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Posts posted by Chrad
I think that's it, or at least a future video based Lumix. It's much more likely than the camera being identical to the GH3.
The previous spec leaks that revealed the 200 Mbps figure said it's 10bit 4:2:2.
Surprised at a February release. Can that really be right when they chose not to reveal the camera at CES?
It is the GH3 body. It's just a mock-up to say the 4K is on the way.
GH4 wishlist
In: Cameras
It's just Panasonic's way of saying that they have a 4K GH coming soon.
Still, I imagine it will be pretty GH3 like. I'd prefer it to be a video camera first and foremost, with a more video appropriate design, but I think they'll go down the modular DSLR route. -
GH4 wishlist
In: Cameras
GH4 wishlist
In: Cameras
Any realistic release date on this thing? Just conjecture as far as I can tell, thus far. . .
Panasonic teased it with a mockup at CES. I think it will be revealed at NAB. Which could be a really interesting time if Blackmagic once again bring something new to the party.
As far as inspiration...it just comes, but you have to be looking for it. If you're constantly looking for a good story to tell, then you'll start to see images, and if you focus on them and look for ways to bridge them together, a story begins to form.
Probably not very helpful, but it's hard to say exactly where ideas or inspiration comes from. But once you get into the habit of dreaming cinematically, I find that more ideas flow from there.
The Panasonic 20mm f/1.7 sounds like a good lens for your needs. The Panasonic 14mm is worth considering if you want something cheaper.
The battery should last a good three to four hours shooting video. Unfortunately, the battery compartment can't be accessed when the camera is mounted on a tripod.
If shooting a B&w project on a camera like the G6 I would always set the picture profile to monochrome and 'bake in' the look. The compression codec doesn't need to concern itself with colour detail, so as a result you often end up with nicer IQ out of the camera.
I dont understand the hype with those mac's. There is nothing special about the hardware and the software is a pain in the ass. You always have compatibility issues. Whats the point of having a software that works if most things wont work with it? And its WAY overpriced.
I own an Apple display, and thats enough Apple on my life. I cant live with a system that creates that amount of boundaries
It's really, really not. It's very competitively priced against similarly specced machines.
And when you pay as much or more for a system with this level of power, chances are it isn't going to be this small.
It's an incredible feat of engineering.
Seems legit.
- Huuow, Julian, Christina Ava and 1 other
Olympus EM-5 does not have 1080p60. GH3 does. GH3 also gives you the choice between 24p, 25p/30p and 50p/60p. OMD EM-5 only gives you 30fps at 1080p.
GH3 video quality is better. It has better codecs for video, which will help you out when it comes time for colour grading your footage.
EM-5 has very good in body stabilisation.
If you're buying a camera primarily for video, GH3 is a much better choice.
Do you guys think that Panasonic will be brave enough to release a sub 2,000USD that can compete in IQ with the BMPCC - the GH5? I dont think they are worried about BM since they made a camera that is hard to use for most users. Thats a shame. I thought that the new BM would make everyone desperate for a better camera, but there are lots of enthusiasts (fanboys- cough!) saying that their GH3s are almost as good - and its NOT!
3,000USD + lens is not cheap. But even at that price I dont believe its going to be launched because they will risk their more expensive cameras. Panasonic and Sony are not as crazy as those guys from Blackmagic. They simply dont care doing a 1k camera with the same quality as the most expensive ones.
I think It will be a good while before they put out anything like the Blackmagic.
I think the GH5 will be a regular upgrade to the Lumix GH line. A pretty standard ~US$1000 DSLR type body with improved dynamic range over the GH3, in-body stabilisation and peaking. Video might bump up the bit rate in MP4 a little to 100mbps or so. Some good improvements, but it won't look like a revolution, and it will be announced at Photokina in September.
The GH4 as described would be an amazing deal at $2800 or so. 10 bit 4:2:2 200mbps MP4 should be very nice and gradable compared to any HDSLR footage yet. In a number of ways it's a better tool than anything else in the price range, particularly for professional and broadcast work (though it needs to have NDs). There are less hoops to jump through than with the Blackmagic cams. It sounds like a dream for someone like Philip Bloom.
But at the end of the day, raw is raw. I don't think one of the majors are going to be putting out an affordable camera that gives that much creative control over your images in the foreseeable future. Blackmagic are plagued by too many issues to pose a serious threat.
the playstation 4 comes out next month and plays 4k footage.
Things should move fast from there regarding 4k content.
4k tvs have already dropped under the 1k price tag.
4k is coming fast
The Playstation 4 plays 4K footage so Sony can check that box in their marketing. It's all about corporate synergy, from the projector manufacturing through to theatrical production and consumer electronics. But there's almost no 4K content out there for it to play. Not all of the games released for the PS4 launch are even rendering at 1080p yet.
