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Everything posted by fuzzynormal

  1. As for the weapon aesthetic: that's the most non-looking gun device that kinda looks like a gun I've seen. I doubt the kids that might use this in Shimokitazawa, Görlitzer Park, Shoreditch, or Silver Lake have the capability of looking threatening --even when carrying a device with a trigger on it. Somehow wearing a blanket as a scarf, tight jeans, and big rimmed glasses takes the edge off. Keep in mind too, this is a Japanese product. Not too many people walking around with guns in that country. Anyway, I can see how this would work as a niche in Japan. They embrace retro.
  2. Who among us really knows the Japanese business culture? I don't assume to know a heck of a lot, but from what I learned while living there, it didn't strike me as exactly sensible. Many other considerations come before sensibility.
  3. Of course they do. The point I'm making is that the camera is not doing the heavy lifting to make this film what it is. The imaging tools are now within reach of all of us for not much cash. Handling all the other stuff? Especially the artistic capabilities? Well... That's why I'm here typing about stuff rather than doing it, I suppose.
  4. Here's the thing about that short film. I could imagine this particular crew shooting it on a 5dIII and achieving the pretty close to the same end results. This particular film doesn't live or die by the imaging tech. Perhaps it's boosted by it, but it's film making that transcends the camera technology. You're watching people that know how to use their tools, so any tools they have would get utilized appropriately to tell their story.
  5. I use a simple "fotasy" adapter for Nikon. No problem. I record audio externally with either a Zoom H1 or H4n, depending on needs. It all works. Deep ND for shooting outside midday is needed: Two 0.9's ND's, f2.8, ISO200, 50shutter=decent exposure. In fact, heading out the door right now with this setup to do some sunshine shooting on a documentary project...
  6. Close enough for a PR release and close enough for me, to be honest.
  7. "I want it, so it should exist for me." "Why?" "Because I said so." Excuse me as I hitch up my old man pants and wag my finger at this sentiment. While I'm doing that, kindly follow this link to another corner of this blog, witness how some people handle it, and hang your entitled head in shame: '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> If the hack is coming along too slow for you, you can always ask your mom or dad to buy you an Alexa. Zing! Okay okay, I joke and kid. I know it can be frustrating to know there's untapped potential, but it's pretty awesome potential already. So, you know: gratitude, how about it? BTW, I'm guessing sardonic rhetorical responses like this one I just did are probably why those threads on Vitaly's site are closed.
  8. We must not watch the same horror films.
  9. One simple but intricate metaphor and 10 minutes of excellent movie making. Love films that are true cinema and are not overwritten.
  10. I use these mics. They're great. Do as dafreaking suggest. I'll often record to an old zoom h1n and then synch my tracks in post. It's simple to do on a decent editing app like fcp. Easy and a whole lot better than relying on the dslr preamps.
  11. Since 35 mm motion pictures were never full frame anyway, I'd say people aren't as conditioned to the FF look as alluded. At least with movies. That said, it's great for cool photos.
  12. For me, it's more about how you create it than what is used to create it. The camera is only a small but important part of the process. You can shoot actual 35mm, but punt everything else --and you won't be able to create much of a film look.
  13. Get your 48mm nd and then gaff tape it. That's what I do. I also glued a step up ring into a cheap CCTV Lens once.
  14. The rhetoric is strong in this thread. Lots of new video-centric-photo cameras are going to hit the market in '14. It's a shame Nikon ain't gonna play. Andrew doesn't like their strategy. In the meantime, the cam is a good fit for some.
  15. I'm in and will pick up some slack. Maybe I can stave off the reaper for you. Instead of death, maybe I can help you get to a catatonic state of oblivion. Of course, you have to wait until I clear off the five corporate vids clogging my desk right now...
  16. I'm thinking a lot of y'all need to take a break and go into the screening room here on EOSHD. Look at stuff that actually exists as a creative endeavor, for better or worse. Get motivated to create rather than pixel peep. Even if you have the latest and greatest camera, all that resolution is for naught if you're horrible at framing a composition and editing. And try not to get all sad and mopey if someone doesn't like a piece of kit that you like/covet. It happens, so what? Does your self-worth run tandem to the gear you own? Really? Someone owns a BM cam and you want a Pan4K. Fine. I'm not sure we need to hear convoluted rationalizations about your future purchase here online. Do we? (I'm attempting to motivate myself with this plea as well...too much dry corporate editing and procrastination forum reading. Making a dry training video turns me grumpy. Not enough creativity going on in my life this week.)
  17. I feel the opposite, and I'm a GX7 owner. Depends on what you're doing though and how you want to do it. I have a project coming up that 5-axis stabilization will help make much more productive. If it were only about image resolution/robustness though, I'd stick with my GX7.
  18. As I mentioned, nothing on the market is going to make amateur videos of your family look better than 5-axis stabilization. For the record, PP stabilization on extended clips is typically lousy, not to mention time consuming to accomplish.
  19. Sure, rip off a TopGear segment. No joke. Just try to do one of theirs shot for shot. Every. Single. Edit. Print out each and every screen grab from one of their edits, carry that style book to your field production and cross off every shot as you go. Study how they use lighting as well. There's a lot to be learned when following the leader. Oh yeah, if you're going to interview someone and have them talking on screen, don't punt the audio. Either do it right and mic him up proper for high fidelity sound or don't do it at all.
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