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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/31/2024 in Posts

  1. I'm thinking about replacing my old Pana 20mm F1.7 (with slow and noisy AF) with the Oly 17mm F1.8. I find I commonly use around 18mm as a focal length on zoom lenses, so having a fast (and quiet) prime at that length makes sense for me.
    2 points
  2. Tim Sewell

    Shooting a short

    Script and partial shortlist written. Ready for action tomorrow night when wife is out, so hopefully no interruptions!
    1 point
  3. Happy Daze


    If your looking at used S1, make sure it has the vlog upgrade or you'll need to figure that into the cost. Between the S1 and S5 I have both and prefer the S1, the full size HDMI will one day serve you well if you want to shoot RAW. If you haven't held either then visit somewhere that will let you experience the difference, the S1 is solid and feels reassuring but it is heavier which for me is a preference. The S1 viewfinder is more than twice the resolution and a joy to use. Both are great cameras but for me the S1 stands out. Good luck.
    1 point
  4. When I saw Johns post I did a little searching to see if there were other faster options around the 17mm mark.. just for curiosity here are all the options I could find: Sigma 16mm F1.4 (large) Oly 17mm F1.2 (large) Voigtlander 17.5 F0.95 (MF) Panny 15mm F1.7 TTartisans 17mm F1.4 (MF) Mitakon Zhongyi 17mm F0.95 (MF) Laowa 17mm f/1.8 (MF) I'm guessing that if you care about having a small AF lens then there aren't that many options, but lots of people have had a go in that FOV range!
    1 point
  5. KnightsFan


    S5 is definitely "better" image quality than GH5 imo, and that certainly factors into my choices, but technology is at a point where pretty much everything looks pretty good. So if all my lenses were MFT, or if GH5 had some other feature that I really needed, I'd be happy with GH5 as well. Better photographers than I might have a more nuanced look at photo ergonomics, but to me all hybrids are roughly the same amount of pain when rigged for a narrative shoot. For my amateur photography, every camera I touch reminds me that the NX1 was more comfortable 😞 The S5 has a great APS-C crop mode, which will pair nicely with your Sigma 18-35. You're already in the system, no pressure at all!
    1 point
  6. according to my experience, this is true.
    1 point
  7. a_reynolds


    Thanks so much guys! I really dig that image quality isn't really a factor in your answers - can't really go wrong either way so that takes off the pressure. I will ofc compare recording time limits and see what works better for me and have a thought about ergonomics as you pointed out! Definitely! I work in post-production and it's mainly unscripted TV run and gun...natural light all the way expect for interviews. So if I were to talk my way into a shoot MFT would not be the way to go. Can't believe I didn't even think about this! The GH5 was only because I already had the sigma+metabones but when I saw the S line price I was like hold up now might be the time to jump to the S line. Specially because I am only shooting for myself now so I can ease my way into the system without too much pressure 🤑 and for my personal work which is the plan for the next couple of months, I like to use the Super Takumars, Helios and I just got a Canon FD so there's really nothing stopping me from making the change. Thanks a lot guys!!
    1 point
  8. Magic Lantern, how about 12-bit RAW on the Panasonic Cameras 😉
    1 point
  9. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    one of my go pro 12 videos with a lot of moving shots got multiple up votes and highest viewing rate on my channel. good stabilization with 60 p beats 24p no stabilization day by day.
    0 points
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