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Everything posted by jcs

  1. You can load your video into Photoshop CC, convert to a Smart Object, use Adobe Camera RAW as a filter, then render back out.
  2. Hey FilmMan- let us know what you think! I use both grapeseed oil (spray) and coconut oil (love the flavor- it's also a healthy oil). Sometimes I use curry powder which also contains turmeric. Basil, oregano, and parsley can be used- mix & match for taste. For folks who have issues with cheese, take 1 Source Naturals Daily Essential Enzymes tablet (has many enzymes- helps with proteins, carbohydrates, etc.). Thanks Inazuma- I let Elena know about the transparency; perhaps a different makeup will help. Thanks for the feedback!
  3. Thanks Ebrahim! How would you suggest I change the lighting/camera-settings to be more flattering? Thanks Pablo! A couple years ago I worked on Background Subtraction image processing apps (desktop and mobile) where we removed the background without a green screen. There's lots of cool tricks that would help with a green screen- not present in Premiere's Ultra or other chroma key filters. There's another chroma key in AE- didn't try it as AE is so slow and we had limited time. Have you tried the recipe? That's something I came up with- so far everyone who's tried it loves it. Grapeseed and coconut oil are both healthy oils for cooking (not non-stick per se). We cook on iron pans (safest / most healthy (no teflon)). Picture Profile 6 Settings with changes (any value not listed is 0 or default): Black Level: 0 GAMMA: CINE4 BLACK GAMMA: RANGE: MIDDLE, LEVEL: +4 KNEE: MODE: MANUAL, MANUAL SET: 75%, SLOPE: +5 COLOR MODE: TYPE: STILL, LEVEL: 8 COLOR LEVEL: -2 COLOR PHASE: +4 (this may need to be tweaked based on lights used) COLOR DEPTH: B: +7, C: +7 (same comment regarding lights used) WB SHIFT: FILTER TYPE: LB-CC, LB[COLOR TEMP]: -4, CC[MG/GR]: +2, RGAIN: -9, B GAIN: +9 (same comment regarding lights) DETAIL: 0 Again, the goal is no 'look'- accurate representation of the scene is the goal. I'll do another test with this light set up and no green screen.
  4. With CFL and LED lights around 5100K (WB setting), we were able to get skin tones looking better than in previous tests: '>
  5. Bootflag can now be turned off: http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=11017.0
  6. lol, I'd still avoid the T-Rex regardless of color, feathers, fur, or scales. And, unlike Pluto which lost its planet status, T-Rex still has its crown as king of the predators: http://phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/2013/07/16/time-to-slay-the-t-rex-scavenger-debate/ While clowns are colorful and silly, they have been used as scary bad guys in plenty of films.
  7. Fur and feathers are much more expensive to render. Wonder if Jurassic World (2015) will render them with feathers? A flamingo pink, Barney purple, or multicolor parrot feathered T-Rex would be entertaining, allowing for some comedic writing and scenes ;)
  8. The NT2G on a boom pole pointed down as close to the speaker as possible will work well. Mounted on camera, it won't work as well (due to distance, rear pickup (shotguns also pick up from the rear- that's why you aim them down from above). If you can use a wired lav, that's the best low cost solution (including hiding the H6 on the talent). The Audio Technica Pro70 is a pretty good deal for around $110USD. For something higher quality, Oscar Sound Tech are a very good value, e.g. OST-802 (just need to make sure you get it wired for your particular setup): http://oscarsoundtech.com/ (should also be around $100).
  9. Let's do some math: If God is Love then Dinosaurs existed to prove our faith in Love. Since everybody loves dinosaurs, that makes sense :)
  10. Nuclear power sounds easy: 1. Stick fissile rods with graphite rods between them in water. 2. Pull graphite rods out of water to stop absorbing neutrons allowing the fissile rods to heat each other up. 3. The resulting steam turns a turbine, creating electricity. However, making this system reasonably safe explodes into some of the most complex machines man has ever made in written history (covering our bases here as there is evidence in the fossil record that man walked barefoot with dinosaurs*. Who knows how far man may have gotten when Atlantis was destroyed. The loss of written knowledge with the destruction of the Library at Alexandria is incalculable). [The LHC is also very complex, but won't be an issue unless it creates a black hole (bet they don't have insurance either- not that it would matter if the Earth was destroyed]. * This photograph proves it's no way fake and not carved with a dremel etc. So either man was there back then, a time traveler was goofing off, or an alien humanoid was strolling on vacation. To get back on topic, "Ancient Alien theorists believe that the dinosaurs were killed with nuclear weapons" (yeah, this aired on TV). Thus, thorium coated lenses should not be allowed in time travel missions as they could give dinosaurs cataracts or cancer if ingested (a major possibility- see Jurassic Park for example behavior).
