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Everything posted by Nikkor

  1. Nikkor

    Nikon Customers

    Let's see what the d5600 is like, the d5200 introduced "good video" to nikon, maybe we get lucky and the new one gets 4K without crop. Worst case scenario is a d5600 with 1080p only and a d7300 with cropped 4k
  2. I read something like that in the thread.
  3. There is supposed to be some sort of compression going on, so it's not just truncated.
  4. Oh god, I hope they unlock the 1080p mode on the eosm too.
  5. I hate Mac OSX but everytime I touch a a non-mac laptop I have to puke, I don't think there are any real alternatives (I used to have one with bootcamp because of this).
  6. Hmm, I just checked 1.5x crop videos from the d750 and it looks mushy... I would double check on that.
  7. Go with the d750 (shouldn't there be a d760 coming soon?). You can always film in crop mode on the d750 if you have a problem.
  8. Well actually you can notice it on every type of screen unless it's so small that everything is in focus (google circle of confusion), actually it's easier to notice on smaller screens (contrary to what I thought) the real limit on percieving this is the resolution of the camera,1080p nikon stuff is soft enough to make it unnoticable to most. Anyway mercer, don't think about it :p If anything, just find two lenses that match color,aberration and flare/glow wise if you want to be anal about it.
  9. Well the DX lens should be tuned to give resolution for smaller sensors, so yes, but hey. Anyway, there is a difference between formats because DOF behaves different at different magnifications, but just don't think about that, you are going for 1080p
  10. They won't match, theoretically the 35 1.4 should give something like the 50 2 on FF, but 50 2 on FF is something super clean,the nikkor 35 1.4 on DX is messy. (You can up your iso for the lighting, there is no problem in using different f stops). But seriously, who cares? Nobody but anal pixel peepers would care.
  11. Without getting into equivalent stuff,etc... just seen from an aesthetic standpoint, vistavision or fullframe gives a sharper (more defined, not the crisp pixel sharpness) more plastic look (plasticity not plastic fantastic). It's like moving photos from a 35mm camera(obvious ). We tend to see and talk about the crazy shallow DOF stuff, but if you want to see good samples of a classic cinema approach on 35mm vistavision just watch some movie from that time and compare. https://the.hitchcock.zone/wiki/VistaVision these are very good examples.
  12. It's as easy as making the pro video options a 100$ payed firmware update, the senior citizens from dpreview wouldn't be distracted.
  13. Nikkor


    Modern nikkor primes aren't exactly clinical unless you go for macros. But they don't have aperture rings and they are very expensive.
  14. The problem is that you will never notice if the mount has bent a little bit, but from then on all of your lenses will be missaligned.
  15. Just trim the ring on you own, that's for free. The 50 1.2 is overrated, I don't enjoy it. I like the primitve 50 1.4 because it sucks but the 58 1.4 is a nice option too. Anyone mentioned the 58 1.2 noct?? hehehe
  16. non-ai lenses hitting mirros? Never heard of that. You just have to convert them(remove some metal around the aperture ring, I did this myself and I'm totally useless for DIY stuff) so it doesn't interfere with the aperture plastic tab. AF-D lenses, I hate them, most of my lenses are af-d because they were passed to me, but honestly, I would never buy one.
  17. What I've seen is that it looks sharper than the 5d3 but much more prone to aliasing and colored moire.
  18. Drag the video into PS, convert the video into a smart object, apply adober camera filter and do your thing. Courtesy of @jcs
  19. Is it me or do all the nikons produce choppy motion? My d800 does for shure and I think it's the codec.
  20. Rectimascope for 10€, it's in pretty bad shape but who cares. http://www.ebay.de/itm/Objektiv-Rectimascop-Made-in-DDR-fur-TK-35-von-Kino-Abriss-35mm-/222269471080?hash=item33c04af968:g:jNUAAOSwLnBX8flB
  21. I doubt they won't have focus breathing.
  22. I had a KB 32 that failed after a month, the replacement I got from Amazon works like a charm until today. Write speed always were consistent.
  23. Hehe, I remember when I first picked up my nikon D3, took some pictures and wondered why it looked so much better than my d300.
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