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Everything posted by IronFilm

  1. I'm still seeing user reports of a6500 occasionally overheating. And even if it didn't.... Thus then you could use it as your A cam for weddings, where oh where are your cheaper B cam options?? They don't exist! Not like the G7. And if you purchased 3x a6500 that would totally blow your budget.
  2. Ohhhhh.... !!! Exciting! But they have very tough competition however vs FS5/FS7/C300mk2 It will take a *lot* to drag away owner ops from the brands/models that producers/directors trust. But if they can launch it at the same price as the LS300 arrived at, but with internal 4K 60p 10bit and the ergonomics of an FS5/FS7, then they might have a hit on their hands!
  3. I wouldn't even want to do a wedding with only one shooter... Most weddings have two shooters filming it. (A few with 3 or more...) But I understand if some low budget shoots might do it solo. But for the ceremony and reception you absolutely want at least two more cameras rolling on a tripod. One a big wide shot to capture everything. And another tighter shot on the couple. Then you'd roam with with your A Cam on a monopod, capturing all the juicy spontaneous moments. If you can get more extra cameras... That is good too! Then you can put one tighter shot on Bride side and another on Groom side, and another pointing backwards at the guests. I've shot weddings with half a dozen cameras rolling at once.
  4. Used Alexas are even cheaper than you think.... They're going for $15K or less on eBay now! I'd by a RED One MX SSD (but not if it is the original R1 M CF) with a large kit of extras for $2K! But any higher priced than that.... Nope!! Rather do 4K raw from an FS700
  5. What is the current situation with software for editing / VFX , is nvidia still much more widely supported than ati?
  6. I've shot heaps of weddings and I'd never go in with only one camera. Thus I recommend the GH5 (or G80) as your A cam, with a couple of G7 cameras on tripods for your B cam coverage a6500 lacks this choice of excellent 4K cameras at dirt low prices which you can match easily to your A cam While Panasonic has the G7
  7. D7500 is a solid progressive update for Nikon. But yeah, won't be setting the world on fire. It is at least a year too late for that. However, D750 and D810 are both overdue updates which should happen this year or early next year. As they're both very excellent cameras that are still top of their class now, then if Nikon pulls off a big update for them then they should have something very special on their hands when they get released.
  8. You gain 4K!! (& a bunch of other features over the D7200 that you also didn't list) With time the D7500 will drop down in price to closer to where the D7200 is currently. I'll be very tempted to buy one them myself. However the D500 will also keep on dropping in price.... and the D5700 with eventually show up too (hopefully with 4K?). So I could easily be tempted by the D500 above or the D5700 below instead. Is a bummer the D5/D750/D500/D7500/etc can not do anything more than 60fps!! :-/ :-(
  9. a7S mk2 in S35 mode would be a bit silly.... can't do 4K then, perhaps you meant the a7R mk2? Jon Olsson vlogs on a RED 8K camera, is nuts:
  10. You're still looking at a lens which is likely tens of thousands of dollars, and needs rod support and probably can't be hand held by anything less than arnold schwarzenegger himself
  11. But Sigma + Tokina + others now means we have an excellent selection range of DX lenses! The D750 is right at the end of its life cycle..... the D7500 only just got released! (and D750 can't do 4K)
  12. A lens which is S35 coverage and the FF equivalent of 18-300mm f2.8 (so a 12-200mm lens!!!) would be ******HUGE******!!!! And would be very very very expensive.
  13. Any one had luck ordering business cards from Aliexpress and have tips to offer?
  14. Go for the new Nikon D7500! Even the name itself is a good match for the D750 ;-)
  15. ISK HP2011 are crazy good value.
  16. Is it a three letter acronym that starts with B and ends with D? ;-)
  17. This got me thinking, any one know what is the focus throw of the older original Tamron 17-50mm f2.8? (not the newer VC model)
  18. Exactly! My reason for wanting a cine zoom is just so I have something solid I can run in and grab a heap of shots without constantly switching between lenses too much. Ideally I want something starting around 16mm (18mm at worst) going to 100mm plus (but I'd even settle for as little as 50mm if the weight and price is suitably compact) which is T3 or better (although even T4 ish is completely fine if the price and weight is suitably compact in compensation), with a nice sized focus throw, & an aperture ring. Preferably I'd want this in PL or Nikon F mount (ideally swappable mounts!! Like CP.2 lenses are). Unfortunately nothing comes close to meeting this at a reasonable price! :-/ :-( Except for: Fujinon 18-55mm T2.9 & Sony 18-110mm f/4 (or their older 18-105mm). But then you're stuck with E mount cameras! :-/ Or Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8G & Tokina 16-50mm f/2.8 & Sigma 17-50mm f2.8 & Sigma 18-50mm f2.8 & Tamron 17-50mm f2.8, but then you lose out on having an aperture ring. Plus at 50mm they're really the minimum length and the long end that I'd like to see on such a lens (however I really should just get one of these anyway, to complete my lens collection). Oh, or there is the Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8-4 (bit slower than T4 at the long end though, and variably aperture makes it tricky to set constant exposure! I'd much prefer a 17-90mm f4 over this instead). I suspect (& hope!) Samyang will be the first to fill this missing hole I want filled, that I described above.
  19. Yup, agreed. Go either Panasonic G7 or G80 depending on exactly how tight your budget is. Plus a RJ Lens Turbo or similar, plus a few older Nikon F mount lenses.
  20. I'd love for Samyang to make something like an 17-90mm T4 lens!! But that will keep on being just a dream....
  21. Think I'll go with this one: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/PRO-3-4m-Combo-Stand-Tripod-load-40kg-for-Spotlight-5K-HMI-4K-M40/32796936968.html They have lots of other interesting stuff too: https://www.aliexpress.com/store/group/Lighting-Effect-Modification/1293354_506740207.html?spm=2114.12010608.0.0.ksA7rn https://www.aliexpress.com/store/group/Light-stand-Clamp/1293354_503701757.html?spm=2114.12010608.0.0.ksA7rn
  22. I agree with Turboguard, and you already have a great camera for now with the BMPCC. Sounds like your biggest issue right now is focus, and with the poor screen on the back of the BMPCC that is not too surprising (although I've often done little shoots with just the stripped down BMPCC and nothing else!). So I recommend that first of all, before buying any new camera, get yourself a nice external monitor, such as this: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1251089-REG/aputure_vs_5_on_camera_monitor.html Or this: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1224295-REG/smallhd_mon_701_lite_701_lite_7_hdmi.html Or this: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1153980-REG/smallhd_mon_501_501_hdmi_full_hd.html
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