  11. Hi FilmMan- yeah, I saw that trend in my research. Another reason I opted for brightness/value over CRI and durability (much more $$$). The Alzo at 300w for $650 looks to be a deal (will need a generator or car batteries though for portable use :) ). Those work lights look interesting for the cost. Interesting new Dedos... The Wardbright is beautifully expensive! Nice for a high end set. Thanks for the info! Your cheap LED shot looks pretty good. I also considered getting some ~$30 LED spot bulbs (http://www.photigy.com/diy-led-lighting-studio-photography-can-30-led-bulbs/). Your next shot is slowmo AK-47 firing at an alien ninja zombie attack force? ;)
  12. I researched the spectrum from budget to $3k+ high CRI. At the higher end, these look very nice: http://www.intellytechusa.com/collections/led-light-panels/products/the-essentials-plus-2x-1x1-50ctd-d-50ctd-plus-1x-1x1-100w-bi-color-nova-ctd . The reported CRI looks excellent as is the all metal build quality. However, the high-end bi-color designs don't run all the LEDs at once (maintaining proper ratios for color temperature control) so they aren't as bright as some of the lower cost units which allow running all the LEDs at once (and thus requiring fiddling with gels to tune color temp). After reading many reviews and watching demos on youtube, I didn't see a need to drop $3k at this time for better CRI, instead going for decent CRI and more usable light, so I ordered these: F&V HDR-300 ring light: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00J7M71FY/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00 Yongnuo YN300 (single color version- brighter, can tune with gels): http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AZFE5DS/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i02 Yongnuo YN600: http://www.amazon.com/Yongnuo-YN-600-3200K-temperature-Camcorder/dp/B00E4LFP0G I order the YN600 to test out the adjustable color to see how well it works in practice. It also allows running both colors at once, so it can be very bright (allowing tuning with gels if needed). Only negative review is fan noise, which apparently can be avoided running the panel at 90% brightness which is less than 1/3(?) stop of light loss (reported). The YN600 and HDR-300 can also run on AC power. All use Sony NP-Fxx batteries (which I already have). The YN300 and 600 also include wireless remotes. At $67, if the YN300 works well in testing, more can be purchased and added to a light stand, via cross bar, etc. I would expect two YN300 to be brighter than a single YN600 (all '5600k' LEDs), cheaper, no fan noise, and more versatile. Only issue for longer indoor shooting is no AC power option (can swap and charge batteries).
  13. Editing was likely a challenge, shooting as much footage in a day as a complete feature:
  14. Nice video Pascal. How do we make the power grid public so this can happen? As filmmakers, we can use our influence to change the world- through documentaries and narratives, even video blogs and YouTube. Communicating with primality, emotion, music, and logic, in that order. The first step is undoing western materialistic consumerism created by emotional advertising and get back closer to need based spending, using the same techniques that got us here. We can slow global population growth by helping all under developed countries become developed. If we don't do this, nature will take care of it for us via war, famine, and disease. Perhaps most important- make organic food locally and make it plentiful and affordable. This is something we can do right now; our number one consumable is food. As communicators, we can help make this happen. For example- show how to eat healthy and promote companies which use organic foods: http://www.youtube.com/TheHotDishShow :)
  15. I wondered the same thing. Perhaps they let folks know about the film later, and if they could not get a release in time, cut them or digitally removed them.
  16. Is this the kit? http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1043614-REG/fiilex_flxk302_k681_3_light_p360ex_led.html Looks pretty cool, and versatile too + high CRI (90-95). Did it work as expected- you can shoot very hard point light as well as diffuse/soft (with matte box)? For close interviews, looks very nice. Is the light output sufficient for green screen and/or wider studio shots? 400W per light looks nice for portable though (some of the square panels are putting out 1000W each, lower cost, but less portable/versatile).
  17. dahlfors- thanks for the fusion video- looks like fusion is just around the corner.
  18. http://nofilmschool.com/2014/04/jonathan-glazer-hides-in-plain-sight-secretly-shoot-under-the-skin-onecam/ Very cool. Need to check out that film, too!
  19. I'm looking to update my lighting kit, currently 3 bulky CFL-based lights. I use these lights for location shooting: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheHotDishShow . Perhaps this: http://www.came-tv.com/cametv-high-cri-bicolor-2-x-1024-led-video-lightstv-lighting-p-219.html and another smaller light for the overhead. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1006924-REG/bescor_led_700kb_beled_700_2_light_ac_dc_kit.html http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1006927-REG/bescor_led_1000k_beled_1000_2_light_ac_kit.html/prm/alsVwDtl http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1031521-REG/genaray_spectroled_studio_500_bi_color.html http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/850293-REG/Genaray_SP_AD75_Spectroled_75w_AC_DC.html Looking for two main lights, key and fill, and perhaps something smaller for backlight/hair. Thanks for any tips.
