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Everything posted by kidzrevil

  1. I agree man. My gh4 work is some of the best I'd ever shot. Easy to grade & no macroblocking even when I stacked luts on my footage. I guess I will just have to take the grain as its shortcoming and get over it. Cinelike V was a dream on that thing ! Im not totally ruling out the NX1 there's gotta be a piece to the puzzle im missing or something. I've been playing with Gamma C and loving it and I got a bunch of stuff lined up for when i get back to NY next month so we'll see. The stills quality and resolution has me hesitant to let it go but the Gh4 with speedbooster sounds like the most reliable option on the market. For me at least
  2. Im fine with the cameras sensor size, im really interested in a less processed image as far as in camera noise reduction and sharpening is concerned. Good to hear the speedbooster xl and gh4 are a tried and true combo. Interested to see how it looks with my zeiss glass. When I had it and I was using the voigtlander f0.95 primes !
  3. kidzrevil

    Sony a6300 4k

    Welp...there goes that. I shoot handheld so a tiny cam is out the option...for me at least
  4. I used to shoot with the Panasonic GH4 and loved it. Only turn off was the amount of noise in the image but it was manageable. I read a rumor that there is yet another firmware update coming so the camera is back on my radar. Does anyone have experience with the Metabones Speedbooster XL adapters ? If so do they live up to the hype ? I currently own zeiss milvus glass and would love to see how the speedbooster will add to the look of the lenses on the m43 body
  5. kidzrevil

    Sony a6300 4k

    The specs sound really good ! I just hate the ergonomics of these bodies ! Really wish they invest some of these features into the sony a-mount cameras with the traditional styled dslr bodies. Dying for a full frame a mount cam with these video innovations
  6. My dream for the GH5 200 mbps with a better compression algorithim 4K & 1080p IPB RAW 1080p like blackmagic pocket I can live with the sensor size just need way better noise performance. If the image can stay clean up to 3200 that would be admirable. 12 megapixel sensor for full pixel readout of 4k and oversamples 1080 60fps
  7. I just might...they told me to send my connection speed to them like thats gonna solve my problem....or my users viewing experiences.
  8. vimeo pretty much told me they have no plans to change anything but want me to send them the debug info (??? weird ???) I may transition over to youtube.
  9. Dude it totally made me reevaluate my decision to get a high end camera. For what its worth I could just use a gh3 if vimeo and youtube is gonna tear into the quality of my work ! All of my work goes to the web and small screen devices. This is upsetting
  10. In that case i'll use my samsung nx1 with my zeiss milvus glass for that type of content instead of an a7sii
  11. I didnt use those exact words but the message was clear. Here was the reply
  12. I am for sure removing my pro account. I think they will remove all my videos if I do but fck em. Im not paying for sub par quality I refuse
  13. Would yall take a hacked 5d mark iii over a sony a7sii ?
  14. kidzrevil


    Canon fd L lenses are really good especially for the price
  15. kidzrevil


    Zeiss milvus 50mm f1.4 w/ tiffen black satin filter // edited with VSCO cam
  16. Agreed The processor is doing a full pixel readout and then downscaling it. The high rs is the end result of this
  17. 8,10,12 or 14 bit rate doesn't change the dynamic range of a camera. The dynamic range is limited to what the sensor is capable of and the preset curve of the picture profile. Color depth of course is different BUT when shooting 4k for 1080 export the extra pixels contain enough color info to create a true 10bit 444 file. So in essence increasing bitrate to remove the occurence of macroblocking in shadows and at higher iso's is significantly more beneficial.
  18. It is infinitely more realistic to get a high bit rate in camera and convert the 4k file into 10bit 444 prores later. Its the closest we'll get to raw
  19. kidzrevil

    Film Grain

    We should also test cineform as well !
  20. Progress ! Thats what i like to hear !!!
  21. kidzrevil


    I now own the zeiss milvus 21 mm and in addition to the 35mm,50mm & 85mm i could say these are the best lenses I ever shot with. I had a lot of fast lenses but at 1.2,1.4 they were so soft you had to stop down to f2 which defeats the purpose. All these lenses are sharp and contrasty even wide open its crazy ! Cost me a small fortune but worth it. Im going to a motorcross event and I have pit access so ill be bringing along the 35mm & 85mm with tiffen black satin filters on em ?
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