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Posts posted by bzpop

  1. On 2016-07-10 at 9:43 PM, dmorgan924 said:

      How is it with digital, do some lenses record video to the sensor vertical then you stretch it out in editing?  

    yes, just like that, most of the digital  cameras don't have anamotphic mode, so the footage needs to be de-squeezed in post, with the ratio of your lens, either 1.33, 1.5, 1.75 or 2x,  but those digital cinema cameras that do have anamorphic mode, like Red or Alexa, they do that in camera, but again, only for 1.33 or 2x. but that's not a big deal, cuz you still can see the whole frame and can frame properly, even when considering cropping in post.

  2. On 2016-07-20 at 1:32 PM, Bioskop.Inc said:

     really shit advice when it comes to Anamorphics.

    and Century Optics is not a shit advice, lol;

    ISCO ultrastar is an amazing anamorphic lens, tack sharp, beautiful bokeh, plenty of character; weaker, more settled flares, but this is matter of preferences.

    my favorite taking lens is FL55mm 1.2, paired with my ISCO ultrastar - pure magic!

  3. don't buy C100, i mean it's OK camera  if there is no budget for any better, from your list i would probably go with C300,

    take a look at 1DXmkII, it was made for one man crew, not as good as A7S in low light but ISO6400 is clean, autofocus is a snap, and 4K files look amazing, i'm gonna do side by side with epic, they are very close. The only thing cfast2 is kinda pricey,

  4. my copy of Canon FD 55mm f1.2 is very sharp even wide open, and the bokeh @ 1.2 is just sick!

    but for 5Dmkiii i am afraid 55mm is not wide enough, 85mm f1.4 rokinon is dirt cheap and has very good picture, Nikon AI is a bit more expensive but it's an excellent piece of glass.

  5. 8 hours ago, JurijTurnsek said:

    To vimeo's credit, they made it very hard to download the video file, since it is split up into small chunks.

    in firefox right click on the page >view page info>select media>select file you want> click Save As

  6. On 2016-03-04 at 2:04 PM, enny said:

     to say that it is a solution with no problems where you can just take any camera and just shoot what ever is not reality

    of course no, but i wasn't talking about  just shooting whatever you want, i was talking about  60p 1/120th;

    yeah, it would be nice just to shoot it on Phantom, but we here talking about budget (key word) music video solutions :), aren't we?

    so watch your background, light and expose your shot properly, tell your artist not to make any fast movements, in short - direct your shot , and you'll be fine down to 20% of the speed which is what, 300fps?,

    this is not just theory, i've done this many times and with very good looking results

  7. 6 hours ago, enny said:

    well twixor is nice but it also creates problems if you don't shoot right in camera slow mo is always better looking.

    on youtube no one will tell it from Alexa. Oh common now you can totally tell the difference when you use alexa and master primes grading ect ect


    oh yeah? wanna try? i'll shoot one for you to have some fun :)

  8. wait a bit, get a BM micro cinema, it has 60fps, when you need slower use twixtor,  shoot raw, well exposed and with OK post, on youtube no one will tell it from Alexa,

    very cost effective solution for music videos;

    the only thing it is ridiculously small and most of the 'artists' will not take you seriously, so yeah,  shooting on Red adds to your resume you want it or not,

    but your demo and your price are the two major decision making factors,

    good luck, and post some music videos!

  9. I am starting to think I should just buy the C100 mark I for events and weddings and save my money for the FS5 for music videos.  Does anyone notice any difference in the C100 vs C100 mark ii in terms of quality after color correction?  They look very similar to me with perhaps the Mark ii edging out slightly better detail.  

    it's the same sensor as c100, but mk ii has slightly better codec @35Mbps, vs 28Mbps on mk1, slightly better ergonomics  and AF included in the price , which is not always 100% reliable, still, for events would be my choice #1;

    if majority of your work are events and weddings , C100 is very capable camera with fantastic low light performance and you wouldn't need another camera to shoot a music video, but if you seriously thinking to branch out you'll need a camera with lower compression and decent slow mo,  take a look at Red, you can get used, ready to shoot Scarlet for around the same money, but that's completely different level of image acquisition. Although  you need to be comfortable with the codec - R3D, there are samples in the raw files section of this forum, as well as on the web, but be warned, for me personally, and for many others, opening R3Ds in NLE of your choice becomes a no-return-point after you try it and see how much abuse it can take  -:


  10. please share some examples of those small sensor wide angle lenses providing adequate iq on large sensors and I'll eat my head.  you recommend a brand who manufacture attachments for consumer camcorders.  they are not capable of working on large sensors.  Period.  It sounds to me like you googled 'best wide angle attachments' and posted the first brand you found.    http://www.zunow.tv/     

    so Zunov is for consumers and p.o.s. cavision  for pros? Richard, what are you talking;

    well, anyways, keep shooting with this WA nonsense

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