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ade towell

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Everything posted by ade towell

  1. I'm not sure what the score is with directly linking to luts outside of eoshd but put those first 2 words into google...
  2. I like the highlight roll off from the Emotive color Alexa conversion created by Sage who I've not seen around here for a while. It was specifically tuned for S5, S1 and S1H, wonder if it would need tweaking for S5ii
  3. Yes working with 10 bit v-log is easy, no problem getting a lovely look, clog3 is also easy to grade as it's not very flat, but will be good to work with decent DR again and be able to push the shadows a bit - I didn't like how the Canon R6 seemed to cut off the lower stops.
  4. Yes I agree and I'm a Canon R6 user who is switching - the S5ii sorts a lot of the issues I had with it that the Canon R6ii still has, but a big reason the move back to Panasonic should be fairly painless is because the Sigma adaptor seems to work really well on my EF lenses. hyalinejim congratulations, early days but how are you finding your new toy?
  5. Wex in the UK has stock for S5ii next day delivery, unfortunately for me it is still showing as pre-order for the kit with the 2 lenses - has anyone got their hands on one yet? Am interested to see how good the internal audio is - 96khz 24 bit and line level in with supposedly decent pre-amps should hopefully make recording seperate audio a thing of the past, at least for me. Pairing the Canon R6 with my Sound Devices Mix pre-d was quite disappointing and poor quality compared with the mix pre into Sony PCM M10 audio recorder. Panasonic seem to take audio a bit more seriously in their mirrorless cameras so fingers crossed their pre amps will be more comparable to the audio recorder.
  6. Ha OK I tried this today to help with the RS on the Canon R6 - and ran into overheating issues even quicker than I normally would. I can see it working great on cameras that don't overheat, but I guess that's not the R6...
  7. From what I've seen Panasonic have released a new firmware that deals with wobble effect up to 20mm. Looks like the Sony IBIS is effective when walking with active mode on - am presuming that is with a slight crop. Panasonic much better with just IBIS
  8. Well I've actually pre-ordered but pretty much know what I'll get with Panny - over the years have had the DVX100, AF100, GH2 (still got), GH3 and more recently the S1 which I loved for the IBIS and the DR. Panasonic are probably my favourite of the Japanese camera companies for trying to give you solid, well built decent spec and normally are best value for money. Not as heavy with the cripple hammer as some and good for firmware updates to give you the best camera they can
  9. Yes am curious too, from everything I have seen they seem to work pretty much as they do on my R6. For mission critical AF I would probably use the Panasonic lenses but need to do some testing. it's meant to start shipping at the end of the month, fingers crossed...
  10. Yes i hear you I had the micro HDMI on Fuji XT-3 break even with a clamp on so have always been a little wary of them since I looked at R5 but the 30 minute limit put me off. The R5c with no IBIS, poor battery and lower quality AF was not for me. The R3 is a beast and if you can afford it looks like the best mirrorless Canon offering by far. The price of the R6ii is high here too in the UK - £2779 whereas the Panasonic S5ii with 20-60mm and 50mm 1.8 lens is only £2399. A bargain I reckon. Both lenses are geared towards video with silent AF and the zoom even has focus breathing control. A lot of the more affordable RF primes such as the 35mm and 85mm have noisy and quite sluggish AF. Have just bought the Sigma adaptor used for £100 so will have full use of all EF lenses on the S5ii and AF looks pretty decent. We will see...
