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Everything posted by kidzrevil

  1. I too were debating on getting an a7sii but I wouldn't do it. It dont think you'll see the quality jump you're looking for. I went from the a7s to the nx1 and I enjoy the detail and ergonomics of the nx1 more. I didn't need 4k nor is anyone asking for it cause it honestly hasn't caught on yet but I got a 4k cam just to downscale cause it hides noise in the process. I would get a cam that shoots 14bit like a blackmagic or a hacked canon than go to Sony to be honest. A Canon 1DC is a better choice than an a7sii. I know this is subjective but while I owned the a7s I quickly noticed if I have to bump up to 12,800 iso for a shot most likely the lighting was garbage to begin with. Garbage lighting still equates a garbage image in most circumstances
  2. kidzrevil


    surprised you said that. Sometimes I look back qt my gh3/gh4 work and it def does have a certain character to the imagery that I am missing with my a7s & nx1 work ! For stills both the GH3 & GH4 were pretty good to me when shot raw. It was sharp and the colors were amazing ! Idk if I can attribute that to the sensor or the voigtlander primes I was using but it def did look good to me. My work with the GH4 def stood out against the crowd in the Navy and these guys shoot with full frame Nikon's with some top tier lenses
  3. kidzrevil


    yeah the bottom one is with the 85mm ! I feel your pain man ! I've been looking at everything from the blackmagic pocket, 1dc,5d3 & gh4 w 0.64 speedbooster ! Alot of options out there at this point its best to get a cam thats makes up for the weaknesses of another you own
  4. kidzrevil


    thank you im sure she would appreciate that comment as well lol ! This is shot with the Nx1 raw and VSCO Film 05. If we can get a firmware update from Samsung that gives us little to no processing (i.e. noise reduction) the NX1 will be even more of a beast. The RAW stills from this thing is amazing. Totally made me change my mind about the Nikkors even though the 1.4 Sigma's tempt me from time to time
  5. kidzrevil


    I used a mir 37b and and I can't tell you it was any better. I tested a bunch of m42 lenses. Funny thing is the problems I witnessed shooting video have been non existent shooting stills. Strong feeling its the noise reduction and in cam sharpening combo. The camera is clearly optimized for how Samsung lenses render the image. Best workaround so far is to use the super 16mm grain from film onvert since it has the effect of applying a gaussian blur to the image. Very effective please take what I say with a grain of salt because I am very anal when it comes to image quality and these qualms will not be noticed by consumers/clients
  6. kidzrevil


    +1 it adds character to the image. I was playing Aliens Isolation & grand theft auto 5 and I notice they try to mimic the effect complete with softness in the corners of the image just like an old lens Nikkor 50mm f1.2 & a Nikkor 85mm f1.4 ais. Completely in love with these lenses
  7. Im currently using the alexa profile cuz I love the look of the grain however an accurate emulation for the NX1 would be ideal. That's what I would like to see included in FILMCONVERT. It is an expensive piece of software afterall...
  8. Filmconvert is a priceless piece of film emulation software that undoubtedly has made it to the workflow of many pro's out there. With their ongoing dedication to supporting the latest and greatest cameras available to both indie and pro filmmakers I am surprised they have shown no support for the NX1. I understand the rumors of a Samsung (camera) shutdown may be off putting but a lot of people do actually own the NX1. Or maybe I am delusional ? Who knows. Just saying support from FILMCONVERT for the Samsung body could be a god send for those who bought it and who will buy it in the future when the price drops. I hope the filmconvert guys are out there listening lol
  9. I use impulz luts and filmconvert for the grain !
  10. regretted upgrading from my gh4 to an a7s. I haven't shot with an a7sii but I hear it way better than the a7s
  11. it seems that the 1080 on this camera is severely crippled. I really think it was an afterthought to be honest. Seems they were more focused on getting the sharpest 4k footage downscaling for 6.5k and they totally forgot how that would affect the 1080 image. The macroblocking is completely unacceptable. At first we could blame it on the codec but your test just put an end to that myth !
  12. I've seen that grid in raw stills and it's annoying ! Converting to DNG has gotten rid of it though. Strange. Interesting results with the external recorder I will download the file to see how it looks in motion
  13. I am personally waiting for the GH5 because Panasonic has shown the most commitment to progression imo. Loved my a7s but i knew the only thing it had over my gh4 was low light performance and noise. I sacrificed a whole lot for the ability to shoot in low light and I rarely did lol. I thought Samsung had the right idea with the nx1 but some moron thought they should retreat. I agree all these companies are ran by idiots. The motion capture revolution has been growing since the 5d Mark ii but I guess they are too traditional to dedicate themself to making the leap. Still at this point I keep telling myself there are productions being shot with the iPhone 5s making it to netflix. Every camera you have mentioned here is of course severely overpowered in comparison to the iPhone so at this point I think we as film makers are a bit picky (myself included) and just need to learn to squeeze the most out of whats available to us until these companies get their act together. All in all I have hope for Fuji because competition is good. Canon and Nikon are only morons because they haven't felt the burn of competition...yet.
  14. If Fuji makes a video centric camera with that awesome sensor & color science it would be a ground breaking achievement. The aps-c sensor giving us a full frame look with a speedbooster with 1 extra stop of light omg I am drooling Shit I was in love with my gh3's 1080. And the A7s had the cleanest 1080 of em all
  15. let me know whenever you test the 60p bro I really need to know
  16. Any of you guys using external recording noticing better compression ? Im not looking for a dramatic leap in image quality just trying to eliminate the h.265 macroblocking. Also for those with the external recorders have you tested the quality of the 1080p 60fps footage ? Im hoping the dramatically worse 60fps mode on the nx1 is just a result of poor compression. A shogun assassin is sounding good these days
  17. kidzrevil


