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Christina Ava

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    Christina Ava got a reaction from jgharding in YouTube to start removing videos with indie label music (Radiohead included)   
    the state of the music industry---self explicatory by the oatmeal
  2. Like
    Christina Ava reacted to JESEOS CHRIST in YouTube to start removing videos with indie label music (Radiohead included)   
    Does Cuesongs come pretty close to accomplishing that?
  3. Like
    Christina Ava got a reaction from Chris Elkerton in Shooting ML Raw Anamorphic Advice   
    chris i dont want to freak you out completely but the komputerbays are a bit of a russian roulette! check them because they fail,
    and when i mean fail they dont reach the required speeds or fail alltogether, check the 1 star reviews in amazon
    hence the cheap price...if you have money to spare try to get at least one propper 1000x true lexar, since this is a professional gig
    best of luck
  4. Like
    Christina Ava reacted to Andrew Reid in YouTube to start removing videos with indie label music (Radiohead included)   
    Photo by EOSHD

    The relationship between record labels and the internet is in a tense state of affairs. On one hand large record companies such as EMI are suing Vimeo for copyright infringement, hence we have Copyright Match. YouTube on the other hand pays a minuscule royalty fee to record labels where uploaded content contains their music.

    YouTube plans to launch a new subscription based music service to rival Apple iTunes where content can be downloaded and played on a mobile device with no internet connection. It goes directly head to head with iTunes.

    The problem is, smaller record labels feel they are being bullied and the very survival of smaller artists is at stake here...

    Read the full article here
  5. Like
    Christina Ava reacted to Gonzalo Ezcurra in ECyclops & MiniCyclops - 20X20 & 14X14 INCHES SENSOR SIZE HISTORICAL HD FOOTAGE   
    First Outdoors Test - MiniCyclops - 14x14 inches "sensor" size camera.  
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    Christina Ava reacted to FilmMan in Watch this and be inspired!   
    Jc, your parents look so young.  just kidding. 
    I could see why they achieved the million plus views.  She's a babe and he's a hunk.  Brad and Angelina better watch out as there is a new Mr. and Mrs. Smith around the corner.  Cheers.
  8. Like
    Christina Ava got a reaction from Chris Elkerton in Shooting ML Raw Anamorphic Advice   
    please post results... and your workflow when you are done
    i get the heebie-jeebies when the camera freezes with ML...
    also make sure to benchmark the Komputerbay cards with ML,as soon as you get them, some of them fail to deliver and you will need to ask for a replacement 
    as far as i know they are lexars that didnt pass quality control, i own one
    good luck!
  9. Like
    Christina Ava reacted to Chris Elkerton in Shooting ML Raw Anamorphic Advice   
    Just bought 2 x 64GB 1000x Komputerbay cards :) Fingers crossed!
  10. Like
    Christina Ava reacted to Sebastien Farges in GH4 4K does Super 8 anamorphic   
    Here is the beast :)

  11. Like
    Christina Ava got a reaction from jonpais in GH4 - 4k Skin Tone Tests   
    hello guys! i was in paros island and i lost the conversation, 
    im not attacking anyone im not a tiger :D , i had the hacked GH2 and i found it clinical when put next to my other footage,
    clinical meaning more bluish-colder in tones,(like the inside of a hospital.) also some purple/magenta in skin tones,  As i said its my personal opinion as i am a fan of warm earthy colours (this is subjective.)
    i noticed on the said clip that the people on the beggining have very whitish skin tones, i dont say that you cant bring the colours in post, was talking about the specific clip and my experience with out of camera footage from lumix..Thats the drawback in lumix, you need to be an excellent colourist, otherwise your footage looks strange.
    this is something i shot on saturday in paros island at a ceramics workshop by chance.
    no color correction straight out of the sensor, handheld unplanned, has 100 mistakes, blurs, but i dont have to worry about the colours that much,
    i love using out of camera footage and not spending any time in post, thats just my personal style

    By the way i read on the ferry "If its purple someone is going to die"  on film colour theory, i think most of you will love it, and every shot a rembrandt  one of the best books on cinematography out there, very interesting stuff in there!
  12. Like
    Christina Ava reacted to jgharding in Will Canon EVER respond to competitors?   
    This talk of Canon failing has been going on for years, but it just doesn't hold up in reality. They're still the most popular camera manufacturer because they get a lot right, they just don't market to the margins because they don't need to. At least not yet.
    As far as I'm concerned DXO has nothing to do with the quality of a camera. I find their abstract scores to mean nothing when it comes to actually using equipment in real life. Their criteria aren't aesthetic criteria, they're chart-based scientific criteria, and the tests tell me little about how equipment will perform in production under pressure.
  13. Like
    Christina Ava reacted to Teemu in Dreamy&poetry like images with GH4 + Iscomorphot 8 1.5x + SLR Magic 35 T1.4 & Helios 40-2   
    Earlier in anamorphic forum I asked advice for export options for my first anamorphic material shot with GH4. So here is the result from my shooting: 
    After encoding to Vimeo, material looks a bit darker. Don't know why. Exported master file isn't as dark. Maybe it is because the h.264 encoding?
    Please comment and share if you like, thanks! :)
  14. Like
    Christina Ava reacted to elkanah77 in Lenses   
    As I've decided on the 5d mk3 for shooting Raw does anyone here have any experience with the Canon 85mm 1.2 II USM?
    From what I can see this is a DOF monster, creamy and good. Overkill? Whats the cheaper alternative? The 1.8 scores well and it's much cheaper.
  15. Like
    Christina Ava got a reaction from Henry Gentles in Lenses   
    Hello! does anyone know anything about this lens i used yesterday,
    its a RODENSTOCK 80mm says made in germany moded with a crazy mode to fit EF, the mode consisted of paper..( was moded by an english chap)
    It resembles a tilt-shift lens, focuses in vertically very sharp in the middle, very blurred edges.
    shot some video with it..wasnt sure how to use it as it has a ball that tilts to various angles.
    photo with said lens taken yesterday 
  16. Like
    Christina Ava reacted in Will Canon EVER respond to competitors?   
    Argh, Christina! EOSHD is my refuge from critical theory! You've invaded my sanctuary! No more, please!!!  :D
  17. Like
    Christina Ava got a reaction from pablogrollan in Favourite/Least Favourite Item of Gear   
    fav? it has to be the Chicken stabilization Camera

