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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. I stand corrected my previous calculation:
  2. Sorry, but I wouldn't exactly second that @Zak Forsman too : ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScC8wlxGNIQ&lc=z13xttyhdpedf1md023ihv5qgoqhco4s.1494023396652296 18-35mm = 23,04 - 44,80 FF 35mm equivalent on XL (0.64x) and 25,56 - 49,70 (0.71x) on Ultra versions. :-)
  3. What would the point be then? Well, seems obvious then, 4K is always welcome or no one would ever bother to request for someone hacking it, isn't it? ; ) Don, buy your mini-Varicam! (E :-)
  4. That's why I don't care when people praise the big boobies as the best when not the only girls in town. No Alexa will give you the mini-Varicam can. Once again, the best camera is that one in your hands when you're able to push the trigger. Don't impress too much on some opinions you read over here. I've read a few nonsense apparently even not from the usual suspects. They just want to justify their own choices. Dictated by their own circumstances, not yours :-)
  5. Ken, is your 14-140 the 2nd version or the f/4-5.8? @Ken Ross
  6. LOL This line made my day browsing over here! :-) Well, that said, 4K is the new acquisition standard anyway for future proof, not exactly for delivery. Not even need to write today. There's simply no need for certain displays such as film projection, home cinema, etc. I wouldn't dare to say the same for sports, as for instance.
  7. :-D Nah, the rate is higher : ) In any case, the camera is on her back with her walk, not good for testing evaluation, I agree.
  8. Or Blackmagic's Pocket or Micro Cinema cameras : ) a6500 is also a very interesting device, not a lemon at all. But I'd buy a GH5 :-D
  9. Correct. The point is when people start to freak out and tell false reports such as incompetent AF, horrid aliasing and alike. I believe that's when we can't keep silent. Silence implies consent :-)
  10. Only shortcomings by their own. I follow your fair concern but from your knowledge I'd risk to put my bets on your liking :-) We here must praise the potentiality of the gear, to learn with its limitations. DR is a way more limited on GH5 than processing there or the stupid AF mantra. People tend to exaggerate and lose accuracy on forgetting the right spot.
  11. Indeed. I just don't think we should blame the camera. There's nothing wrong going on with the camera, but settings and operator's fault when happens.
  12. Operator's fault. Let's not forget that's a consumer camera made for consumers to begin with. A pity indeed. Not actually better, but sharper. Sharpness is like alcohol for keeping the appearances.
  13. Right. I would wonder exactly about it. I agree to disagree on that one. Nothing DoP skills (without mention post) can't solve. A filter will add the mojo people are so desperately looking for. No need for pessimism over here. Varicam is miles ahead in everything versus other single contenders.
  14. Aaron already said: -5. I guess Ursa Mini Pro offers the same IQ. I just don't understand you, Dennis. I follow and share your concern on over processed approach, as stated. But you're a man of post, c'mon... Without mention the best GH4 outcome out there has come from your hands.
  15. Done with likes for today, so here's expressing my public appreciation on your words, guys :-)
  16. Nothing of extraordinary. Nice colors for the last one shot on 1080p, though.
  17. I absolutely agree with you. They would have to clean their house. dvxuser, for example, is a shadow of old times. It is a problem of their business, their reps, etc. Not of their development department or engineering. It is a pity : ( Maybe they'll hire me (who knows? :-D) and their trouble will tend to solve but never by their own as they seem to think. It requires expertise, strategy and hard work. They simply don't look like to feel like.
  18. They don't need so. They have put all their eggs in the GH series basket! LOL Panasonic has offered banding free IQ in a professional recipient going along the magic of slow motion only proper of film realm BTW. Without mention you can mimic film for cheap on digital. Hard to go on film for less than your dreams to become real from any digital workflow. The democratization of technology means GH4/GH5, going hybrid, actually not higher than that, whether we like it whether not :-)
  19. LOL Beyond Super 8 for sure, but can't be Super 16 mm, you're older than that! :-P You should also know I am a film lover : ) Just can't ignore Panasonic has pushed the envelope of this industry more than any other contender. And that digital technology is not the opposite of film, only its part II :-)
  20. Good one! : ) Nothing against this camera segment, on the contrary. There's room for new hybrid models, though. DSLRs sell less because of the consumers now from their smartphones. So, there's no one sole market per se. Sony has won the parade for several reasons not related here in this discussion. I don't think Sony has worked the hybrid market as it should be. As for instance, Panasonic. One follows the other one. Hence to be funny or ridiculous enough that AF hype or PDAF vs CDAF controversy as we wish. Sony leads on sales, right? :X The point is not to be unfamiliar with cameras I've become used to work with for the last quarter of a century. Out of curiosity, JVC GY-HD100 was a sort of open gate to the HD realm of my very own as poor man's HDCAM. Anyways. It is more to accept the media convergence has changed this industry. Not coming from there. Outside the industry itself. Only who understands that will be able to have more chances to survive. High-end is another ballpark, for sure.
  21. I beg to disagree. You are one of the youngster minds over here and I've ever met everywhere! ;-) BTW, only the car models have changed a bit along their design. You can't park there too. Some restrictions on pollution standards for the introduction of new technologies eco-friendly from EU regulations. Other than that, everything stays the same : ) I follow your concern on the clean-digital-look, though. Not my beach either. But, we're discussing capture tools, not the master to render for final output :-)
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