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Posts posted by bzpop

  1. hey Max,

    here are my thoughts, but my thoughts are just my thoughts and nothing more:)

    1. Aspect ratio - is an artistic choice, most likely collective, choice of majority of creative team; as of now 285 mill watch that music video and if a few thousands were 'thrown away' by an unusual aspect ratio  of that video who gives a damn. but if you care about that, and you shoot for masses the safest choice would be 16:9 spherical lenses, but this is plain boring and very video-ish. This is sure sounds like a broken record, but the content is a king, always. So, either you know what you doing and unique aspect ratio is a creative choice that helps you to emphasize your vision, or you just want to stand out and be different, aspect ratio is not the major factor of the success or failure of any feature, documentary , or music video.

    2. I don's see  big difference between one and two. the only comment i have from my experience is that going from 2x squeeze to 1,5x and further up to 1,33x anamorphic properties become less pronounced, but sure are easier to work with, if that's what you are looking for; Shooting 1,33x on a 16:9 gives you 'instant'  anamorphic ratio without crop; my personal opinion is that 2x squeeze is perfect for anamorphic shooting, either you keep it uncut at 3.55:1 or crop to 2.40:1, but again, this is a creative choice.

    3. Slow motion - i personally love it, but, depends on the content, as always; hard to shoot an artistic piece today without it, but it doesn't mean you can't, because you don't have a high frame rate option in your camera. If you really want to add slow motion to your project you can get decent results shooting 29,97 and slowing in down 30% in Twixtor for the 24p timeline.

    In any case Max, BMPCC is amazing, i'll repeat myself, AMAZING camera! It has fantastic picture, better then cameras that cost 10x the price, and i wish you all success with your next shoot, and like Ridley Scott replied on one of the interviews when they asked him "what advice would you give to all young cinematographers?"                                  he replied - "Just fuckin do it"


  2. i never use zoom lenses with anamorphic adapters :))), but i always  try to shoot with fast glass, 1.4 prime stopped down is f2.8 and 2.8 prime stopped down is f4, ,and when it's dark  it's nice to have faster lens. a lot of DPs shoot wide open even when there is enough light:))), i like it too;

    Thanks Andrew, i am looking forward to to try them all, and see what they can do :))


  3. Sorry Andrew, didn't want to confuse you, i didn't use LA7200 with rangefinder, i just mentioned it as an example, in s35 at 5k it doesn't vignette, as well as Kowa 16h or ISCO ultra star, from 50mm and up; and putting rangefinder on kowa 16H creates strong vignette, without rangefinder kowa, or blue star , or ultra star don't vignette,
     but this is in 16;9, switching to 2x anamorphic mode fixes this vignette, but as i said i don't like that mode and prefer 3,5:1, but well;

    shot some test tonight, 'human feces' will be the next test, but i like this glass. a bit too heavy, i would accept hard plastic framing, cuz for anamorphic setup it is a lens+adapter+rangefinder, gets heavy and bulky, i know, i know, real anamorphics are huge and heavy, just thinking out loud;

    So, dear Andrew, are any of new SLR Magic anamorphic lenses cover 5 or 6k, because if they do that would be awesome.



  4. 72mm version vignettes at 5K, maybe because none of the projection lenses does, and  LA 7200 works Ok too, i was expecting it will will be fine , nope;

    it works OK in 2x ana mode, but i don't like it, it cuts the sides of the image;

         Dear Andrew, any of the new SLR Magic anamorphic lenses cover 5 or 6K?

    Thank you!

  5. a bit off topic, sorry,

     does anybody know how to remove a part that is around  front glass?

    i stripped all from that ultra star, but that built in hood, and it vignettes a little, before i take a hacksaw :)


  6. totally up to you, it is personal choice, it's what you like. i love to work with raw format and when i have to use any other codecs it sucks, but you don't have to shoot raw to make a masterpiece, what did they shot Star Wars with?  So if the story and actors are great, and everybody on the set know what they are doing, today you can shoot it with a cell phone camera,  but when it's audio for the film - you get the best you can afford.


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