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  3. Pathetic organisation https://news.sky.com/story/robert-de-niro-has-award-withdrawn-after-calling-donald-trump-monster-outside-of-trial-13146624
  4. Today
  5. Ha, you jest but actually, since 2010 when I first started making tentative moves into 'hybrid' coverage, I have probably considered it if not actually tried it. Every time someone says, "have you considered...", yep, let me stop you there, that was yet another dead end šŸ¤Ŗ As I have mentioned elsewhere before, there is more than one way to skin a cat (other animals also), but actually very few that are 'The Best' way to do something and with no handbook available, trials, error (a lot) and expense, have been involved. But I can say that other than my own need to move from 4 units to 3, I have finally nailed it. Nailed it as far as I am concerned for what I set out to achieve. Could it be improved? Margins... 2x stills units down to a single unit (for stills) is the last significant 'final change' for me but beyond that, at some point, the video units as in bodies + lenses, could be reduced in size as the S1H with battery grip plus f4 70-200 on a Manfrotto tripod is something of a beast! My future ideal, whilst not a necessity, but rather a wish, would be that all 3 units as far as bodies go, become identical for ergonomic and logistical reasons, one set of the same battery etc. That could happen with swapping the 2x LUMIX units for 2 further Z6iii's as I already have the lenses so would be a relatively low cost scenario. But not a 2024 one. I can make small(er) changes mid season, but wholesale change is too much. The only other thing I want to do this year is pick up another RODE WG2 so I can move on from having to sync audio to the main footage that is using the primary WG2 set up I already have, ie, be able to mic up 4 people speaking feeding into 2 camera units instead of the current 2 into 1 plus random recorders in pockets, clipped to dresses etc. Apart from that, as The Purple One says, I'm done.
  6. It's an interesting notion. Actually, diffusion filters are probably quite a good match to the general characteristics of film. Film has an MTF curve that has a downward slope - ie, as the details get finer the contrast drops. This is unlike digital sensors that maintain contrast until they approach the pixel size and where either aliasing of the OLPF kicks in. Diffusion filters reduce local contrast by spreading the light around, and spreading more light a small amount than they spread it a larger distance, which would emulate the downward slope of film. Vintage lenses have a similar effect. I'd imagine this explains the preferences for vintage lenses, diffusion filters, and softening in post that higher-end productions favour.
  7. You've got to be on top of your game to make predictions that stand up over time.. Just rebrand and shoot with iPhone 15... if you want to get serious then you can get fancy and rig with handle, SSD, NDs and USB power bank, but it's only weddings so no need to go nuts.
  8. Well that aged well šŸ¤Ŗ Latest is June 11th as a potential announcement date with availability some time after, but Iā€™d hope within a month or so? Seems quite positive from some of the more reliable sources, but we shall seeā€¦ I am going to preorder because I am pretty sure it will be what I am looking forā€¦ I am 4 jobs deep into the 2024 season and the combo of S1H and S5ii are doing the business on the video side and the Nikon bodies (Zf + Z6ii) with adapted Tamron glass, doing it for stills, butā€¦ ā€¦one too many bodies and Iā€™d like the performance of the Zf in the Z6ii style body as a single body lens platform. Iā€™ve gone back and forth over the Z8 or Z9 and I can make a case for either except I think the Z9 is just that bit too big and heavy, but I prefer itā€™s spec and capability over the Z8. We shall see, but I really canā€™t see there being a better option for my needs and all the Z6iii needs to be is, as a minimum, the Zf spec in a Z6ii style body and if itā€™s slightly bigger and heavier, great.
  9. Itā€™s comical all these ā€˜reactionā€™ pieces that are popping up all over the place. ā€œTrust me/us, weā€™re good people honestā€. Genuine concern for their livelihoods on YouTube because they already ditched their real world day job. To be fair, I donā€™t think Toneh and Chelseh have had ā€˜realā€™ jobs for a long time, but some of the other folks used to be real photographers or videographers.
  10. MrSMW

