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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. Except for that 8K60p I guess you had missed my edit in the meantime and there's a new firmware update there too:
  2. Let's not forget they had the C70 and R5C to launch! LOL ; ) Well I must admit they've convinced me with tne R5C though so I should be grateful to their fake limit... 8K60p is priceless to my book :- )
  3. So you were here among us, only for complaining? Now that you've found the one... you've forgotten us?! ; ) Or a few short shots for once, I guess... ;- )
  4. No worries, we have no choice so many times... LOL ;- )
  5. ...which put them to be ashamed for, to my book : ) On the other hand, no surprises here, the world is cruel anyway, as I've heard this week from someone who had no fear of dead people, only living ones. It's mere waste of time, it is what it is... But people should call it what it is with no thrift.
  6. I guess this one just posted also deserves to be placed in the right thread, I mean hence now here then:
  7. Indeed and that R5C's 8K 60p is unbeatable right now. Let alone the IBIS artifacts to pop up right there... :- )
  8. I have 4x units... Don't ever think to come to ask any of those, no way! ;- )
  9. And not even the way it is or was... That's what makes this both ridiculous and stupid.
  10. Of course, there are people who want to sell to the world the wheel has been invented again: While the trick is not in the device but just a whole world beyond.
  11. Well, in a much Brechtian more interesting setup approach than the conventional one, you'd be able to fix it pretty well... : D
  12. Does it beat the handy Osmo Pocket series? Camcorder, right? So, forget that cinematic mantra then: Humm... ; ) But if you're not convinced how useful these tools can work out, take a look here and there.
  13. AFX v1.82 Firmware Now Available (only to those using Blackmagic Cinema Camera Update v7.9) Thanks @BTM_Pix
  14. The ultimate firmware update seems pretty sweet and delivers a new camera if we put it side by side with the C70, at least to my eyes:
  15. No, shot at 5.7K 17:9 BRAW 5:1 for acquisition and going on 2K for post. Master and delivery as much as possible, yes, ProRes 422 HQ. This information published at first hand here throughout this thread will be available on IMDb movie's page in a couple of days. - EAG
  16. Thanks Don : ) The Pocket 6K but not at the highest resolution... ;- )
  17. Unfortunately, the thing is a way beyond the Insta360 phenomenon even though the Chinese gadgets spam is what it is... ; ) And join such mediocracy...? No way Don, I am still an old school film individual : ) Things began with an idea and there is a hard walk way. Till arrive up to the point you go to the grocery store of your neighbourhood and they ask you for a free ticket to watch your stuff and you answer: "Right, when I'll be able to go out of here without having to pay the bill that whispers behind and lightly carry me to the front door"... The thing in the right place... Just posted: This July. EAG :- )
  18. Can everyone help to explain the world that the mania of this hype to sell BS spread by these youtubers, as for instance, is nothing but a mere piece of crap...? Art is creation, EAG :- )
  19. In fact, I try to never miss not even one thread of him... And as @BTM_Pix's customer on his release, it's a win-win : ) IMHO lot of people still need to be aware of his unique achievement, nothing is too much to stop coming here and steadily say it :- )
  20. OK, nice your hint, thanks for your prompt response :- )
  21. Any links to where you're getting it from? I presume you had found the best deal... Thanks again for posting, really useful :- )
  22. Beautiful footage indeed, puts it at a new camcorder level indeed : ) It could be a grand less at least, even though without VAT in Europe ends for about €3500.
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