    yeah you're right about that for sure. The only reason I haven't made the jump to blackmagic is the fact that I am a still shooter as well. The times I can get away with it I will gladly shoot with my personal camera over the old Nikon's the Navy uses so still features are important to me ! I may end up keeping the nikkors (definitely selling the FD's) and try a blackmagic pocket with a speed booster alongside the nx1. The 5d was another option but I am slightly intimidated about the raw workflow. I simply do not have the storage on hand for cinema dng files ! on other cameras maybe but I think it will be beneficial on the NX1. Again there is something going on with the debayering / in camera processing that makes the cam feel like it needs to jack up the in camera sharpening idk why but whatever. when you zoom in you can see low resolution (due to lens resolution) areas of the image with extreme edge enhancement, it looks weird
  18. kidzrevil


    Size I can deal with as long as the focus ring is in a comfortable position. My only worry was the build quality so thanks for clearing that up because it was becoming off putting. Every time I hear plastic lens I think rokinon or my shitty canon 50mm f1.8 ! Im really just chasing image quality because the NX1 is extremely picky, I have to shoot stopped down one or two clicks and losing precious light. As always man thank you for the input ! I love the NX1 don't get me wrong ! Some lenses work better or worse depending on the sensor. Keep in mind these lenses I own are designed for film so you are really rolling the dice. I have a couple theories on getting a better image out of the nx1, the in camera processing is a hurdle I am trying to conquer. Not to get off subject but I've tried diffusion for better compression and I failed so I assume a high contrast zeiss or sigma that can resolve 6k would alleviate the issues I am encountering. I believe during the downscaling from 6.5k to 4k the camera is trying to increase apparent detail with in camera sharpening, i notice this when I use a diffuser. This is why I have been so frantic trying to find the proper lens combination
  19. kidzrevil


    ugh I am about to go out to sea with the navy again so I have no time think the safest bet are the Sigma ART line. I am just turned off by the fact they are plastic and not metal but the image quality is some of the best I have seen
  20. kidzrevil


    I'm currently selling my canon fd L set on ebay so I can raise money to get the zeiss milvus 50mm and the 21mm. This could either be the greatest decision or the biggest mistake of my life LOL
  21. yeah I keep hearing great things about the sigma's. Think im going to sell off my lenses and invest in the art line cause I hear the resolution aint far off from the zeiss otus. One thing I notice about the nx1 you need a high resolving lens. I can get away shooting at 1.2 on an a7s but on the nx1 any and every flaw is exaggerated when using the same lens. You have a hard time shooting with these vintage lenses on this body in terms of resolution unless you stop down
  22. looks great ! I hear sigma makes great lenses. How is the resolution and manual focusing on the nx1 body with this lens ?
  23. kidzrevil


    nikon ais is great but I dont like the size of the mount on the a7s. It makes the already poor ergonomics of the camera even worse
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