) or 3840x2160 (Quad HD). Frame rates in either mode are up to 60p"

    Then I found this video on youtube : the video is said to be recorded in 4k RAW 60P from a C300 markII (however the picture looks horrible so might be a fake, I don't know...).

    I mailed Convergent Design, Canon, asked them also through facebook too, called different shops, and asked the person who filmed the youtube video. For now I got ZERO answer on that. WTF ??




    I'll add to my post this annoucement - that was published also by nofilmschool.com - "These firmware updates actually unleash new features for your cameras, notably allowing the new Canon C300 Mark II to record up to 60fps RAW or ProRes."

    Why are there so many contradictory information ? 

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