  11. Yes that sounds like a good workaround
  12. That's great they've got anti flicker. Good that for you it fixes everything but for me I think the R6ii only really sorted 2 of the main problems I had with the R6 - overheating, and the 30 minute limit - but not the other main grievances I had - poor DR, relatively poor IBIS, lack of touchscreen with external monitor, and that fookin micro HDMI. The S5ii ticks all those boxes
  13. Oh yes and synchro scan is a really useful thing I missed from Panasonic, helps with flicker on screens and also some LED lights had strange refresh rates.. Super handy and it's on the S5ii Sorry for all the seperate posts, doesn't give you long to edit
  14. Other little things like the kooky way to get white balance on Canon cameras was annoying, and that I trust Panasonic much more than Canon to support the camera better with firmware updates going forward. Always feels like Canon wants you to buy their top of the range camera if you want decent support - the R6 suffered from being in the shadow of the R5
  15. Ha sorry we both seem to be jumping across different threads - think I answered the lack of interest in 4k50p thing at least for me on the other thread. The S5ii is definitely not perfect but so many of the annoyances of the R6 are now covered, the R6ii for me still lacks what I feel are important features. Maybe it's because i was mainly using EF lenses with adaptor but found the AF on the R6 to still be something I wouldn't want to rely on - even simple talking head shots it would sometimes lose focus which I thought was its bullet proof bread and butter Anyway all good we just have slightly different needs and tastes, hard to pick a bad camera these days
  16. Yes it's a crop for 4k50p but that doesn't bother me as I don't really use it, am sure it's a big deal for some though... With the Canon R6 I thought full frame 4k50p would be a great thing but I have only used it once when I thought I might want some slow mo but didn't and ended up conforming it to 25p anyway. I have a possibly irrational dislike to unmotivated slow mo - I am obviously in the minority here but it is very rare when I see it used in a way that actually adds to the story. I do mainly documentary stuff and realise it can have its uses but generally it's not for me
  17. I think the only reason Panasonic now has PDAF is because Sony finally decided they would sell them a sensor with it functioning. It seems Sony has made another generational AF leap with their new AI assisted AF system and so threw Panasonic a bone. Sony seem to have taken a lead on AF these days with Canon and now Panasonic close behind but definitely both trailing in 2nd place. Colour definitely is subjective - I prefer Panasonic colours with vlog over Fuji and then Canon for me. All have a really lovely image so to me it is then the features which make Panasonic S5ii the stand out, it ticks every box I have and has no real weakness. From great DR, full HDMI, class leading IBIS, up to 10 loadable luts and all kinds of connectivity with monitor and still being able to use touchscreen it is such an upgrade from the Canon R6 and also beats out the R6ii. All at a much cheaper price. Be nice to play around with some anamorphic too, has been a while Another big plus for me - audio was always something Panasonic seemed to take a little more seriously on their mirrorless cameras than others, and sounds like the S5ii takes that up another level. Apparently with pretty clean pre amps it's capable of recording 4 audio tracks 96khz 24 bit and takes Line level in (unusual for mirrorless) and can connect my Sound Devices Mix pre-d when needed.
  18. Just put my pre order in. To me the S5ii is the first mirrorless hybrid with no real weakness. Other than it doesn't have an upward path (which admittedly is enough of a turn off for some. But with the Sigma adaptor seeming to cope so well with EF lens AF, I can see it as a great mirrorless b camera to Canon cine cams) I think Panny have created an absolute powerhouse at a bargain price. Nothing else comes close for the money
  19. Yes from what I've seen there is no real wobble at 20mm on the S5ii, looks useable to me. And for everything else Panasonic IBIS alone is better than IBIS and lens IS combination on either Sony or Canon. And goodbye micro HDMI you will not be missed
  20. Instead of updating Canon R6 with R6ii I'm going to go for the stonking deal with the S5ii and 20-60 and 50mm lenses and use EF lenses with sigma adaptor. The colour science with vlog I think is lovely and makes good use of that great DR, similar to clog2 and I think nicer to grade than slog. I find clog3 on the R6 a bit limiting The only RF lens I have is the 16mm 2.8 which is a great little lens but all kinds of edge wobble with Canon and their not so great IBIS. The 20-60mm on the Panny with its superior IBIS will have none of the weirdness and is plenty wide for me. The 20-60 and 50mm will be great for most AF needs and my EF lenses will be fine with the Sigma adaptor. The Sony A7 series has always left me a bit cold, strange eegonomics and not fun to use and colour never wows me. The S5 felt good in the hand and a bit better built than the R6, am excited about getting the S5ii, ticks all the boxes for me
  21. Wow that is a fantastic deal with the 20-60mm and 50mm being only £400 more. Am very tempted... Was looking at Canon R6ii to replace the very frustrating R6 but with the Sigma adapter looking like you can get decent AF with Canon EF lenses, the S5ii looks a much better camera for me. The Panasonics IBIS is way above Canons, and also the much better DR, full size HDMI, touchscreen which stays on when you connect external monitor. The S5ii is £779 cheaper than the R6ii, even with the 20-60mm and 50mm deal I can also add the Sigma adapter and it still comes out cheaper than the Canon R6ii. I also trust Panasonic more than Canon to give their camera decent firmware support and make it the best camera they can. Sorry I realise this is Sony v Panny thread and I've just added Canon to the mix
  22. Great work Panasonic I've always prefered their image over Canon and Sony and enjoyed their best bang for the buck kind of philosophy, less cripple hammer than the other usual suspects. I hope this puts them back on the map and they accompany this by bringing out a proper fully rigged cine cam (with evf please) to compete with the c70 and fx6. S52 with EVA2 full frame l-mount would be a winning combination, feel like they need both types of camera for video orientated folk to invest in the l-mount lenses
  23. So has anyone got their hands on the R6 mk2? If so is the overheating definitely fixed on 4k 25p am hearing differing reports ? One thing that was really annoying on the original R6 that I can't find an answer for the R6 mk2 is - can you use an external monitor while still using the internal screen and touch focus? I am hoping that especially with the touted external RAW recording that they have not gone cripple hammer here again on the R6 mk2
  24. Samsung could have been amazingly disruptive if they had stuck around in the camera business
  25. The cartel system is very much alive and tolerated in Japan
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