  20. Junior shared two real risks with thorium in lenses 1. Cataracts 2. Increased cancer risk if thorium dust inhaled or ingested Thanks Junior for sharing this info. Some will be comfortable managing the risks (including keeping lenses away from kids), others will choose to avoid the risk due to their particular situation. Keeping smoke detectors away from curious kids is also a good idea (americium: alpha particles and gamma radiation: http://www.epa.gov/radiation/radionuclides/americium.html). A friend of mine was concerned about Fukushima radiation in LA and was considering moving back to Atlanta. I explained that the risks were currently low and pointed out he gets far more radiation and toxins from smoking- so he should quit first before worrying about Fukushima. He didn't quit smoking and stopped worrying about Fukushima. There's a high end sushi place in Beverly Hills (Sugarfish) which discusses heavy metal (methyl mercury) and Fukushima radiation risk right on the menu: http://sugarfishsushi.com/our-food/foodthoughts/food-safety They mention a blood test to measure mercury toxicity- this only measures recent exposure (I did a blood test for gadolinium which was supposed to clear the body completely within about 90 minutes after injection, before the bonded chelator broke down exposing the body to toxic gadolinium. Over a month later it was still detectable in the blood). A better test for mercury, lead, uranium, arsenic, aluminum, gadolinium and other toxic heavy metals is a DMSA heavy metal 6 hour urine collection which is then run through an ICP spectrometer to measure metals. It's not very expensive- around $100. DMSA and EDTA and other chelators might be helpful in removing radioactive metals from the body. Having a healthy gut, liver and kidneys will help the body excrete toxic metals and prevent reabsorption (which is a problem with the typical western diet of low nutrient processed foods). I still eat sushi in moderation (but very rarely tuna; was my favorite). Do I bring a Gieger counter in to measure the fish before eating? No, but that could be fun especially if wearing a tin foil hat :)
  21. The Lens Turbo (.72x Speedbooster clone (.71x)) works with vignetting:
  22. Speedbooster on A7S is a kind of medium format. Most FF lenses will vignette in this case; might be a useful effect. MF lenses should work ok. From Sony rep in video sounds like ISO6400 is the top practical level, so extra light is still helpful.
  23. Out of curiosity I purchased one of these to measure the computers/electronics around me: http://www.amazon.com/Trifield-100XE-EMF-Meter/dp/B00050WQ1G/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1398562001&sr=8-1&keywords=radiation+meter . I ended up moving some equipment around so that I would only be exposed to 2-3mGauss (some UPSs were outputting 100+mG). About a year later I purchased a new MBP and got the meter out to check it. I turned the meter on and the meter was pegged (100+mG, perhaps over 200mG based on the increasing scale). I thought, wow Apple, that's not cool. Then figured perhaps the batteries were low or the meter was bad, since as I walked away from the laptop, the meter didn't drop. I put a new battery in it- same issue. I tried another meter (had also purchased a directional meter)- same issue. I noticed as I walked away from the window the meter dropped a little. So I left the apartment, and walked down the hall. The meter slowly dropped. I left the building until out in the middle of the street- finally back down to 2-3mG. Then a lightbulb went on- about 6 months after I purchased the meter, SoCal Edison had upgraded the power lines by my window. I had measured right at the window when I got the meter to check the power lines- it was 3mG. I returned to the same window position and the meter was pegged- 100+mG (guessing over 200mG from increasing scale). I had developed this weird shoulder issue where the muscles always stayed contracted- it was my right shoulder and figured was due to mouse/computer use. However every time I left the apartment for a few days or more, my shoulder got better. I never put 2+2 together regarding the upgraded power line. So, I moved everything out of those rooms away from the power line as much as possible (new locations were about 15-30mG, still too high but much lower). My shoulder got better in about a week. I asked my MD if this could be psychosomatic- he said, probably not, he's heard from plenty of patients whose issue(s) got better after reducing EMF exposure. I took the meter with me when looking for a new place to live. I was surprised how bad other places were, but none as high as the old place (top floor, right by power line). Surprisingly, landlords and real estate agents said other people did this practice as well (brought meters with them). The new place I moved to reads less than 2mG in most areas. High EMF is linked to brain cancer, ALS, Alzheimer's, and leukemia, however the evidence is not yet strong enough for the EPA to regulate it and/or politics and influence from the power companies: http://www.epa.gov/radtown/power-lines.html. They suggest moving away from the source of EMF, which I did. Another weird symptom was strange allergies- was it something in that apartment other than EMF? I don't know, but I brought all my equipment and furniture from the old place- so far no more allergies. Regarding ionizing radiation. What does it do? It damages your cells and DNA over time. The good news is if you're eating healthy, exercising, and getting plenty of antioxidants, your body can repair the damage (including DNA) if the doses aren't too high. The problem with studying the health risks is the wide level of variables. Cancer from low-dose long exposure radiation is hard to prove a source of the cause. Smoking won't kill you right away, but it may lead to lung cancer, heart disease, and other diseases. Some folks won't get cancer because their bodies can handle the toxic smoke. Others who only got second hand smoke will get cancer. It took a long time to overcome politics, etc., for the truth to get out and for warning labels to be required. That said, people smoke anyways, some still smoking after getting cancer/emphysema, as nicotine is so addictive. Many people think they are immortal or don't think they care about living a long healthy life. However after getting sick some decide they want to live and radically change their behavior. I used to snicker a bit about the 'tin foil hat people'. Now, if there is a known risk and it's easy to avoid, I don't think twice about avoiding the risk. The only issue about the new Faraday cage-like place is I can't get OTA digital TV signals and Verizon coverage is poor (I'm using ATT, some friends use Verizon and their phones don't work very well) :) I could go on about heavy metals, but that's further off topic and a story for another day (short summary- avoid mercury and aluminum in vaccines, don't drink tap water (use RO or distillation and add trace minerals), remove amalgam fillings, skip gadolinium contrast if you ever do an MRI, limit large fish consumption (except perhaps wild salmon), don't drink bismuth (Pepto Bismol etc.)). Two books which can be very helpful: http://www.amazon.com/Amalgam-Illness-Diagnosis-Treatment-Better/dp/0967616808/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1398564805&sr=8-1&keywords=heavy+metal+cutler http://www.amazon.com/Hair-Test-Interpretation-Finding-Toxicities/dp/0967616816/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1398564805&sr=8-3&keywords=heavy+metal+cutler
  24. giostrante- the beauty of this reality is that we are all the same- in that we each see reality with a unique perspective :) Scott's video on vimeo looks like he didn't 'upgrade' it to 1080p (it's 1280 vs 1920 pixels wide). However you can download the full res MP4: by clicking on Vaughn and Laura here: https://vimeo.com/search?q=cinemaworx (a direct embed, as before, won't allow you to get to the vimeo page to download the original). While the GH3 footage you posted is indeed lovely, it feels like video due to most of the shots having a deep depth of field and perhaps more importantly, there are image artifacts and aliasing. It's also mostly in sunlight/shade which is much easier to make look good vs. lowlight+indoors. The GH3 video is H.264- no H.264 examples for the D800? The D800 is a really nice still camera, however I haven't seen (great examples) or heard folks raving about the video performance compared to the GH3 or 5D3. Panasonic skintones don't quite match Canon's. When watching Scott's video (the original downloaded from vimeo), it has no aliasing or artifacts, which goes a long way toward the much desired film look. The skintones are overall very good. Watching this artifact-free, shallow DOF footage with excellent skintones and plenty of detail reminds me of just one other camera: the ARRI Alexa. Many others see the similarity as well, calling the 5D3 a 'baby Alexa'. The 'excellent' comment regarding his video comes from reading folks comments on dvxuser.com (all positive). I agree the bright church shots aren't as good as some of the others (I'm guessing he exposed to make people's faces look better), however that doesn't take away from the other shots. While the GH4 has very good detail, it's still behind Canon for color processing. The Sony-produced A7S demo video on the other hand looked very, very good. Artifact-free, excellent skintones and great dynamic range (probably better than the 5D3, even RAW). I also shoot with the Sony FS700 + Speedbooster and Canon lenses. While the slow motion is great as is the resolution and great quality from tiny AVCHD H.264 files (and 14 stops DR), the color processing is not as good as Canon, again especially for skintones. Someone ranked color processing as follows: ARRI, Canon, Sony, Panasonic. This matches my experience as well. For shooting video, other than excess rolling shutter in 4K, the A7S looks like the best all-around value-priced camera soon to be on the market (unless Panasonic ups their color game to match or exceed the A7S by the time the GH4 is launched). If one needs to shoot stills and already has Canon lenses, the 5D3 with RAW is a fantastic value for video. RAW is indeed more work for post, however it's getting better all the time. I just shot and edited my last projects using RAW and edited everything directly from CinemaDNG in PPro CC: no transcoding. The files are still large, so for larger projects it is more work, however for a 90 minute feature and 10x shot ratio, that's 900 minutes, which works out to about 4.8TB. 4TB is $149, so it's not really a cost issue. Fast CF cards are expensive, with Komputerbay cards being more affordable (though may need to sent some back to get good ones). Folks cutting 5D3 with Alexa: And using the 5D3 for Ford-level model fashion shoots: http://johngress.com/fashion/new-5d3-raw-fashion-music-video/ While I'm sure some folks are using the GH3 and D800 for these types of shoots, for the above reasons the 5D3 is getting the press as it looks closest to the top cameras from ARRI.
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