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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. Even though, a set of stronger and more efficient codecs designed for acquisition would not hurt at all... ; -)
  2. I understand compression method is the best way to call it. People vulgarly call it codec as I did above : ) If you can have distinct bit rate ratios, you'll have more than one to literally define it or in a more lato sensu, a variation of them. Not really sure if we should call it in a single form, anyway. I don't see anything wrong to be hair-splitting with use of words or concepts. I think this is coming from my legal academic background at first sight : -D You our Odin @webrunner5? I don't think that Computer GPU codec vs video camera stuff applies as excuse to put Andrew to rest ; ) Even though as previously said, H.265 is merely designed for delivery, not acquisition : -)
  3. Thanks for your like added, Don @webrunner5 : ) Still back to topic BTW, the problem is not exactly when there is a compromise, but when such necessary ingredients compromise quality a way further. Rather than preventing a solid post production usage range. Here's why raw or/and bit depth are priceless indeed. Without mention bit rate (E : -)
  4. Right. Thanks to correct me : ) I mean, the compression scheme based there as much as raw is, when not uncompressed but finest compressed, as for example REDCODE file format is in the distinct variants. Big difference : -) The bit rate addressed to data savings goal would be pretty irrelevant if only not when the result is a compromise. As hinted above-posted, lower bit depth doesn't help either when a higher end is mandatory. E : -)
  5. How's in your jurisdiction? Any personal stories of EOSHD users interesting to share with this community? Interesting episode in Brazil (sorry, only available in native Portuguese) where the bird can't be 30 meters (horizontally) nearby people for justifiable reasons : D http://g1.globo.com/bahia/bahia-meio-dia/videos/t/edicoes/v/homem-e-preso-por-importunacao-sexual-apos-filmar-mulheres-com-o-auxilio-de-um-drone/7663339/
  6. Vimeo for the matter : ) But the point could be some other though. Something people don't really care and I see too little anywhere. Some stuff holds further processing pressure to next generations to come included, some others don't. That's make such a difference! : ) I'd dare to say the difference imposed by high bitrate or, for example, raw vs H.265... Let's speak it openly and very frankly, H.265 is a delivery codec, not designed for acquisition. Let alone bit depth... E : -)
  7. By Jove, how can you claim that based on a single version encoded on Vimeo? It is beyond me... Let alone previous ones! That's like a whore, you can't guess where she was before : X I'd only admit this comment: certain outcome or codecs handle much better processing than the further degradation this sample shows. That one I might accept it. E : -)
  8. Well, 3 against 1, I'd tend to wonder what the hell of stuff you're consuming...? LOL ; ) But, the first fact is that you're unable to properly evaluate anything from encoded not native footage, c'mon... : ) There's something wrong with your display source. There's nothing wrong neither on the face of the man with blue shirt where you said, though. Without mention my disclaimer that such photography is not of my liking at all BTW : D E : -)
  9. Mr. Pix ; ) don't you have yet any estimated input on these both availability date and price ones? BTW, do you know what LiDAR means in my native Portuguese? "To handle" is not literal but stands as closer meaning. Funny and proper denomination to say little about the choice : ) I am thinking to buy a 2nd 2018 Pocket unit ; ) only 'cause this your product now. You can ask your commission from Grant Petty! ; -) You've always been one of my favs over here and you well know it : ) I deserve my discounted price LOL You and good oldie Odin are my daily entertainers to say the least, so that one comes from my own pocket : D
  10. No, I've never used the Z6, correct. Didn't feel actually any need to be sincere. Cameras don't harm anyone, so how could I have anything against this one? LOL : ) I think it might interest me to afford one unit, again, comprehending 4K 60p. I wouldn't mind to couple to a Atomos recorder if so, but you can't reach such frame rate even going that route. Street price always tends to be lower than MSRP still announced or mere target price under TBC, hence my remark : -)
  11. Sure not, S1 is better featured ; ) And where S1's CS owes anything to Nikons?! AF is the only disadvantage I see but following your perspective, if "most pros have an external monitor" as you write, go figure if they will invariably need any AF going along such setup... LOL : ) Without mention, worse AF doesn't mean unusable AF either : P You say S1H street price won't be lower, let's wait and see ; -)
  12. What trolling? There's ZERO of that there. Z6 has no comparison with S1H to begin with. Not even the Z7. Where's the 4K 60p 8-bit? Let alone 10-bit... ; ) 6K 24p... LOL I get the S1R for $3500 (without taxes) in Europe BTW. The S1H price is the target announced. I doubt it will be higher, lower for sure in the ratio MSRP vs street price as happens since there are cameras for sale : D
  13. Of course, it is. S1 is overall superior to the contenders. How compare Nikons lacking features side by side? Makes little sense if any : -)
  14. Buddy, in a couple of decades, I see you posting your rants here against the youngsters who don't understand how Osmo X or iPhone XXX can shine in and to their pockets... ; -)
  15. I was joking man... The thing is serious though : ( Got the chance to go political. The world is in danger. People and planet suffer in their hands, count on it. No time to be silent : ) @The ghost of squig @Ed_David @heart0less Your post made me to remind of these ones here from same source going along a beautiful combo with Mavic Pro II too (Fujifilm's CS is my 2nd choice to follow Blackmagic BTW):
  16. Really, Don? And you buy Trump? I have sympathy by liberal right and I'd vote democrats in America, go figure. Liberal Democrats in UK BTW : ) Sorry Andrew if it is the case, but I couldn't resist... Too much to see Trump and Boris to rule the world together! Let alone Putin : X
  17. S1H can't be anything, it doesn't exist yet : D MSRP is not street price. $500 more when Z7 was announced. Thus, you only pay $500 more for internal 6K 24p / 5.9K 30p + 4K DCI & UHD 4:2:2 10-bit 60p FF and you even complain? LOL : -)
  18. https://www.apnews.com/599839f1493c486186e1e9b9494029cf https://variety.com/2019/biz/asia/japan-animation-firm-deadly-arson-attack-1203271434/ https://www.foxnews.com/world/at-least-12-presumed-dead-35-injured-in-arson-at-japanese-film-studio https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/17/world/asia/japan-fire-animation-studio.html https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-49027178 https://www.euronews.com/2019/07/18/death-toll-of-suspected-arson-at-japanese-animation-studio-jumps-to-at-least-24-people https://www.gofundme.com/help-kyoani-heal
  19. For the most part, I figure out it was shot on Sony. No hard to guess. When not, good post working, other than that, more than a guess : -)
  20. Robert is a good one, but your answer and any approach as loyal to pictures no less : -)
  21. I guess the S1H is in the Z7 range as much as S1 goes to Z6. Nothing against the brand. I am a convicted Nikkorist, one of my first loves was a Nikon F3, the beginning of my collection and still in my hands, one day for my heirs : D but no less brand agnostic and picture lover. 4K / 60p is such a tremendous of a feature! (E : -) If that would occur, it would put Z6 at some other level indeed, I'd really hope so!
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