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Viet Bach Bui

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Posts posted by Viet Bach Bui

  1. I'm genuinely curious: what about the XT2's ergonomic make it better than, say, an A7 series camera? The compact rangefinder style bodies from Sony, Fuji and Oly all feel more or less the same to me.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Mattias Burling said:

    Have you tried it?

    In my experience the DR is just fine, lots of info to bring out in the shadows and just as gradable as any 8-bit footage. 


    No, just commenting on what I saw in this video.

    And your experience is...interesting, considering what is displayed in this video. Perhaps the author didn't know what they were doing?


  3. That Fuji video looks like something coming out of a smartphone: oversharpened, low dynamic range, baked in and saturated colors (which look nice, btw), little room to manipulate in post.

  4. This video is fascinating. Not because of any point it's trying to make but because I got to see the everyday life of Americans, to see how they live, how they talk, how they react to a situation. Everything was so real, there was no staging, no gloss. The parts with the woman drug addict and the homeless guy just broke my heart.

  5. I just found out that a new Predator movie is being made. It's supposed to be a reboot of the franchise so I'm somewhat excited. The original is easily in my top 3 action movies ever and I still find it fun to rewatch every once in a while, as opposed the new crop of action movies from Marvel, DC and the likes which were fun to watch in the theater once but soon forgotten after. Is it just my nostalgia at play i.e. it was the movie I grew up with or is there really something special about classics like Predator, Terminator 2 or Die Hard that make them still enjoyable to these days?

    Please also tell us what your favorite action movies are and, if possible, what you think make them stand out?

  6. It would be nice if this blog/forum became a place for hobbyists like myself to discuss the art of making a good film/video rather than a place where people bicker over gear choices. I know there's a subforum for that here already but to post there would be like posting in the Video forum at DPReview. If you're tired of gear, why not shift the focus to what you can do with it?

  7. My point of view is not racist, not even a bit. It would be if I had said that a black man wouldn't be capable of the feats that Roland pulled off, for instance.

    And you're welcome to refute my points, had the discussion around Roland's race continued. I don't consider that an attack of any kind, just a plain old debate. But to call me racist for my preference of a character's race is a personal attack.

  8. I think you're bending the facts a little too far your own way, and I was going to refute your points but then I realized that would be mucking up a thread with a topic of little interest to everyone else. So let me just say this: any fan of an artistic work should be able to defend their intepretation of it without being labelled as racist, sexist or whatever degoratory terms people like to throw around these days.

  9. 11 hours ago, DayRaven said:

    Well, I mean, if a character whose skin colour is never mentioned is played by a black actor, whom the author of that character is happy with, and you don't like the choice specifically because of the colour of the actors skin... it kind of feels a bit racist.

    Yes the author never said outright what Roland's race was but there are many parts where his race was alluded to (Roland having blue bombardier eyes, Eddie thinking he looks like a gunslinger from a spaghetti western) and other parts where it can be logically deducted (Detta's instant hatred of him and Eddie, she even mentioned a body part of him and Eddie being white in one instance). Yeah you can say that even after all that clues you still can not be 100% sure and that's true, but that's only technicality. What matters is that King portrayed Roland in a way that led us to think of the character as Caucasian.

    PS: it doesn't matter that this cast is endorsed by King. What is he supposed to do? Criticize the choice and makes himself look bad under the political correctness machine that is our world today?

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