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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. Oh well, Kinefinity has been in pre-order for ages now... http://www.kinefinity.com/shop/terra_preorder/?lang=en "The price of Preorder is just down payment, NOT the price of the camera." I'd say for a better dream or vapourware then... $149 is too little to add to the camera manufacturing!
  2. Add a few hundred bucks and you can add an external recorder instead...
  3. LOL Right. Lack of new product contenders is not disappointing at all for people praying for their old bets... ; ) Go figure asking to those recent Resolve licence holders... :-D
  4. http://m43photo.blogspot.pt/2017/04/gh5-e-shutter-is-slower.html
  5. Nope, not at all : ) Here's the link to the original web page -- not embedded now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbtfON3Rtcg Another low light GH5-by-night:
  6. It is actually 0.64x, not 0.67x :-) "The new Speed Booster XL 0.64x reduces the full-frame crop factor of the Panasonic GH4 from 2.0x to 1.28x, thus effectively transforming these cameras into APS-H format." "For example, a 50mm f/1.2 becomes a 32mm f/0.80" http://www.metabones.com/products/details/mb_spef-m43-bt3 http://www.metabones.com/assets/a/stories/Metabones_Speed_Booster_XL_0.64x_Press_Release_5Jun2015.pdf Stab math is correct.
  7. True. Moreover, I guess GH5 settings may contribute to ease the issue. Actually, I'd like to see testing to fit so well together. Filmmaking is a combo match. People tend to forget it at times.
  8. Indeed. Reason why I had asked it to the Max/Joseph GH5 test partnership... Unfortunately, people don't seem to care about. The devil is in the details ;-)
  9. Why not 4K? I see... If. Because if otherwise, I see you haven't followed the threads on topic, I also see ;-)
  10. No GH5 here yet, but as far as I could understand from what I've seen from other users' videos, in MF, you have to drag it, right. In AF-C, it is the way you describe. But, you can always use it in other AF mode than AF-C or not? As for instance here: Or here:
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