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    Emanuel reacted to kye in 24p is outdated   
    It sounds like you missed the point.
    I didn't post the video saying that it was an example of great image quality, I posted it to make the point that a lot of the techniques being used in cinema are also being used for creative YouTube videos.
    This entire discussion has been about if film-making should be more or less realistic, and the point that many of us have been making is that almost all of the tools and techniques used in cinema deliberately make things less realistic.
    The video I posted was an example of many techniques that improve the creative aspects, but make the end result less realistic, including:
    cutting up clips into sequences that aren't 'continuity editing' but are more emotive combining multiple images at a time (e.g. the top-down shot in the bedroom) splicing in audio clips that were recorded at a different time than the visual being shown overlapping audio clips and other foley and SFX to create a creative rather than realistic sound design non-realistic colour grading filming insert shots (like the hanging of the clothes in the closet) for the purpose of association rather than limiting the edit to 'real' events production design techniques like use of lighting and light modifiers, smoke machines, etc in-camera visual effects like the top-down shot of the medium format camera etc.  there are likely lots more, these are just the things I could name off the top of my head From this perspective, such a video is an example of a great many techniques that are employed by film-makers to make the finished product more appealing, but do so specifically by making the end result less realistic.
    You didn't like it, and that's fine, but my point was that there are deliberately non-realistic techniques being used on YT and the example shows a variety of them in use.  It didn't share it because I thought everyone would like it, it was an example to discuss the techniques.
  2. Thanks
    Emanuel reacted to Evgeniy85 in New Nikon Camera coming…Z8?   
    If anyone is interested how Nikon ZF compares to Z8 in UHD
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    Emanuel got a reaction from kye in MacBook Pro - M2 or M3   
    Me too @kye... And @eatstoomuchjam BTW, I meant 12K.
    There's no room for further updates, the only choice there it is not fail on the chosen configuration to buy. No room for 2nd chance once purchased.
    Yes, Q0 will demand for more resources but also 12K @ 75 fps going with Ursa Mini Pro 12K 2.4:1 as for instance...
    I wonder when the things will become choppy versus the use from internal SSD.
  4. Thanks
    Emanuel reacted to eatstoomuchjam in MacBook Pro - M2 or M3   
    I meant that when you purchase, you can go through a configuration tool on the Apple site and upgrade from the base option.  After purchase, you can upgrade neither memory nor disk on any modern Apple laptop.  This is why you want to make sure both are enough to last a while when you purchase.
    How high is the resolution that you need? 8K ProRes from the GFX 100 II or 8K raw from the EOS R5 both work for me.

    Canon R5 8K raw (maximum quality) is 2,600 megabits/second.  A Samsung T9 (USB 3.something) can read at about 2,000 megabytes/second - that is to say 16,000 megabits/second.

    Google tells me that 12K raw from the Ursa Mini 12K is about 578 megabytes/second (5:1) - so even that should be fine from a decent external SSD...  unless you need like 4 streams of it at once.  If so, I suppose you'll need another solution.  😉

    Even Q0 as mentioned above (missed that 578 is 5:1 when I first wrote this and hadn't seen kye's message yet) would be fine, though there you'd be limited to 1 stream before things got choppy.  😅
  5. Thanks
    Emanuel reacted to kye in MacBook Pro - M2 or M3   
    You can't upgrade an existing Mac, so its a matter of buying the one you want.  ie, "upgrading" what you're purchasing.
    It depends on what you mean by "high resolution".
    Here's the speedtest I just did on my 2020 MBP internal SSD.  It's not state of the art by a long-shot, but as you can see it's green across the board for all the codecs, including 4K60 in CinemaDNG.  

    Looking at the data rates from the UMP 12K the highest ones for 12K 24p are 578MB/s for BRAW 5:1 and up to 1156MB/s for Q0, so in theory those should work fine too.  You'd want to have a decent amount of headroom of course, but I suspect that having enough processing power is more likely to be the challenge rather than the speed of your SSD.