    Lumix S9

    Heā€™s just a rumor site spinning it out. I just choose not to click on his channel if it pops up and I think it may be one I clicked on YouTube to not recommend already as not seen him for a while. Heā€™s not doing any real harm, just a bit of a twat.
  11. Please see previous comments about how "film" doesn't look like "film." You seem to be parroting marketing claims that are completely nonsensical. Even if an OLPF could be designed to match the sharpness or softness of a given type of film, which is a strange concept, 5203 and 5294 are only so similar - and the chunky grainy look of Tri-X is even less similar, not to mention black and white.
  12. Sarcasm: It's so go that Toneh and Co. are doing such a community service by going to these events. You know they're always looking out for the little guy. "It does make it easier when they give you a Z9," she says with a big smile. Guys, we're always looking out for you. Wonderful to hear they don't have big egos as well because some people can be hurt. And wasn't it great to hear about Squarespace again- thanks for telling me about them because I've genuinely never heard of them before.
  13. r1mx kind of olpf integrated on prosumer cams will be big features. how many prosumer or hybrid cams have good enough olpf? how many do they have something like olpf?
  14. I can color grade GoPro 12 footage to surreal colors, and impress many viewers. but still it is no r1mx, f3, 5d3ml. experienced viewers can tell the differences.
  15. if someone say the latest prosumer video cameras are better than r1mx, epic-x mysteries-x, 5d3ml, f3, I really doubt his judgement, no matter what kind of achievements he has. you can say the latest prosumer cameras are sharper, more dp, more convenient, but are they really better in the whole image quality? I seriously doubt so. for the latest top cinema cameras like Alexa35, that is another story. but prosumer cams? hybrids?
  16. if you talk to some experienced dps like David Fischer, if he has to choose two cameras, either c70 or r1mx, will he choose c70? I have to shake my head, when people blah blah showing their ignorance and try to shut up real knowledgeable people, even by attacking them personally. yeh, you don't agree with us 24pers, you are from Egypt, you are a shoddy md, or double mds?! if you are in our camp, you are a good guy, worthy padding on the shoulder. politics is every where, even on camera forums. lol.
  17. it is funny that people claim that they are abreast of the curve, yet they don't even have extensive first hand experience on the latest ml firmware, mlv app, and the whole workflow. a lot of issues complained here have been solved during the past 10 years. now 5d3ml 14 bit 5.7k anamorphic 1x3 and 3.5k 1x1 crop modes are very robust. if you use 14 bit, you don't see pink color or banding even after heavy cc. I just sigh and walk away when I see people arguing about something about ml that they don't even have hands on experience and don't even update themselves with the latest tricks. if you point out, they will show their "knowledge" and look "down" at you. lol.
  18. people are funny that they can define "cinematic" or "filmic" by trend. r1mx's olpf was tuned to mimic the film which was the standard in Hollywood at the time, and now reviving again. so r1mx is much more suitable for cinema projects than the latest breed. for the resolution, r1mx 4.5k 24p ar 2.4 is enough for commercial theaters. if you want to challenge the r1mx's filmic character, you are challenging a whole generation of experienced dps, including David Fischer.
  19. Yesterday
  20. The image has aged well but not the feature set. It's lacking AF, IBIS, 4K, HFR, and a good battery or audio. The Olympus E-M1 II is 400 quid and a good alternative.
  21. Andrew Reid

    Lumix S9

    I do Making money out of our suffering
  22. MrSMW

    Lumix S9

    ^ šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø^
  23. MrSMW

    Lumix S9

    Yep, can't stand that stupid channel, but at the same time, no problem with him earning a living.
  24. MrSMW

    Lumix S9

    Yep, can't stand that stupid channel, but at the same time, no problem with him earning a living.
  25. MrSMW

    Lumix S9

    Yep, can't stand that stupid channel, but at the same time, no problem with him earning a living.
  26. ac6000cw

    Lumix S9

    Compared to D-Lux 7/LX100 ii, it's got OLED EVF and higher res rear screen, plus USB-C charging. See https://m.dpreview.com/news/3471020867/leica-continues-compacts-with-d-lux-8-featuring-four-thirds-type-sensor
  27. Prores is a constant bitrate per pixel, so 4K is 4x the bitrate of 2K. This is a good reference: https://blog.frame.io/2017/02/13/compare-50-intermediate-codecs/
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