Yeah, yeah, so we know this thing is in the works. Any ideas on when we'll get an official announcement?
43Rumours said it will be announced in spring. Perhaps NAB in April?
Since this doesn't have the 5axis stabilization, what advantage does this camera have over, say, my NEX-6 or even my RX100- they all shoot 1080p at 24mbps, and the Nex has a larger sensor, so why would this camera be considered better for video?
I'm not trying I challenge anyone, I am genuinely wondering, I would consider selling my camera if I could be convinced it was worth it. I mean, I understand why a GH2 with 178mbps hack would be a serious video camera, but I don't understand why this camera is considered to have GH3 quality if it's only 24mbps? My RX100 shoots at that rate.It's not all about the bit rate. The Lumix cameras shoot sharper looking video than the Sony stills cameras. Sony has a bit of a blurry look in comparison. Still better than Canon, though!
Very good comparison!
I think the reality is that Lynch doesn't have a good enough idea for a film right now and wanted to go on a tangent rant about what he thinks of the film industry. He has done the self-financing thing and he could do it again, and he was working on a screenplay recently, but it seemingly just hasn't grabbed him. He'd rather make music right now. Fair enough.
So, are The Dark Knight trilogy and Pixar films absolute garbage?
There are a lot of reasons for mainstream films to dominate the market. It's not only about marketing tbh, the genre, the theme and also happy endings make audience feel good about watching them.
Working for disney/comics/heroes projects generally break-even most of the time, if not a very high ROI. Lynch should at least have some sense about money and business.
Lynch has plenty of sense about money and business, he just doesn't care. He's fully aware that the nature of his work limits his audience, and he's okay with that. He just wants to create the things that he truly wants to create.
Your entire notion that Lynch could get whatever he wanted made by playing to the system is absurd given that Spielberg almost couldn't get Lincoln made as a theatrical film. Spielberg, who has changed the shape of Hollywood, and given it many of its biggest ever hits. Lincoln. Lynch's work is a million times less palatable to a mass audience, and a million times less likely to get major Hollywood funding.
All Lynch would have accomplished with your scenario was waste years of his life pumping out work he's not passionate about. Instead, he's given us beautiful and unique work. Blue Velvet, Lost Highway, The Straight Story, Mulholland Drive, Inland Empire...
The world is a better place because there are still romantic types like Lynch out there who are willing to go down with the ship for their art, and not just hacks ready to compromise themselves to get a better foothold in the cutthroat world of financing.
DSLRs have a larger sensor, which means shallower depth of field, and more control of depth of field, but you'll have to invest in lenses. They are usually (but not always) better than similarly priced camcorders in low light situations.
Camcorders tend to have everything in focus because of the small sensor. A benefit is that they usually don't suffer from such severe 'rolling shutter' problems. This is what causes the distortion and wobbly look you saw in the videos. Rolling shutter is where the shutter exposes a little bit of the frame at a time, rather than exposing the entire frame at once. Therefore, in each frame of video the top half of the image was exposed at a slightly different time as the bottom half of the image, creating skewing or wobbling artefacts.
I have a GH3. It's one of the best DSLR/mirrorless cameras for rolling shutter, but it's still an issue. All in all though, I think it's a pretty great camera.
Hope this helps.
In fact, there are a lot of reasons to dislike him, he's arrogant, non-marketable with freaky personality.
First of all, I must say I am a big fan of Lynch's films
You sure?
You can direct Spider-Man movies all your life, but Hollywood will never, ever fund your movies if they are as boundary-pushing as Lynch's later work.
Disgusting post. You were basically saying that one of the greatest directors of all time and one of the true American film artists should compromise his principals and waste his time with culture kiilling garbage.
On another point, i've read an increasing amount of articles that have pointed out that TV is the new ground for innovative story telling & ironically Lynch's name always pops up in relation to how Twin Peaks changed everything.
I suspect Lynch turned his back on TV after his Mulholland Drive pilot was never picked up and he had to take funding from the French and turn it into a feature in order to get it seen.
American TV is not a good medium for auteurs like Lynch who want total creative control. Perhaps it will be in 5 years, but not yet.
Makes me keen to see what they come out with for the GH5.
As for motion picture glass, they're probably talking more about lenses you'd want for a documentary than lenses you'd use for fiction. E.g. the 35-100 f/2.8. Sharp, stabilised, constant zoom, etc.
I prefer the texture and crispness of the KineRaw footage in that comparison, but obviously for half the price the 5D is no slouch.
But really, very different tools, for different uses.
Interview with Danish director of "Girl with The Dragon Tattoo"
In: Cameras
Yeah, Fincher's film was well over half as good.
I honestly thought he did a good job. It's not very interesting material to work with.