  6. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from Fatalfury in 24p is outdated   
    It's not a bad thread though : ) I think it has ended more a promotion of 24p as preferred frame rate delivery than its opposite! LOL : ) Looking it from both perspectives and each arguments seems 24p is well alive! ; ) Not that we had the need for such discussion but they came so powerful on bright and nonsensical sides respectively I believe we are still more comfortable on the natural side of the thongs... oops, things! : D

  7. Haha
    Emanuel got a reaction from Fatalfury in 24p is outdated   
    It's not a bad thread though : ) I think it has ended more a promotion of 24p as preferred frame rate delivery than its opposite! LOL : )
  8. Haha
    Emanuel reacted to MrSMW in New Nikon Camera coming…Z8?   
    Concise summary of so much rumor regardless of brand when it comes to rumors.
    I still look occasionally myself though… 🤪
  9. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Django in New Nikon Camera coming…Z8?   
    I'm already pretty much set on Z8/Z9 as my next camera purchase but if they add open gate w anamorphic support, this platform will check every spec on my ultimate hybrid camera wishlist! 
  10. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Grimor in Another Christmas greeting   
    The drone images appear because we actually had them from previous days (taken for security reasons) and we decided to give them a use. And slow motion is a narrative decision. First we oredered the voice over with several situations to represent. Then we realized that the dog was unable to stay still for even a single second. All the time playing and jumping. So it was easier to extract expressions if everything is slow. In total it took 5 hours, 180Gb in fast cards and 2 packages of sausages!
  11. Like
    Emanuel reacted to kye in MacBook Pro - M2 or M3   
    It depends on what you want to do with it.
    For most people it's great.  On my MBP the external SSD tests as fast as the internal one (2500MB/s read and write), and that's over USB, not even thunderbolt.
    The only challenge comes when you run out of space on the internal one and have already moved all your files onto external drives, just because various software likes to keep things in directories that you often don't get to choose, for example if you install games through something like Steam then I think they want to be on the local drive.
    You can side-step some of these things, but you're getting into technical territory here of complicated command-line stuff, which is beyond most people.
    One example that I was thinking of when I was writing a previous reply was the ability in unix to create a symbolic link from anywhere on the file system to anywhere else, which is incredibly useful for moving things to external drives to free up space on the local SSD for example, and doing it in such a way that the OS doesn't know and doesn't throw a fit.  When you mentioned powershell I googled it and it seems that it supports some of this stuff, which is cool - that must have come later.  Also, searching for files using grep etc was always really handy.
    I used PCs all through my computer science degree, and so became aware of the various scripting capabilities of DOS and shell scripts and writing shell scripts was just always so much easier than trying to write them in DOS and having to download some new third-party utility in order to do stuff that was really straight-forward in unix.
  12. Like
    Emanuel reacted to JulioD in Hey, KODAK Super 8 Camera is out there!   
    Just because you don’t think it makes sense doens’t mean there aren’t already people now shooting super 8.
    Away from the major markets people are more likely to use KitSplit or similar.  The last link is a company in Sydney processing super 8 and doing a thriving business.  They can’t keep up.
  13. Haha
    Emanuel reacted to MrSMW in Hey, KODAK Super 8 Camera is out there!   
    I just know that at some point, maybe next year, maybe the year after, I am going to get some hipster stood next to granny with her iPad, shooting one of these things…
  14. Haha
    Emanuel reacted to kye in Hey, KODAK Super 8 Camera is out there!   
    Funny..  when I read "Can't see why a rental house would be interested" I interpret that as saying that 'not a single rental house would be interested'.  I don't hear 'some would be interested but not enough to make it commercially viable'.
    It's like saying 'I can't see why a person would be interested in marrying Jack' but meaning 'only a few dozen people would be interested in marrying Jack'.  Poor Jack - he'll be single forever unless dozens of people fall madly in love with him! 
  15. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Clark Nikolai in Hey, KODAK Super 8 Camera is out there!   
    Super 8 is very niche but still alive. Not many people want to buy an expensive camera just to have a "look" for a dream sequence or flash back scene. I can totally see a camera like this getting some rentals in shows where they can't afford to mess around with old equipment that might fail on the day.
  16. Like
    Emanuel reacted to mercer in Hey, KODAK Super 8 Camera is out there!   
    Who the fuck is Jack and will he be buying a Kodak Super 8 camera?
    Speaking of fingers on a hand, I think Ben has shot more on film and won awards than he has fingers, so I'd personally trust his understanding of the market.
    Although I think it's a little pricey, I have no doubt that they'll have plenty of preorders. I would if I could justify it.
    If I owned a rental house in Topeka, I'd buy 2 or 3 for when the shops in LA or NY run out of them.
    Film is alive and well. 
  17. Like
    Emanuel reacted to JulioD in 24p is outdated   
    Yeah this argument keeps coming back but there is never any evidence to support it. 
    With technology as time progresses most things do improve. 
    Bit depth. Resolution.
    There’s an assumption that faster must be better.
    But audiences continue to prefer 24
  18. Like
    Emanuel reacted to ghostwind in 24p is outdated   
    My son is 15 and plays a ton of video games. We watched "Gemini Man" a year or so ago on 4K UHD disc at both 60p and 24p. He thought the 60p looked like a video game, not a movie, and preferred the 24p version. I doubt he's the only young person who feels this way. My point is that saying 24p is for older folks because they are used to it is too simplistic an argument and simply not correct. 
  19. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from kye in 24p is outdated   
    It's not a bad thread though : ) I think it has ended more a promotion of 24p as preferred frame rate delivery than its opposite! LOL : ) Looking it from both perspectives and each arguments seems 24p is well alive! ; ) Not that we had the need for such discussion but they came so powerful on bright and nonsensical sides respectively I believe we are still more comfortable on the natural side of the thongs... oops, things! : D