  18. Like
    Christina Ava reacted to Wulf in Will Canon EVER respond to competitors?   
    They will listen and will react, but only if you are moving away.
    Historically, C and N had made most of their money with cheap plastic bodies. No real innovation? Even better, as long as the people during the DSLR boom were running for overaged technology, there was no need for expensive - and maybe risky -  innovation. It was a winning team. Sensor and chip producing is about quantity, mass production, 'quantity even having its own quality', to paraphrase Stalin. Run as long the casting moulds will allow to form the plastic and if worn out, make a relaunch of the same stuff with a slightly different design. A lot of, maybe even most of the customers would even never ever chance their kit lense...
    For a good reason, because a lot of them would not distinguish the difference between bad and good glass, at least not in their own pictures with the artificial boosted oversaturation. 
    How many really good photogs did you know? :-)
    As said, most people never ever even touch the movie recording button.
    How many Cine Cams did C sell in comparsion? Did you know one personally who own one? Why not?
    An expensive tool, and if not needed everyday it's better to rent one. What profs would do.
    Art is expression.
    Don't tell me you can't communicate with your D5H4  or whatever.
    It's not the gear nowadays.Look at the sh1t quality of tv. Not even full HD. And thanks God that is the standard. 
    YOU see the difference, but not your customer if you could make him proud with your footage.
    It's all about emotion, the story you want to tell.
    Yes, a certain camera brand is like a love affair... Yeah, I know: the endless hours, the experience,  the hard work, to get exactly this look. The search for a lense which could transport exactly that feeling. And oh, why they did not hear me?
    Get rich of it, if she/he don't listen. The only lingo they understand is money. They are stupid, ugly ****  - they did not deserve you.
    If you really need a cine cam today, rent one. Or steal one. To expensive, to dangerous? Then you did not need one probably.
    In history, film has always been one of the very most innovative trades. Like war.
    The innovation must come from you, not out of the box.
    If you don't make it now, it would not happen. You want this fcking cinecam? Earn it.
  19. Like
    Christina Ava reacted to jgharding in Will Canon EVER respond to competitors?   
    I'd love to share this optimism, but every single time a Sony camera is announced it looks like the best thing ever... on paper.
    Yes a 4K sensor can make amazing 1080, like in the Cxxx series.... but will it?
    With most of their products, when they're in our hands all the flaws and intentionally reduced features come to the fore. They just don't seem to make as 'complete' products as Canon. There are good paper features, but something lets them down...
    I'm not cynical, I'm just sceptical. or after so many years, perhaps realistic :S
    The lack of ND filters is annoying too.
  20. Like
    Christina Ava reacted to sunyata in Edge of Tomorrow   
    The directors comment on his choice of D.P. Dion Beebe (Memoirs of a Geisha):
    "I didn’t want it to look like one of those plastic-looking video-game movies that Hollywood loves to release over the summer. I wanted to set it apart from the pack and Dion’s style is far more evocative of the classic war movies that I love".
    POST: Did you shoot film or digital? LIMAN: “Film, which was very exciting for me as I wasn’t sure I’d ever get that chance again.†  http://www.postmagazine.com/Publications/Post-Magazine/2014/June-1-2014/Directors-Chair-Doug-Liman-Edge-of-Tomorrow.aspx
  21. Like
    Christina Ava reacted in Kendy Ty has a new camera!   
    He must have read Andrew's article and decided to upgrade!
    He shot this one on a 5DIII (h264 it looks like) with a Zeiss 25mm f2:

    It's my favourite of his so far I think. And yes - the better camera does improve his filmmaking!
  22. Like
    Christina Ava reacted to andy lee in Lenses   
    its an enlarging lens, moded for tilt shift - like a lens baby  - same type of thing,
    Being an enlarging lens it sould be very sharp - its an f4 lens
  23. Like
    Christina Ava got a reaction from dafreaking in Will Canon EVER respond to competitors?   
    the c100 is purely video, so you lose the photography feature correct?also i have used the 1dc and i know the camera
    i think in reviews its better than the c100 so i would say 1DC. 
  24. Like
    Christina Ava got a reaction from yannis.zach in GH4 4K Music Video with Kowa Anamorphic   
    what a voice i was at this concert in athens.... very nice 
  25. Like
    Christina Ava reacted to jcs in Will Canon EVER respond to competitors?   
    The GH4 is a great camera but does not replace the 5D3. For stills the 5D3 is still King. IQ for RAW video 5D3 is still best in class (A7S might be a contender with 50Mbps compressed). GH4 has 4K, slomo, decent stills, all in a tiny package, especially if using m43 lenses (while excellent and sharp, not as good looking as FF L class lenses).

    A 4K 5D Mark 4 with AF video and XAVC-class codec would put Canon back on top. Will be unlikely with the 1DC still on the market.
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