  20. Thanks
    Emanuel reacted to markr041 in An Assessment of the insta360 Ace Pro by a Skeptic - Video Examples Putting the Camera Through its Paces and no Talk   
    8K 24P Test in Low Light with the Low-light Stabilization Setting used When I Move with the Camera
    It appears that the low-light stabilization setting pushes up the shutter speed and ISO. You can see that in those clips (identified by whether or not I am moving with the camera) there is considerably more noise. The colors are retained and sharpness does not seem to be reduced, and the digital artifacts from low-light digital stabilization appear to be absent.
    Audio is good.
  21. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from PannySVHS in If I could only have ONE CAMERA   
    Distinct applications among them film production, VFX, film transfer.
  22. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from SRV1981 in If I could only have ONE CAMERA   
    But if I would have only to buy one and carry with me? DJI Mini 4 Pro because flies too! LOL : )
    On the ground to have with me all around? Osmo Pocket 3 or the new Ace Pro has also impressed me. Its 8K 24p looks like a winner there.
    A camera unfortunately or not is the one we can use.
    Going to a set? Ursa Mini Pro 12K, for some reason I've just purchased it :- )
  23. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from eatstoomuchjam in Waiting for next Back-Bone news...   
    Yes, I am based on similar input coming from acceptable lag on Insta360 products from their users I am also one of them, hence why I might end and actually am all enthusiastic with : ) The fact they've succeeded to launch to each most recent GoPro models seems to hint they're coming to improve their offer as far as that issue concerns. Reason why such reports like yours are priceless to go forward ; ) I can only be optimistic! :- )
  24. Like
    Emanuel reacted to kye in MacBook Pro - M2 or M3   
    Since we started using SSDs the RAM limitations were much less impactful, but WOW does OSX fall apart if you run out of SSD space!  It becomes a struggle to even use the computer to delete some files and recover, things just unravel..
    I moved from PC to Mac in 2012, and at the time the experience was night and day.  Since then OSX has definitely become far less reliable.  The phrase "it just works" was definitely true, but since then that's stopped being the case - I think that started with the update that broke a bunch of people's WIFI (something to do with Airdrop I think).
    I also understand that Windows has mostly sorted itself out as well, so that's true also.
    I have a background in tech and at the time I knew that Windows was fiddly because I was sick of having to fix this thing or that thing, but it wasn't until I actually switched that I really understood the difference.  It was like I used to have an angry neighbour who would come and interrupt what I was doing every few days, waste my time, make me angry, and would then go away and I'd have to calm down and remember what I was meant to be doing....  and then all-of-a-sudden they moved away!  At first you don't notice it directly, but then you're like "oh wait... hang on!" and things are suddenly much nicer 🙂 
    For the few things that I have wanted to do that weren't natively supported since switching to Mac, I can just bring up a command prompt and have the full power of a unix implementation, which is spectacular.  Having DOS sitting underneath Windows is a poor substitute if you want to do something that the OS doesn't provide functionality for.  It likely depends on what you want to do of course, but the combination of Apple's design simplicity (and forced workflows) and Unix underneath seems like a better experience than Windows and DOS underneath it.
  25. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Eric Calabros in New Nikon Camera coming…Z8?   
    IF TRUE.
    This rumor is weird. Its like a wishlist by someone who saw A9III commercials, and at the same time its like the source knows the limitations of the Z9 sensor. Its like the guy is half troll half legit. 
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